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January 29, 2007
Thanks for all your initial interest and inquiries about the course. I thought maybe I'd better do a "going over the syllabus and answering some questions" post as a result. So here it is! Books: The books needed for the course are posted on the syllabus. PLEASE NOTE THIS ADDITION TO WEEK 1…
January 29, 2007
So, I have insomnia. I'm catching up on some blog reading. I come across this courtesy of Asymptotia. It's one of those quizzes; this one is "Which Science Fiction Writer Are you?" It's fun, it's harmless, more or less; I came out as I am:John Brunner His best known works are dystopias --…
January 26, 2007
I promised my friend Bill Hooker at the Science Blogging Conference that I would attempt to conduct a course of sorts on the blog. What I mean is that I am actually going to be teaching myself the course and discussing it on the blog; you are all invited to follow along if you like, or just listen…
January 25, 2007
Dr. Free-Ride has graciously put the slides from her talk at the Science Blogging Conference on the conference wiki, so I'm thinking I can go ahead and blog about the stuff I thought I couldn't blog about in my earlier post. Specifically, Dr. Free-Ride spent some time talking about conversations…
January 24, 2007
Hunt Willard spoke at the NC Science Blogging Conference about "Promoting Public Understanding of Science". Willard is the director of the Duke Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy. He made a distinction between getting people to actually understand the science itself - which he felt was…
January 24, 2007
Just had to share this ridiculous photo of Bora taking a picture of Dr. Free-Ride taking a picture of Bora... ...and Bora looking so suave in his Darwin t-shirt! Or is it Professor Steve Steve who makes Bora look suave? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 24, 2007
Penny writes: January 23rd is the birthday of Gertrude Elion (1918-1999) -- she won the Nobel in Medicine and held 45 patents. January 24th is the birthday of a less famous medical researcher who was about the same generation as Elion: Virginia Minnich (1910-1996) was a hematologist. She was…
January 24, 2007
I think my favorite part of the day at the Science Blogging Conference was when Dr. Free-Ride gave her talk. It was titled "Adventures In Science Blogging: Conversations We Need To Have, and How Blogging Can Help Them". I am hoping she will turn this into a paper and publish it somewhere so I…
January 24, 2007
At the Science Blogging Conference, I picked up a bookmark from the North Carolina Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education Center. The SMT Center's website is very, very cool. If you are a K-12 teacher, or if you run an outreach program, or if you are a scientist looking to collaborate…
January 23, 2007
At the Science Blogging Conference, Bora urged us to visit the conference wiki and "click on the logos of our donors to show them interest in their sites". Because it was Bora who asked me to do so, and because I want our donors to come back next year and support us in this endeavor again, I…
January 22, 2007
Just a short note to let you all know I've added a few blogs to the blogroll. I thank Dr. Free-Ride for introducing me to A Natural Scientist. Do read this post of hers. I had such a great time at the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference talking with Lab Cat , who has a post on the…
January 19, 2007
I'm off to BlogTogether, the North Carolina Science Bloggers Conference, this weekend. And in a perversely un-blogger like move, I am NOT taking my laptop with me so that I can blog minute-by-minute from the conference. I plan to be unplugged from my computer from, oh, approximately now until I…
January 18, 2007
Everyone says "encourage your daughters to stick with math and science". And you want to do it. You're proud of your daughter, you want her to have every option in the world open to her. But what do you do when she resists? A worried dad recently wrote with just such a dilemma: Slightly off-…
January 17, 2007
Yes, the 30th Carnival of Feminists is up at Girlistic's blog The Feminist Pulse. Girlistic is the ultimate feminist resource, where all things women-centered can be found within a few clicks. Providing education and entertainment, pop and politics, culture and community, resources and shopping,…
January 16, 2007
How do you effectively encourage young girls to stick with their math, science, and computer studies in high school? How do you effectively encourage them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics? There's no one perfect approach; you need a full toolkit that allows…
