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William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

November 22, 2011
Dunno yet. I'll expand on this if I do. For the moment, CRU themselves are not excited. Update: it looks very much like this is nothing new, just those mails deemed to dull to release last time. So, as Deltoid points out, and claims to being doing this for "information transparency" is a clear lie…
November 20, 2011
Via Tamino (Tisdale Fumbles, Pielke Cheers) I find Tisdale at WUWT talking nonsense - nothing new there. Tamino points out the obvious flaw in the argument (if you can call it an argument; to be fair, it is hard to tell what Tisdale wants to say, other than "its all wrong"), and then Nick Stokes is…
November 18, 2011
Which is a bit of a mouthful, so they call it SREX. In the traditional and slightly unlovely IPCC way, you can read the SPM now but will have to wait awhile for the report. But it provides enough for me to mount my hobby horses, so giddy-up! The first point is that extremes are useless for…
November 14, 2011
Wikipedia says it, so it must be true. ZJ is most famous for winning the 2005 Golden Horseshoes, but lucked out in 2006, despite being called a "titan of mendacity". An example to us all. Tim Ball has a glowing tribute to ZJ, and there can be no deeper condemnation than that. It is entirely fitting…
November 11, 2011
That is the summary, but there is far more and more nuances so look at the presentation.
November 9, 2011
KK reports on the Tol vs Curry fight. Tol is complaining that Curry is doing her usual: posting about septic junk and then saying "oh but I'm just asking". Tol may have long hair but, unlike Curry, he isn't a bozo, or irresponsible (he did call me rude things in an email once, but I forgive him…
November 7, 2011
I could (possibly) work this out myself, but I'll try you lot instead: anyone know how to combine two GPS tracks onto one map? I mean tracks as stored on Garmin's website, and displayed like Specifically, I'd like to combine that track with this one.…
November 4, 2011
Via Eli I saw that there was some odd stuff at WUWT (nothing new there you might say). The weirdness is the ATI vs Mann case, or whatever it is called, and the ATI are complaining that Mann is allowed to be a party to a case about his own emails. Or something; the legalese is dull, obviously. The…
November 4, 2011
Or rather, drops euro referendum plan1 but the effect is much the same. When the referendum was announced a few days ago, some thought he had played a blindingly good political hand. Which just goes to show that economists aren't so great at politics and the cobbler should stick to his last. Which…
November 1, 2011
In Memoriam, John McCarthy. Eeee, those were the days. [Late update: I've just gone through and re-read that P3 post. To anyone who knows my style and mt's, its pretty obvious who wrote which bits. But anyway, I've found my original email so this was my version: An appreciation of John McCarthy…
October 30, 2011
When I said BEST is boring I was primarily thinking of the science. I'm not too surprised to find that many other people aren't. For such folk, there is much fun to be had, so I suppose I'll join in too. I was going to take the piss out of Watts (h/t KK) for Nature pans BEST and Muller PR antics,…
October 26, 2011
Nice pic, eh? Click for more; ht to Bad Astronomy. I don't have any as good as that, but I do have:
October 26, 2011
This is actually a comment made at Early Warning about the current Eurozone crisis. Any number of people, too numerous to mention, believe that the situation there (or here? We're not part of the Euro, but are economies connect closely) is a slowly unfolding train wreck, but that as so often…
October 24, 2011 JMC said. Another one bites the dust. Not that I ever got on terribly well with LISP (I know, I know, don't tell me).
October 22, 2011
I know, I know, I'm late. Never mind. Gavin Schmidt has won the inaugural "AGU Climate Communication Prize"; RC has a nice toast. He looks pretty sexy, I think we can all agree, though not well centered (sometimes he looks more like some street crazy). He is clearly right-leaning, unless its a…
October 21, 2011
Good luck folks.
October 20, 2011
Apparently the BEST stuff is out; Tamino has the story so I won't bother. Summary: the global temperature record is just what we thought it was. Remind me again why they bothered to do this? Refs * mt at P3 * Schmidt on Muller via QS * BA * Moyhu * Deltoid is jealous. * RC is late.
October 19, 2011
Never blog when pissed [*] they said... So, Kloor and Romm are having a dust up over stuff, and if you care you can read the details or even take sides (I'm with Kloor, you won't be surprised to learn). But we can take a step back and consider a more generalised problem, in the context of Doctors…
October 17, 2011
The long-awaited follow-up to Brighton man and about as exciting for non-runners. If you lack patience, the answer is 3:57. Long introduction - you can skip this bit Just like last time, there is a backstory: after Brighton, I'd decided I was going to do more of this nonsense, and so inscribed…
October 9, 2011
I was going to write something about "occupy wall street" - I even found their statement, and was going to analyse it. But really all I was going to do was snark. So instead I'll point you at Anarchists for good government which has the benefit of being by someone who was there. I agree with it…
October 8, 2011
Listening to the Feynman lectures on CD (the one on electromagentism is quite a challenge on CD :-) we got to gravity, and I was rather struck by a historical note he made, concerning the shift from geocentrism to heliocentrism - essentially, the process of working out how the planets really moved…
September 30, 2011
KK provokes again with Ecocide on the Docket, referencing Trial tests whether 'ecocide' could join genocide as global crime. If this is just PR then I'm with KK: it is stupid. If it is real, it is also stupid. They have a definition of ecocide: Ecocide: The extensive damage, destruction to or loss…
September 28, 2011
The comments over at More Misc are trailing off, but I am (as ever) astonished by peoples' desire to have the last word. Let it never be said that KK is uncontroversial. Still, what more could he ask? So, time for something else. I didn't comment on Al Gore's latest (did I?) or even watch it, but…
September 17, 2011
Stung by some rather odd language on wikipedia at [[Two New Sciences#Infinite sets]], I'm reading the bits about infinity in "Two New Sciences" (Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations Relating to Two New Sciences aka Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuove scienze, 1638) via…
September 17, 2011
Its a book, in fact. I remember browsing it in the good old days when I used to climb. But today I was browsing Rock Athlete which is Ron Fawcett's book, and contains the following memorable story, which I will share with you because I liked it so much: In the old days, a pair of his friends were…
September 15, 2011
Just some random jottings, none of which amount to much. I'm making quince jelly. Last Sunday was the first anniversary of my half-marathon running career, which I celebrated at Grunty Fen. Next Sunday will see me sculling the Boston marathon for the first time, after being in the ladies VIII last…
September 11, 2011
Though of course by "natural" we're thinking of with-a-human-contribution. My text is taken from the book of Grauniad: On Friday a team of researchers in Boston calculated that even with only a 2C rise, summer temperatures now regarded as "extreme" will become normal. This is the second such…
September 10, 2011
According to the Economist: Barack Obama socked it to the left on September 2nd, by backtracking on a new rule to mitigate air pollution. As proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)--a hate object to many Republicans--the rule would have reduced ambient ozone, a toxic gas created by…
September 8, 2011
The Washington Post Continues to Publish George Will's Climate Change Disinformation at thinkprogress. Just keeping track of these things, you understand. I thought the 70's-cooling mole had been well whacked, but no. Refs * Now out in BAMS: The myth of the 1970s global cooling scientific…
September 6, 2011
Not me guv, but Tom Fuller (just when I'd given up hope he would ever say something sensible). You might say, "well der". But this chimes in very neatly with a not-fully-discussed problem with the Spencer and Braswell error, which Gavin talks about at RC: With better peer review, Spencer could…