Four Stone Hearth 40 is at Remote Central.
Well, in celbration of getting the cats back for a month or so this summer:
Moooo ... turn your volume up for this one, it is quiet and you want to hear every word of this astounding performance:
Pehdtsckjmba .... That's Tom Waits, by the way.
Carnival of the Recipes: Spring-Fever Edition is Here.
May Scientiae Carnival: Career paths, perspective, and changing self-image
In this May 1, 2008, visible image from NASA's Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument on NASA's Aqua spacecraft, Cyclone Nargis is ... a Category one hurricane located 370 miles west of Yangon, Myanmar, moving east-northeast at eight knots.... Fishermen are advised not to venture out to sea. Based on information from MSNBC, CNN and BBC, certain things regarding Nargis seem to be coming to light. 1) The death toll will likely exceed 100,000 people. 2) The Myanmar Junta might be hiding bodies. 3) The Myanmar Junta is allowing aid material but not aid workers into affected regions. 4) Given…
You Can't Hide ...I landed a job in Kansas. Finally, a state with some horse sense! But even here the Darwinian octopus had insinuated its fetid tentacles, depriving the good and open-minded high school students of the state the right hear to both sides of the story. Even when they provided a forum for polite discussion of both sides of the issue, presided over by some of the most learned and free-thinking right-wingers in the state, still they turned up their noses.... I always suspected this ... The clues were subtle, but they were there. Have a look.
It is obvious in the United States that we need to replace the executive with a Democrat and add a few senators in the mix, in order to undo 8 years of Republican policy and replace it with four to 8 years of Democratic policy. This is because Democratic policy is better. Not great, just better. Also, Republican policy has a few elements that are truly evil, far more nefarious than anything the democrats have to offer. For instance, we really don't want to have a supreme court staffed entirely by yahoos. We are almost there now. Let's please not go all the way. But in the mean time, it…
Your brain ... to explore the nature of the conscious mind. You are the teacher, and you've got a classroom full of reasonably well behaved students. Tell them: "I want you to close your eyes, and I'm going to ask you a question. ... Quietly work out the answer to the question and keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.... Do not say the answer to your question out loud ... and keep your eyes closed." When they have their eyes closed, say: "in your apartment or home .... where you live ... how many windows are there? Keep your eyes closed." Now, watch them as they work…
In a recent poll conducted by the widely respected news outlet The Journal, people were asked: Should local governmental bodies be allowed to open their meetings with a prayer? With thousands answering, the results were an astonishing 93 percent opposed! See the results, here.
Courtesy of the National Center for Science Education
Obama has not only won North Carolina, but he has apparently TROUNCED Clinton. The Clinton Campaign put a great deal of effort into North Carolina in an effort to take the state (and thus truly throw Obama's viability into question) or at least make it close. It looks like it is not close. Not even close to close. It does not matter who wins in Indiana, because it will be close. If by some chance Obama happens to take that state as well, you can expect Clinton to suspend her campaign within a day or two. Either way, the slow and steady flow of Super Delegates to Obama will continue and…
... So, time to get some gear together. Let's see. I need some new line, a couple of new lures, I'm hoping to get a musky rod (if I can find one on sale...). Let's see, what else.... How about a New Boat!?!? OK, that's a good one. A little small, but it should do. But we have to be very very careful about how we lower it down into the water.... Whoa! (Hey, who's that guy sitting up there in the stern??? Man, this is going take a bit of work to clean up....
PZ Myers is asking for another poll crashing. So he'll send his 200,000 readers, and I'll send all four of you .... Should local governmental bodies be allowed to open their meetings with a prayer? ANSWER HERE.
A recent study of dog genetics, published in PLoS, seeks to improve the quality of genetic research by better understanding the underlying patterns of genetic variation at the level of specific dog breeds. Sometimes we are interested in the evolutionary relationship between two "species" or populations, and genetics can be helpful. The more different the genetic sequence between two populations, the more distantly related they are (on average) and thus we can construct phylogenies ("family trees" of species or groups). Sometimes we are interested in finding genes that are linked to…
Calamari for Everyone! And I mean, Everyone!!!!! Worry, Willie Geist (or whatever his name is) again.