Queen for the night

So everyone has been asking me about 'her' for the last week or so.

Everyone wants to talk about 'her'.

Im a very progressive person, so I wanted to be excited about 'her' because she was a 'her'... but I didnt want to talk about 'her' until I saw 'her' on TV tonight, so you poor bastards had to wait.

Guys...*sigh*... I totally, totally love her.

The new season of Americas Next Top Model started tonight, and 'she' is a kickass born-in-the-wrong-body woman, Isis! WHOOO!!!

Fuck yeah!! Good luck, Isis!

Oh, and Palin can suck Arnies empty ball sack.


More like this

As usual you nail it down succinctly.

SVGNwT (Smart Valley Girl North with Teeth) tries to *be* a Pit Bull.

You (on the other hand), *own* one and have become its "Mommy" (Mommy is a tough role - some kids just tear up the furniture and other kids focus on their hormones, being ignorant about basic biology)

I'd love to see Isis (aka SVGNwT - I like Isis better) go one-on-one with you in an intellectual exchange. If she pulled a real gun on you to win, my bet is on Arnie getting totally pissed that somebody is attempting to f#@k with Mommy.

YAY Arnie! The *real* Pit Bull.

@ #4: Oh will you *please* stop being so technically correct.

ERV: I want to do a custom T-Shirt at Cafe Press: Picture of Arnie above words:

"Arnie the REAL Pit Bull

Would that be OK?

You scared the crap out of me at first Abbie. I'm usually not that gullible, so I'm going to blame it on the beer I've been drinking the last four hours.

And William, shut up. Us grad students are allowed to have life outside of lab work, and Abbie seems to have posting less lately, probably because of the pulse chase experiments she posted about earlier so I'm not surprised what she does post isn't serious.

William (#6) regarding:

Hope you don't get federal funding for your research.

What's with you? The first sentence in # 5 was intended to be a flippant response in support of your statement.

I'm serious about the T-shirt offer (there would be 4 max - one for me and ERV each, one "token" for Arnie and possibly one for PZ all except mine I would send to Abbie to distribute).

I have the highest regard for ERV: Intelligence, creativity, humor, courage, incredible endurance and the ability to love life on this planet without exploiting it. With the added observation that I find her to be a beautiful woman who does not use that attribute to advance her career.

If you thought I was "dissing" ERV you are wrong. I'm not a a scientist, just a 57 year old (heterosexual in case anyone wonders and no problem with people of a different orientation) female layperson who loves science and I do have a really old (circa early '70's) undergraduate degree in Physics. I'm not totally ignorant of basic details, like Scientific Method vs Faith.

Sorry if I offended you because that was not my intention.

On the other hand, if you made a joke that I didn't "get" could you please "speak slowly and loudly" for the elder? And could you also possible cure old age in the process because it just sucks.

foxfire, sorry, my second comment was an afterthought directed at the aspiring scientist who dissed Sarah Palin, not you. I was not clear. My apologies.

Hey Wallace (#5) I'm not the only one who didn't get the humor - See # 7.

From a (relatively) old layfolk perspective, possibly you might want to investigate the benefits of humor delivery.

In #8 above:

And could you also possible cure old age in the process because it just sucks.

That too was a flippant attempt at humor. Old age *does* indeed suck and I *am* cognizant that I'm made of "star-stuff" and other star-stuff critters (like mitochondrion and "benevolent" bacteria, yadda - Hey, we're a colony!) and that yet-to-be defined consciousness changes over time.

I "don't need no stinking" bronze-age, semi-nomadic, sheep-herding, middle-eastern, patriarchal, refined by con-artist Constantine to win a battle, further refined by other "nut-jobs", made in the image of Man (not to be confused with mankind) hominid-like God.

W. Wallace (@ #9):

Much sorriness about #10's sarcasm wrt humor delivery. Our posts crossed in the night. I see no evidence that you fail to have a sense of humor.

The rest of #10 stands.

