Living green necklaces

We've been buried under ice, snow, and slush up here in Massachusetts for months, and the chlorophyll deprivation is brutal. The other day I was chatting with someone, and he suddenly tuned out of our conversation, gazing into the distance wistfully. "Oh, sorry," he said, "I just noticed I can see some grass over there."

If only I'd known months ago about Colleen Jordan. Her tiny plant necklaces are little green reliquaries of summer, so you can always look down and see leaves - even in February in Boston.


Sadly, the necklaces (which are 3D-printed polymer and start at $55) don't come with the tiny plants included - I imagine there may be shipping survival issues - so I don't know that I could get the adorable little rosette-leaved plant above. And to be honest, I'd probably overwater it and kill it anyway, or forget to water it at all, which is why I have few surviving houseplants. But surely some of you out there with green thumbs could keep a green necklace alive?

Via greenmuze.

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