Around the Web: Some resources on the Panton Principles & open data

As part of a workshop on Creative Commons, I'm doing a short presentation on Open Data and The Panton Principles this week to various members of our staff. I thought I'd share some of the resources I've consulted during my preparations. I'm using textmining of journal articles as a example so I'm including a few resources along those lines as well.

Please feel free to suggest additional resources in the comments.

Update 2013.01.30: Some followup posts with more resources and presentations I've done here, here, here and here.


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Hi John,

A few further resources you may wish to consider:

1. BMC's Publishing Open Data Working Group (June 2011), which had a strong focus on licenses and waivers (CC0):

There may be other blogs of interest on

2. BMC's draft open data statement (August 2010)…

3. BMC Research Notes article series on data standards and best practice in scientific data sharing

4. Trials journal article series on sharing clinical research data

Disclosure: I am a Publisher employed by BioMed Central

Good luck with the presentation.


Thanks, Iain. Your suggestions are much appreciated. And the presentation went very well, thanks. More on that soon.

(BTW, your post initially got flagged as spam due to the multiple links. Sorry about that.)