Dear mister moron (post numbers 4, 6, and 9)
I would like to direct your attention to reality, in case you failed to notice it, your particular reality is located on one of the spiral arms in the Milky Way galaxy, specifically, it is a local spur of the Sagittarius arm. You represent the most vile, repugnant, vindictive, bigoted, hypocritical, dishonest, and selfish motives of humanity quite well. Might I recommend a slightly better education in history? Never claiming to be a righteous person, personally, I would, for many reasons, like to see you completely stripped of all modern conveniences to live with your dark age philosophy in the comfort of a nomadic hunter-gatherer or subsistence farming lifestyle. Knowing, however, it is not your fault for being so terribly incapable of rational thought or discourse, I am more driven to pity you than to wish this upon someone even such as yourself.

I was picking up a shoe and aiming at you until I opened the whole post :P


By Hamsterpoop (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

To Jared:

I do believe that is a troll you are addressing. Don't feed it.

By Hamsterpoop (not verified) on 03 Sep 2008 #permalink

heh when I read #4 i assumed the troll meant he meant Palin (who is after all a grown woman and a Creationist). I thought it was fair enough.

Well known troll,too.....

As to that model,she looks like doing stuff to her would still be statuatory rape lol,so thanks,but no thanks....
What do you think this is Abbie,Alaska??

If she can overcome her apparent anorexic tendencies and attain the realization that women actually aren't dress-up dolls for men, I'm sure she'll be a charming person.

Yeah, WW is a known troll, banned in several spots in the scientific and liberal interwebs. PZ has him in the dungeon for "Insipidity and stupidity". Not worth responding to.

I agree with Ian. Isis needs a few Baconators.

By ShavenYak (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Nice! This was the funniest blog entry I've read in a while. Thanks!

erv your brain and looks don't match your foul use of language. Why sound like such a boor, it is not at all necessary for spreading worthwhile ideas.

By nobody important (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

You had me scared for a sec ERV

Your blog readers should know better on what you will expect of Palin. I'm sure you would adore a gun-toting, creation-promoting, anti-women's choice, hunting from helicopters Republican who proclaims that her experience trumps Obama because of her governorship. I am so stunned that I don't know what will happen to science education should she be a heartbeat away.

Palin is a Right wing tool. And she seems to have a loose grip on this reality. She gets the base all hyped up but I dont think the base is going to be enough for Republicans this year. The only thing that worries me is that the Medias expectations are so low for her that managing to reference the Caucuses in a speech was what she needed to do according to MPR. If you are a progressive or a liberal get out and volunteer this year we need a freaking Army to overwhelm them.

By The Backpacker (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Dear Scott:

The last time I checked, Palin has not pushed pro-creationist legislation through her state legislature, unlike, for example, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, who recently signed his state's academic freedom bill (One of several promoted around the country by the Dishonesty Institute.). This was done even after his favorite Brown University biology professor sent him a plea not to do so (Jindal concentrated in Biology at Brown.).


By John Kwok (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

John, please, not again. Get some help.

:). From the little I caught, Elina seems cool, too. Did you see the conversation between those two by the pool - the one from a "good southern family" reassuring the other that they really weren't closed-minded, just "traditional" (which is, like, totally different)? Looks like next week, they'll be offering some good ol' traditional racism as well.

At first I thought the post was going to be about Palin, and I was scared. And then I thought it might be about the auto-pipetter music video, which was frankly just odd. I never expected what was given.

Dear StuV,

The truth hurts? I'm sorry, but I have some more fodder for you. Here's some quotes from Governor Palin's speech last night comparing and contrasting herself with the Messiah (Barack Obama):

* It's easy to forget that this is a man (Obama) who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform -- not even in the state Senate.

* This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting, and never use the word "victory" except when he's talking about his own campaign.

* But when the cloud of rhetoric has passed ... when the roar of the crowd fades away ... when the stadium lights go out, and those Styrofoam Greek columns are hauled back to some studio lot -- what exactly is our opponent's plan?

* What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger ... take more of your money ... give you more orders from Washington ... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy ... our opponent is against producing it.

* Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ... he wants to forfeit.

* Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay ... he wants to meet them without preconditions.

* Al-Qaida terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America ... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights?

* Congress spends too much ... he promises more.

* Taxes are too high ... he wants to raise them.

* And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change. They're the ones whose names appear on laws and landmark reforms, not just on buttons and banners, or on self-designed presidential seals.


