Athanasius Kircher, MIA?

Can anyone out there fill me in on what happened to the Athanasius Kircher Society website? It went down, then promised to be back up, and now seems permananently down . . . which is a tragedy, because it was one of the best wonderkammers on the web.

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Federated Media gives its traffic at 10,000 page views a month which is so miniscule that it just may be way too much trouble for what it is worth.

By vanderleun (not verified) on 22 Jul 2008 #permalink

I, too, have been mourning the site's apparent demise. Alas, I can't enlighten you because I don't know what's going on either.... But if I find out, you'll be the first to know. :)

Thanks, Jen. Vanderleun, I know their audience was small, but it was highly loyal, and I can't believe the cost of running it was that great (especially since its traffic was small!). . . I wonder if there just was some glitch in its curation. I really didn't "troll for images" there so much as refer my readers to their excellent articles, at least a dozen times over the past couple of years.