January 16, 2007
Are you a women in a high tech job? Please consider participating in this worthwhile project; it only takes a few minutes. Lisa Gable recently wrote to the WEPAN listserve: I am writing to share news about exciting research being conducted by Catalyst, which IBM is sponsoring, in part. Catalyst is…
January 16, 2007
Most of you are no doubt aware of this, but it's been ages since I've had to submit a government grant proposal (one of the perks of unemployment). But I just read in the Jan. 12 Chronicle of Higher Education a First Person article by Carol Kolmerten about the exciting new world of…
January 14, 2007
Penny left some comments over at Let's All Have A Party with some January 14 birthdays to celebrate. She writes: January 14 (as I type) is the birthday of botanist/geneticist Carrie Matilda Derick (1862-1941), the first woman appointed to a full professorship at a Canadian university. Her story…
January 8, 2007
There's an interesting new ad campaign on the Scienceblogs site from Honeywell Interactive. It includes short video podcasts of scientists discussing their work and ideas. See an example here, down on the navigation bar at right. Here is a quote from the Honeywell folks supplied to me by my…
January 7, 2007
Happy New Year to everyone, and long overdue holiday greetings and all that to all the Zuskateers out there. I didn't intend to be away from the blog for so long, but life has interfered. Same old story: migraines, illness, family health issues. A wicked cold before Christmas that just wouldn't…
December 20, 2006
The 29th Carnival of Feminists is up at The Imponderabilia of Actual Life, and here's one of the categories: Sexism: In which we look at examples of sexism from all over the world - sometimes blatant, occasionally subtle, often insidious. Some key words for posts in this section: stereotypes,…
December 19, 2006
If you enjoy reading Inky Circus, then you are probably going to enjoy the latest endeavor from the women who bring you that blog. That is, Inkling Magazine - subtitled, "On the Hunch That Science Rocks!" I particular like this Letter From Science Camp, in which Mike Gretes bares his soul about…
December 19, 2006
Attention, class! You'll recall that in my About section, I state the following: I wish that I could also say, like Twisy [Faster], that this is not a feminist primer. But Twisty has the luxury of dealing with the rest of the academy (and much of the workforce) that marched bravely forward starting…
December 18, 2006
Check out the Scienceblogger group portrait! It's clickable and it's cool! It also appears in the December/January issue of Seed Magazine, which you can get for free if you subscribe to Seed (thus getting 7 issues for the price of 6). Seed magazine is very nifty and it is not very expensive.…
December 18, 2006
I generally resist doing the meme thing, but I saw this one over at See Jane Compute and I liked the idea of it. It's the year in review, by taking the first sentence of the first blog post of each month. So here goes: January I wonder if Executive Creative Director Don Schneider, of BBDO, (my…
December 15, 2006
The weekend's entertainment slate is All-Darwin, All Weekend. Just in from Netflix is Inherit the Wind, which Mr. Zuska and I will view either this evening or Sunday evening. Saturday afternoon we are planning to visit the Darwin exhibit at the Franklin Institute here in Philadelphia. There are…
December 14, 2006
So I'm cruising about Scienceblogs to catch up on my Sciblings and I come across this on Aetiology: So, razib relates a recent observation of the apparently rare species hottus chicas scientificas at a local wine bar. Shelley's ticked: Not sure whether to be more irked that Razib suggests that…
December 13, 2006
Today marks the debut of guest-blogger Cynthia Burack at TSZ. A professor at the Ohio State University, Cynthia is a political scientist who tools are feminist political theory and political psychology. We have worked together in the past on several projects, including work on group dynamics and…
December 12, 2006
I wonder if Rachel Brenc thinks the Iraq Study Group's report was biased. After all, of the ten members of the panel who issued the report, nine were all of one gender, with only one of the opposite gender. Oh wait a minute, it's okay. There were nine penises on the Iraq Study Group, so bias…
December 11, 2006
The Chronicle of Higher Education published a little tongue-in-cheek holiday gift guide in the December 8 issue. I really liked this item: the Scientific Integrity Calendar, published by the Union of Concerned Scientists and available at their website. In the summer of 2006, creative minds…