By John Kwok (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

John, you are one talking point away from being a creationist. I do respect your opinion in the past but repeating republican lies won't help you.

Fire away at John Derbyshire too who has condemned "Expelled".

By John Kwok (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Cuckoo Kwok,

Notwithstanding that every single one of those points is an easily-disproven lie, or applies just as well to the Bush/McCain ticket, how does any of those points establish Palin as a superior, or even faintly credible, veep candidate? How can you "compare and contrast" without talking about Palin? Does Palin not have a single positive point in her favor that she can list, instead of trying to tear Obama down? (Hint: no.)

It's amazing how pants-wettingly scared the right is of Obama, from the deciders at the top to the mindless talking-point-reciters at the very bottom (hint: that's you, Johnny).

By minimalist (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

John,Please read this article.
It address many of the points you made.

"It's easy to forget that this is a man (Obama) who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform -- not even in the state Senate."

"THE FACTS: Compared to McCain and his two decades in the Senate, Obama does have a more meager record. But he has worked with Republicans to pass legislation that expanded efforts to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The legislation became law last year. To demean that accomplishment would be to also demean the work of Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a respected foreign policy voice in the Senate. In Illinois, he was the leader on two big, contentious measures in Illinois: studying racial profiling by police and requiring recordings of interrogations in potential death penalty cases. He also successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation."

Stacy, the problem with that is in the first two words: "The Facts". That's only relevant to us idiots in the reality-based community. Johnny is a republican - he makes his own reality. They are just cool like that.


Take a look back at all of those talking points for a moment.

Did she actually SAY anything? Or just battack Obama.

It sort of reminds me of those arguments that simply "POKE HOLES" in ToE.

She didn't add anything to the conversation.

Does she have a PLAN for ANYTHING??

Does she have a PLAN for ANYTHING??

Well, she did once try to raise the literary bar in her town by attempting to ban offensive books from the library. Then Palin tried to fire the librarian when she didn't want to go along with the bans.

Abby, I'm confused. You didn't really make reference to her "pit bull" joke.

I, for one, am deeply offended that pit bulls are being compared to Republicans. One is a sweet, intelligent and caring soul and the other is a vicious dog frothing at the mouth and willing to tear anything apart that stands in it's way. Oh, and Republicans drool everywhere, too.

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Dear minimalist and Stacy S.,

Without addressing Governor Palin's comments directly, let's look at Obama's record in stark contrast with these notable Afro-Americans who have had extensive executive experience (and thus, are substantially more qualified than Obama will ever be for claiming residency in the White House):

1) Former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young
served as United Nations ambassador
served as Atlanta Mayor
held leadership positions in the 1960s civil rights movement

2) General Colin Powell
served as Chairman, Joint Chief of Staffs, Gulf War I (through first year of first Clinton administration if I am not mistaken
served as United States Secretary of State during first George W. Bush administration

3) Dr. Ruth Simmons
served as Provost, Princeton University
served as President, Smith College
currently, President, Brown University

4) Dr. Condoleeza Rice
served as assistant on Soviet affairs to the National Security Advisor during the administration of President George H. W. Bush
served as Provost, Stanford University
served as National Security Advisor, first George W. Bush administration
currently, United States Secretary of State

5) Dr. Neil de Grasse Tyson
adjunct professor of physics and astrophysics, Princeton University
Director, Hayden Planetarium, American Museum of Natural History
Executive Editor, NOVA Science Now

Now compare this to Barack Obama's record:
community organizer, Chicago
professor of law, University of Chicago
Illinois state senator
United States senator

Could you tell me in which of Obama's positions did he hold positions of executive leadership? I haven't seen any.

Respectfully yours,


By John Kwok (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Fire away at John Derbyshire too who has condemned "Expelled".

Welcome to Kwokworld! Where a person who is correct about one thing is thus correct about everything.

Seriously, have you ever even seen a logic book?

And sorry John, but like Derbyshire, you are in the distinct minority.

I am reminded of the time that PT posted links to a couple of far-right blogs, where the blogger came out in support of evolution and against ID -- only to find that their previous audience of bobbing dittoheads was, to a man, turning on them for it.

