New Recommended blogs and updated blogroll

Today is Blog Day, which means we're supposed to suggest five new blogs so our readers can expand their horizons. I think I'm going to end up linking to more than five blogs. Here goes:

  • The Anterior Commisure discusses the science surrounding sex and mating, in both humans and other organisms. Really fascinating stuff. I just discovered this blog a couple weeks ago, and I'm loving it.
  • Issues in the Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science has a very descriptive title. It offers in-depth philosophical musings informed by science.
  • Music Matters is an excellent blog about music and cognition by the insightful Henkjan Honing.
  • The Other 95% isn't technically a psychology or CogSci blog, but it's still a great read, and a wonderful way to learn about invertebrates.
  • A Brain in a Vat. Nice neuroscience blog, with nice mix of posts about news and peer-reviewed research.
  • Collision Detection. Science and technology writer Clive Thompson probably doesn't need any more publicity, but he's got a great blog. Check it out!
  • Neuromarketing. This blog sounded like a bad idea to me until I started reading it. Even if you're not a fan of marketing (or neuroscience, for that matter), you'll like this blog.
  • Not Exactly Rocket Science is a wide-ranging blog that often covers psychology and neuroscience.

I've added all these blogs to my blogroll and my RSS reader. You should too.


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