

H. annuus
Macoto Murayama

Nanobots? Alien spaceships? A scene from TRON? No, it's illustrator Macoto Muriyama's delicate diagrams of flower structure. Muriyama says,

Generally, a plant is considered to be a being that has an organic form. However, that is just one of the aspects because along with their organic form, a plant possesses a contradictory element of geometric/mechanical structure. By highlighting the later, the plant's out-of-the-ordinary form is revealed, and in it, a different kind of attractiveness can be found. (source)

See an entire gallery of Muriyama's work at Pink Tentacle - You may wish to compare with the work of Ernst Haeckel:


And thanks to Joanna for the heads up on this. She got it to me before it was BoingBoinged, I just didn't get on it in time. :)

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