You see, John, you like to pretend that your support of evolution is entirely consistent with a "rational" conservative outlook, and that it's only a vocal minority of conservatives that are creationist. Wrong: they are not the outliers -- you are.

You see, those of us in the reality-based community don't see a whole heck of a lot of difference between the thought processes that lead to "The Rapture is coming soon, if only we believe!" and those that lead to "Prosperity is coming soon, if only we'd cut taxes for the rich!" Both predictions are faith-based, and have failed time and again.

By minimalist (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

And thank you for that non-reply, Cuckoo Kwok. You just proved my point admirably: you cannot find a single positive thing to say about Palin.

By minimalist (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

@ Dustin,- I knew about that... just ridiculous.

@ Coriolis,- I'm a republican, but not this year. I may have voted for McCain if he hadn't lost his mind recently. I just don't know what happened to him - he went nuts.

And this Palin woman is so freakin' much like the Southern Baptist loons down here in FL that I want to puke when I look at her.

I don't know what happened to my party, it's not the same republican party it was 20 years ago.

Dear Dragoniz,

In addition to John Derbyshire, there are other notable conservatives writing against creationism, etc. such as former University of Virginia provost Paul R. Gross (co-author of "Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design"), Federal Judge John Jones (who ruled that ID was not science at the close of the 2005 Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District trial), and conservative writers George Will and Charles Krauthammer (Krauthammer has praised McCain's pick of Palin.). I hope you don't think that they are also "one talking point away from being a creationist."

Let's just respectfully disagree about our choices for President for this election cycle, please. Okay?

With best regards,


By John Kwok (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

I think there could be, like, some kind of forcing function which is constructively interfering with Kwok's irrelevance, causing him to get further and further away from making a cogent post as time goes on.

What the hell am I supposed to make of #40? This is what those evil computers on Star Trek must feel like when Kirk feeds them such a wild string of irrational flapdoodle that they explode.

Illogical. Illogical. DOES... NOT.... COMPUTE....
Norman, please advise. Please adv...........

By Smoke Shoots O… (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink


You don't know what you are talking about. Bill Clinton, the smartest man to ever hold the office, said himself that there is no prep for the oval office. Nothing is like being president of the United States nothing gives you experience to help you out when you get there. Richard Nixon probably had more experience then any other modern President and we all know how that worked out. Lincoln and Roosevelt where probably the least experienced and they are number one and two as far quality of presidents goes. I know I am not going to convince you that Obama is the better choice but lets stop talking about stupid things like experience, policy is way more interesting and thousands of times more relevant.

By The Backpacker (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

John Kwok-

Obama does not have "executive experience" in the way you mean, but I don't think "executive experience" is necessary for a good presidency. I think that a person who supports science and technology development, encourages decent education and someone who is willing to work with people to get things done will make a good president in this election. Obama, for all his rhetoric, actually seems to believe that demonizing those who oppose you is not the way to achieve progress or success. That is why I think Obama would make a better president than McCain or Palin. That was shown last night, when the elder statesmen of the Republican party denounced the "angry left", the "East Coast liberals", the "liberal media". Sure, some of that same sentiment was in the Democrat's speeches (namely Schweitzer), but there was so much hate, so much vitriol in the Republicans that I just can't believe they would actually try to work with Democrats on anything.

And lest we forget: Obama supports expanding offshore drilling as long as it's part of a broader package to expand research into and development of alternative fuels and energy sources. The Republicans seem to think that "compromise" means "give me what I want", whereas the Democrats seem to think "compromise" means "I'll grant you some of what you want as long as you grant me some of what I want."

The biggest change I seek is internal to the parties. I see change in the Democrats, change in who they want to be. I don't see change in Republicans. And that makes me sad for the future of the nation. The parties need to evolve, and Republicans are steadfastly refusing to do so.

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Obama supporters have said all along that it's about judgment, not experience. Why do you think he got more votes than all those other Democrats, in spite of their unquestionably greater experience?

The reason Palin is being relentlessly beaten for her lack of experience is because that's exactly the same cudgel McCain and the rest of the right had been clumsily wielding up to that point. Either experience is, or it isn't, important to McCain and his followers. Yet one more example of McCain cynically flip-flopping in a vain attempt to get more votes.

