Worth reading: Hurricanes and Trump's war on science

First, some important pieces related to hurricanes:

Cindy George in the Houston Chronicle: City's underserved population foresees uneven recovery

Aaron Caroll & Austin Frakt at the New York Times' Upshot: The Long-Term Health Consequences of Hurricane Harvey

Lisa Rein in the Washington Post: Trump would slash disaster funding to the very agencies he’s praising for Harvey response

Adrian Florido at NPR: Houston's Undocumented Residents Left Destitute And Fearful In Harvey's Wake

Vann R. Newkirk II in The Atlantic: The Legal Crises to Follow in Hurricane Harvey's Wake

Sheri Fink & Alan Blinder in the New York Times: Houston’s Hospitals Treat Storm Victims and Become Victims Themselves

And here are a few of the recent pieces I recommend reading on other public health topics:

The New York Times Editorial Board: President Trump's War on Science

Anna Almendrala at the Huffington Post: With Trump’s Plan To Rescind DACA, Immigrant Health Gains May Be Lost

Maryn McKenna at NPR: 'Big Chicken': The Medical Mystery That Traced Back To Slaughterhouse Workers

Kate Womersley at ProPublica: Why Giving Birth Is Safer in Britain Than in the U.S.

Ed Pilkington in The Guardian: Hookworm, a disease of extreme poverty, is thriving in the US south. Why?

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