Submit to OpenLab 2008!

For the past two years, Scibling Bora has shepherded the creation of an anthology sampling the best of science blogging, called The Open Laboratory. Blog posts written since December 20, 2007 are eligible for consideration; you can nominate your own posts, as well as posts by other bloggers. The rules are here.

My first nominee? This smashing post by Mo on Wilder Penfield, the man who mapped the brain. It's incredibly long, though. Perhaps Mo should write his own book. . .

Things to consider:

-The deadline is December 1, 2008.

-Multiple submissions are okay - in other words, don't worry if someone else may be submitting the same piece. Go ahead and be sure it gets on the list for consideration. If you want to see what posts have been nominated so far, go here.

-Link-heavy or image-heavy posts may not be print-friendly in the format of this anthology - copyright can be an issue (as can reproduction quality).

Don't post a comment or send an email to submit your candidate - you have to go to the online submission form here:

I've also added the submission link to my sidebar, where you will be able to find it until December 1!

OpenLab 07

OpenLab 06

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