I wish right-wingers would at least try to understand that -- but then, if they got the point every once in a while, they wouldn't vote for McCain.

By minimalist (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

An interesting look at the spread of experience versus greatness in American Presidents:

Money Quote:

Putting all of this together, here is the best combination of political experience: between one and six years of federal experience, and four to ten years of state experience, for a total of less than 22 years of total political experience. Barack Obama has four years of federal experience and six years of state experience for a total of ten. He is in the best areas in all three categories. John McCain has 26 years of federal experience and zero years of state experience for a total of 26. He is in dangerous areas in all three categories.
It is extremely important to place all of this in the proper context. This emphatically does not mean that Obama will be a good president and McCain will not. What it does mean is that the whole experience argument is a complete crock. Levels of political experience do not equate to presidential success. Great presidents have had little to no political experience (much less than Obama has). Great presidents have had much more political experience than Obama and close to the amount McCain has, well, just Jefferson, but there still is a historical precedent. Terrible presidents have had very similar levels of political experience to Obama and terrible presidents have had very similar levels of political experience to McCain.

By AtheistAcolyte (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

@44 Well then, welcome to the dark side. If you can still recognize lunacy, then you're not a real republican anymore. Wait until the party implodes and comes back to reality.

As a liberal I am very happy they picked her for one big reason. Before this, I think some semi-reasonable people could have voted for Mccain, thinking that all his pandering to the religious right and flip-flopping on tax cuts was all just a show so he could get the nutjobs to vote for him. And that he would get a significant moderate vote, and be somewhat moderate once he actually got the job. I think that chance is now completely gone - he's gone head over heels into the worst of the republican party.

So hopefully once they loose, the republicans will get their act together and I'll be able to disagree with people who I can still have some respect for. A two-party democracy doesn't work very well when one party's entire platform is lying and smearing.

That, or they'll win and I'll need to find a job outside the country while the economy completely collapses and we go off to lala-land.

As I've stated before, as much as I dislike all the candidates (including ALL the third party candidates I've researched thus far), I think Obama/Biden at this point, would do the least damage. McCain lost his mind as Stacy S. said, and Palin seems to have never really had a functioning one to begin with. I did the obligatory political post a while back, but the candidates are just getting worse by the day.

John Kwok: living proof that the Southern Strategy still works.

I love Isis! I'm excited that they have included her (no quotes) on the show. I hope they don't just exploit the living daylights out of her. And I hope the two "traditional" girls get a good dose of reality soon.

If there were jesus in me, Palin would scare it right out. So, maybe she'll do some bejeezus scaring for others and will be a clandestine force for good - all while losing the election, of course.

erv your brain and looks don't match your foul use of language. Why sound like such a boor, it is not at all necessary for spreading worthwhile ideas.

So you're one of those people who believe scientists are automatically polite?

No, my friend. No. We have trained long and hard to call a spade a spade -- not a stick, not a shovel, but a spade. So we will call a demented fuckwit a demented fuckwit. That's logical, as the Vulcans would put it.

(Plus, as an added bonus, it's more fun.)

Victory in Iraq is finally in sight ...

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Well, if McShame wins, he will make sure that it will stay in sight for the next hundred years! Hiphiphip-Hooraaaay!!! LOL. :-D

Dude, there is such a thing as an unwinnable war. Get the fuck out, get the UN in instead, and pay for it.

Taxes are too high ...

You wouldn't know high taxes if they bit you in the proverbial ass. All over the USA the taxes are ridiculously low. No wonder -- you don't get anything in return, after all!

he wants to raise them.

At least he's honest. Remember the Republican way of doing that? "Read my lips: no new taxes!"

And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.

Yes, especially to their own positions. McShame's vertebral column consists entirely of cartilage. And I don't mean calcified cartilage like what great white sharks have. He was against the Religious Wrong before he was for them, for example... Same for Palin: she voted for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it, and then she lied about that in her acceptance speech. Greeeeeat.

4) Dr. Condoleeza Rice
served as Provost, Stanford University
served as National Security Advisor, first George W. Bush administration
currently, United States Secretary of State

Yes, indeed. Why didn't McShame choose the sovietologer as his running mate? Are there still that many racists in the Reptilian base?

