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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

August 3, 2009
After George Monbiot panned Plimer's book for his grotesque scientific errors, Plimer challenged Monbiot to a face-to-face debate. Of course, Plimer would do his usual Gish gallop with such a format, so Monbiot agreed with just one condition: Last week I wrote to Professor Plimer accepting his…
July 31, 2009
Mercurius has listed the things AGW denialists will accept as evidence: 1) Nothing that was recorded by instruments such as weather-stations, ocean buoys or satellite data. Since all instruments are subject to error, we cannot use them to measure climate. 2) Nothing that has been corrected to…
July 29, 2009
When Peter Sinclair made Anthony Watts the subject of his "Climate Crock of the week" video, Watts response was to attempt to suppress the criticism by making a bogus copyright claim against the video. Naturally this hasn't worked, with Desmogblog reposting the video. Better see it in case Watts…
July 28, 2009
Time for a new open thread.
July 28, 2009
John McLean, the guy who kept guiding Andrew Bolt off cliffs, has this time taken Bob Carter and Chris de Freitas with him. As tamino explains, they say that recent warming trends can be attributed to natural variation, but their analysis removed the trend from the data. See also McLean's defence…
July 23, 2009
Carl Zimmer summarizes: In earlier days, Will liked to claim the World Meteorological Organization as an authority when he wrote that there has been no global warming since 1998. Now that the World Meteorological Organization has set things straight, he's claiming a columnist at National Review as…
July 23, 2009
People outside Australia are probably unfamiliar with Piers Akerman, who is an absurdly partisan columnist for Sydney's Daily Telegraph. Tobias Ziegler finds Akerman not only denying the existence of global warming but also the existence of any criticism of Plimer's book and even the presence of…
July 20, 2009
This thread is for people who wish to engage Ray in discussion. Ray, please do not post comments to any other thread. Everyone else, please do not respond to Ray in any other thread.
July 15, 2009
Some people have wondered what happened to Ian Plimer. Before his current anti-science book, didn't he take it to the creationists in Telling Lies for God? Trouble is, Plimer's methods have not changed -- Telling Lies for God has the same cavalier approach to evidence as Heaven and Earth.…
July 13, 2009
From the guy who produces Climate Denial Crock of the week:
July 9, 2009
Ian Plimer is well aware that numerous serious errors of fact and interpretation have been exposed in his book but has yet to mount any kind of substantive response -- all he has done is call his critics names. As a result James Delingpole leaves himself wide open when he writes an excessively…
July 7, 2009
Chilingar has republished his paper that shows that if you assume CO2 is not a greenhouse gas then it doesn't warm the planetin Enviromental Geology. This paper is so bad that S Fred Singer has resigned as an editor from Environmental Geology. Yes, this S Fred Singer. Hat tip: Eli Rabett.
July 6, 2009
With US combat troops withdrawing from Iraq's cities it is time to compare the 4639 coalition casualties with the predictions made by warbloggers before the war: John Hawkins: "Probably 300 or less" Charles Johnson:"Very few" Henry Hanks: "Less than 200" Laurence Simon: "A Few hundred" Rachael…
July 2, 2009
Chris Mooney refutes claims that a skeptical report was suppressed by the EPA. (See also Deep Climate's analysis of the origin of the report. Another story about skeptics being suppressed has been concocted by Christopher Booker: Dr Taylor had obtained funding to attend this week's meeting of the […
July 1, 2009
You might have learnt in stats class how to use linear regression to estimate trends. Well I'm sorry but you going to have to forget it all and the boring statistics books are going to have to be rewritten because that stuff is obsolete due to revolutionary breakthrough by Roger Pielke Sr. If you…
June 28, 2009
Time for another open thread.
June 26, 2009
Senator Fielding has rejected the science and now claims: Over the last 15 years, global temperatures haven't been going up and, therefore, there hasn't been in the last 15 years a period of global warming, Clearly there was never any chance of convincing someone who can look at a graph like this…
June 24, 2009
Last week week Senator Fielding met with the Minister for Climate Change, Penny Wong to discuss the link between global warming and greenhouse gas. While Fielding claimed to have an 'open mind', this was rather undercut by his bringing four denialists to the meeting: Bob Carter, David Evans…
June 16, 2009
Hey, remember how Monckton got published in a UFO magazine? Well, now he's in a Larouche publication, Executive Intelligence Review (see cover to right), being interviewed about the IPCC plan to RULE THE WORLD. However, they are not concerned with whether there is a problem or not. They merely…
June 14, 2009
Professor David Karoly of the University of Melbourne's School of Earth Sciences is an expert on climate change, so like every other scientist who has read Ian Plimer's error-filled book, he was appalled at how bad it was. His review: Now let me address some of the major scientific flaws in Plimer'…
June 13, 2009
Gregg Easterbrook is no longer an expert at Brookings. Via The Editors who has found yet another subject area that Easterbrook gets wrong: Most importantly, this proves conclusively my theory that what we think of as "the Universe" is really just a rather over-broad comic novel called "Jackass of…
June 12, 2009
The plot "scientist has a crazy idea that no-one accepts but is proven right" has been used in movies from Ghostbusters to the Day After Tomorrow, but when it is satirised in Land of the Lost, S.T. Karnick decides: My guess is that this aspect of the film was not intended as direct satire but…
June 11, 2009
Seed Magazine has interviewed epidemiologist Barbara Eskanazi about her survey article on the effects of DDT on human health: SEED: What kinds of long-term health problems can we expect? BE: I don't really know. I can't predict, but I can say that if the studies that I read hold true we may see…
June 10, 2009
One of the claims that Ian Plimer likes to make is that as a geologist he takes time into account in a way that the IPCC does not, so it is worthwhile looking at what another geologist thinks of Plimer's error-filled book. Professor Malcolm Walter, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science,…
June 9, 2009
Paddy Manning worked at The Australian between 2004 and 2007, so has inside knowledge about their war on science: Then on May 9, 2007, apparently at the urging of son James, Murdoch announced News Corp would go carbon neutral by 2010. ... This put The Australian in a quandary. Mitchell's then 2IC…
June 9, 2009
This is the thread you can use to post off-topic stuff.
June 6, 2009
Tim Blair, running the time-worn AGW denialist line "It's the sun" tells us NASA discovers that the sun makes things warmer. Blair's link goes to another denialist, Simon Scowl, who adds a dash of "Al Gore is fat" to the argument: Wait. The Sun Can Make Thing... Warmer? I know, that doesn't sound…
June 5, 2009
On Ockham's Razor, Kurt Lambeck, president of the Australian Academy of Science, reviews Ian Plimer's error-filled book. If this had been written by an honours student, I would have failed it with the comment: You have obviously trawled through a lot of material but the critical analysis is missing…
June 4, 2009
The articles discussed in the Sydney Writer's Festival panel are now available on line: Sharon Beder examines the global warming sceptics' bag of tricks. David Spratt on why the climate catastrophe leaves no room for pragmatism My article (on blogging about global warming). The posts discussed are…
June 3, 2009
Adam Sarvana of the Natural Resources News Service has written a detailed story on the career of Roger Bate: Call major mainstream environmental groups and ask them for comment on Roger Bate. The reply is always: Who? Like most policy wonks at conservative think tanks, few have ever heard of him.…