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November 2, 2006
It seems I have a new troll. His name appears to be Brian Louks, judging by his email address of His first comment was objecting to me calling Pensacola Christian College and Kent Hovind a bunch of loonies. After that, he just took to writing multiple comments saying "try…
November 2, 2006
More of the same from these nuts: Members of an ultra Orthodox Jewish sect Wednesday night took to the streets in Jerusalem for a second night, setting small fire and engaging police with stones and bottles, to protest next week's gay pride parade. A number of protesters were arrested for causing a…
November 2, 2006
Dale Carpenter cites an op-ed piece (subscription only, unfortunately) at the Wall Street Journal written by William Eskridge and Darren Spedale that shows that, contrary to the hysterical claims of the anti-gay crowd, traditional marriage got stronger after gay marriage was legalized in several…
November 2, 2006
And the Worldnutdaily is hot on the story. The Ohio woman, after hearing the shocking confirmation directly from the mega-corporation's international headquarters that the company is, in fact, contributing to the financial and moral agenda of the nation's "gay" chamber of commerce, she quit. And…
November 2, 2006
Wanna get scared about the upcoming election? Read this Wired article. I dismissed all this talk of election fraud for the last two years as just being an outlandish conspiracy theory, but the more I see reports like this the more real it becomes. And nothing less than our entire system of…
November 2, 2006
I'm enjoying this fight quite a bit. Dick Armey has written an open letter where he slams James Dobson as a man who cares more about keeping the money flowing to his organizations than in actually accomplishing anything (gee, that would be a shock) and Dobson replies with a column on Fox News'…
November 2, 2006
Ted Baehr, Christian movie reviewer and propagandist, has an essay at the Worldview Weekend site where he rather brazenly accuses MIchael J. Fox and "liberal elites" of lying about stem cell research. In the process, he tells some whoppers himself. When is a lie not a lie? According to America's…
November 1, 2006
The violence in response to the gay pride parade in Jerusalem has already started. Reuters reports that a group of nutcases attacked the police in Jerusalem and started fires to protest the event, which is slated to take place November 11th. Groups of ultra-Orthodox Jews torched trash bins and…
November 1, 2006
Fellow ScienceBlogger Shelley Batts is a finalist for a $5000 scholarship for blogging college students and she needs our help to win. So everyone who reads this click here and vote for her. She currently has 273 votes and there are about 7000 people who read this blog every day, so let's push that…
November 1, 2006
Glen Lavy, an ADF attorney, has a deliciously illogical column at about the New Jersey gay marriage ruling. Even if one grants his premise, his conclusion completely contradicts that premise: Here's the premise: Those pressing for the legalization of same-sex marriage built a lot of…
November 1, 2006
The Vatican's observer to the UN addressed the General Assembly yesterday on the subject of religious freedom and made quite a mess of it. The occasion was the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion…
November 1, 2006
After being delayed twice already, now the Jerusalem police are considering withdrawing a permit to hold a gay pride parade in Jerusalem: Jerusalem's police department said Monday it is reconsidering its approval of a parade permit for next month's gay pride celebration. The parade has been under…
November 1, 2006
And why? Because one of the companies that makes them has been bought by a company with ties to Hugo Chavez: The federal government is investigating the takeover last year of a leading American manufacturer of electronic voting systems by a small software company that has been linked to the leftist…
October 31, 2006
Nat Hentoff has a column in USA Today about the internal struggle for control of the ACLU's national board going on right now. As I've said in the past, I am firmly on the side of the dissidents who have formed SaveTheACLU and tried to remove the current leadership. In a battle between true civil…
October 31, 2006
Ah, our old pal Glib Fortuna is back with another ridiculous post in which he demonstrates that fanaticism eliminates all recognition of irony (to say nothing of hypocrisy). He casually claims that "The ACLU's totalitarian impulse is deeply rooted and inseparable from its ideology...". But Glib…
October 31, 2006