You see, John, you like to pretend that your support of evolution is entirely consistent with a "rational" conservative outlook, and that it's only a vocal minority of conservatives that are creationist. Wrong: they are not the outliers -- you are.

For US values of "conservative".

Let's just respectfully disagree about our choices for President for this election cycle, please. Okay?


For supporting a candidate that wants to continue the most expensive healthcare system in the world which is at the same time the least effective healthcare system in the First World?

For supporting a candidate that wants to stay in Iraq, at the same steady cost in lives and gigabucks?

For supporting a candidate that was proud to be supported by crazy televangelists?

For supporting a candidate who picks the worst stereotype of a Republican -- dominionist, creationist, corrupt, abusing her office for personal revenge quests, supporting ignorance-only sex non-education, lying, book-banning?

For making arguments from ignorance (OWHITUSAC*) like a creationist?

Respect, Mr Kwok, has to be earned.

* Only what happens in the USA counts.

By David Marjanović (not verified) on 04 Sep 2008 #permalink

Thank you David, I agree with most of your assessment, however, generalizing "republicans" or "democrats" I feel is pointless as the views in each party vary considerably.

Thank you David, I agree with most of your assessment, however, generalizing "republicans" or "democrats" I feel is pointless as the views in each party vary considerably.

He didn't.

Yes he did:
"Remember the Republican way of doing that? 'Read my lips: no new taxes!'"
Not all Republicans are liars...

Just wondering, are there any conservatives at science blogs?

And if not, how about a little truth in advertising, e.g., liberal scientist blogs, or something that more accurately reelects what you will find here at science blogs.

Just wondering, are there any conservatives at science blogs?

Conservative as in politically right leaning, yes. Morally conservative fuddy-duddies like yourself, I don't think so.

Wallace, reality has a liberal bias. Get used to it.

William Wallace asks at #67 if there are any conservatives here. Sure, there are people here who believe government should be lean; that it should exist to do collectively that which cannot be done individually; that it should not spend more than it has except in times of great national need and that it should eliminate the debt from these times when conditions approve; that it should honour the ideals of the Enlightenment upon which modern democracies are founded including an unwavering respect for and dedication to rational thought. By my measure that makes me a conservative.

It doesn't prevent me from having progressive social views; that all persons should have equal opportunity; that traditional definitions of marriage don't recognise the full spectrum of healthy relationships; that private charity is sometimes incapable of addressing social issues and that government is necessary to meet these needs; that the knowledge given to us though science is real and cannot be denied by wishful thinking. By this measure I am a liberal.

This doesn't make me a hypocrite though. Underlying all these beliefs is a solid respect for rational thought, for reason. Facts are the basis of argument. Reason must accept reality, or it is not reason, it is bias. We may argue about interpretation; we may disagree on our conclusions; but science is at its very roots about learning the facts and discerning reality from them. It cannot be liberal or conservative, no more that reality is liberal or conservative. Reality simply is. Science tells us what it is.

Anyway, great article:'

Ah yes, the religidiot can't tell fact from fiction.

Just wondering, are there any conservatives at science blogs?

Razib at Gene Expression is a total wingnut, who praises National Review journalists and snarks (in well-constructed parodies) about multiculturalism. He is, on the other hand, not an idiot, so I don't know how well you will get on.

Most bloggers on ScienceBlogs are liberals because most science bloggers (out in the general blogosphere) are liberals because most scientists are liberals because scientists study reality and reality has a well known liberal bias.

People, people, please remember:

1. Wally does not deserve serious, thought out replies. He does not comprehend them. Best case scenario is that he should be ignored. Second best is mocking him in ways that sail way over his pointy head.

2. Please don't point him in the direction of any conservative science bloggers, because I don't want him blurping his methane emissions all over blogs I enjoy reading. Fortunately you didn't name my favorite conservative science blogger.

3. Wally is not a conservative of any sort, just an empty-headed knee-jerk douche-nozzle who will parrot any opinion that flatters his deeply held, and deeply stupid, biases.

By minimalist (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

Also, as post #69 demonstrates, he doesn't even deserve flippant or sarcastic replies. They sail right over his empty head.