From Charlie Crist, Republican candidate for governor of Florida, during a debate with opponent Jim Davis: Crist, (pictured) who currently is Attorney General and who has dogged suggestions throughout the campaign that he is gay, had one of the more unusual reasons for opposing same-sex marriage,…
October 31, 2006
When Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist had his speech disrupted and overrun by protestors a month ago, I wrote the following: And mark my words, Columbia won't do a thing about it. Not a single student will be disciplined for their actions. When Columbia President Lee Bollinger, himself a noted first…
October 31, 2006
After a delay due to one of Hovind's attorneys being sick, his trial has resumed. An IRS agent testified today that the Hovinds claim to have no money while withdrawing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year from their accounts, always in amounts just under $10,000 to avoid having it reported. How…
October 31, 2006
The Sacramento Bee has an article about the upcoming trial over the University of California's rejection of certain courses from a Christian school for credit in their admissions process. I reviewed the biology textbook when the suit was first filed and there is no question that it should be…
October 31, 2006
Sandefur's full time job is as a litigator for the Pacific Legal Foundation, specializing in eminent domain and economic rights cases. One of the cases he is involved with now is one that I brought to his attention with a post here last year. It's in Minnesota, where the state, bravely defending…
October 31, 2006
What kind of problems? Oh, nothing major. Vote for a Democrat, get counted as Republican. No big deal. Debra A. Reed voted with her boss on Wednesday at African-American Research Library and Cultural Center near Fort Lauderdale. Her vote went smoothly, but boss Gary Rudolf called her over to look…
October 30, 2006
I just saw this posted at the Panda's Thumb. Look at this article. A man waving a brick barged into Monroe Middle School and ranted about the teachings of evolution before being arrested by police Tuesday morning... Monroe police reported the man walked into the school office and immediately headed…
October 30, 2006
This happened about an hour away from me: Police in the western Michigan community of Wyoming entered two classrooms at Lee Middle and High School on Thursday and announced there was a threat to the school, The Grand Rapids Press reported. Students, who were unaware police were conducting a drill,…
October 30, 2006
Sometimes I give away a Robert O'Brien Trophy to some mouth-breathing imbecile only to find, a few days later, an even more ridiculous example of human stupidity. And I'm afraid it's happened again. And frankly, I can't imagine finding anything any dumber than this column by Craig Smith at the…
October 30, 2006
The head of the GAO, David Walker, is now saying what I have been saying for years: our government - our nation - is headed toward a major fiscal crisis. We are a nation living vastly beyond our means in almost every possible way, both personal and governmental. We are running up hundreds of…
October 30, 2006
From a comment at Volokh about the New Jersey ruling: It's an undisputed assumption that marriage is important to the welfare of children. The NJ Supreme Court decision yesterday virtually ignored the impacts on children, merely because the current executive branch officials in NJ chose to do so.…
October 30, 2006
Here's more of that good Christian charity. We're told constantly that school prayer will help keep kids from being immoral; apparently that doesn't hold true in Crawford County, Georgia. Two teachers there recently asked the school board to stop opening their meetings with prayer. Their reward?…
October 30, 2006
Yes, we probably use that term too often, especially in sports. But if it ever applied, it surely does to Red Auerbach. His career accomplishments are so monumental that they almost defy being listed. 8 straight NBA championships as a coach and 9 in 10 years. As general manager, he built another 7…
October 29, 2006
And good for them. New Jersey has turned down Federal funds for abstinence-only sex ed because of the absurd restrictions that come with it: The Corzine administration has rejected federal abstinence education money because new rules won't let teachers discuss contraception and requires them to…
October 29, 2006
The New York Times reports that a group of 75 scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio has endorsed the candidacy of Tom Sawyer in his race against creationist Deborah Owens Fink for a spot on the Ohio Board of Education. That group includes Lawrence Krauss and Patricia Princehouse.…