So you're one of those people who believe scientists are automatically polite?

No, my friend. No. We have trained long and hard to call a spade a spade -- not a stick, not a shovel, but a spade. So we will call a demented fuckwit a demented fuckwit. That's logical, as the Vulcans would put it.

(Plus, as an added bonus, it's more fun.)

Polite might be a bit much, however I think I expect someone who is intelligent and attractive and has a public platform of sorts to show some basic class in that context.

It has more to do with basic parenting than it does technical training. I can train a dog to act appropriately and sometimes against its natural instincts (like pissing on the couch or humping the babysitter), and it doesn't have to be that intelligent to learn the basics of such behavior either.

Science training doesn't require the suppression of basic tact when it is self reflecting, nor does it give one carte blanche or make it attractive to speak like a foul mouthed butt scratching, gum chewing, kitsch loving trailer park resident in a public forum (admittedly not gone there yet). I have no problem with the use of these forms of language in the proper context, only its use by her here is unattractive at best.

When she was on blogging heads with PZ I saw a far better sample of what she is capable of interpersonally, and frankly is why I'm a reader so far. But, I keep cringing at the gratuitous profanity (NOT the ideas, they rock), which isn't additive and hardly congruous with her countenance.

One can call a spade a spade without invoking lowbrow rube culture except in occasional satirical mockery. I suppose if she wants to impress the likes of those guys on the movie "Jackass" for a date or something it's fine, but I assume the readership works on a slightly higher cultural and intellectual plane. Am I giving the readership too much credit? Maybe it's just a matter of taste.

By nobody important (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

I love the smell of pretension in the afternoon. Smells like a compost heap with a bottle of Armani Code dumped all over it.

nobody-- Wait, you want to talk about 'basic class', yet here you are, on my blog, talking about me as if I werent here? Making guesses about my preferences in sexual partners? Thats 'classy'?

This blag is not on a 'higher cultural plane'. We use naughty language and talk about BOOBIES and perpetuate retarded internet memes. I am not an arrogant snot too good for plebeian distractions, 'desperate for any semblance of glamour and culture.'

Thats Sarah Palin.

Way to get this thread back on topic.

Have you considered that erv's irreverent style may actually be part of what appeals to the readers of this blog? The blogosphere's a big place. Surely somewhere within it you'll find somewhere more in keeping with your obviously delicate sensibilities.

Smells like a compost heap with a bottle of Armani Code dumped all over it.

Pure win.
And now it's time to sleep off the tequila...

By The Chimp's Ra… (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

We use naughty language and talk about BOOBIES

And small, perky tits!

Ah, hello there Abigail. You might have missed it, but I initially addressed you directly (as erv) in post #21, after that I was responding to someone else about what I said to you. I for one am assuming (based partly on the PZ discussion) you aren't really as much of a "potty mouth" as you have been on your posts, possibly confusing it for good rhetorical style in a scientific blog. It is why I made the observation to begin with, and the form in which it was made.

It seems I won't need to use the mirroring contrast (pot and kettle thing) to make my point any further since you responded directly. If the form of my observation brought about a visceral response, then maybe you get it. I hope you (also) get that I'm actually on your side here.

Since this is actually a "comment" section, I just felt giving you the feedback. Feel free to discount me as you will, I wish you nothing but the best personally and great success professionally.

I could very well be the only one out here who finds your use of language on these topics as I do and hopefully that is the case. Then, my choice of name here would be appropriate indeed.

By nobody important (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

Concern troll is concerned. LOL!

Have you considered that erv's irreverent style may actually be part of what appeals to the readers of this blog? The blogosphere's a big place. Surely somewhere within it you'll find somewhere more in keeping with your obviously delicate sensibilities.

Yes I alluded to that in my 2nd post. Irreverent misses my point, I'm a big fan of that, I'm here after all as well as Pharyngula among others.

Btw, my sensibilities are hardly delicate. If the Thunderdome doesn't bother me, this certainly couldn't. It's all about context and how it reflects on the author personally. If it were an anonymous blog, I'd have absolutely NO motivation to comment.

Anyway, on with program...

By nobody important (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

Zarquon-- Dont harsh his buzz, man! He got to use the word 'visceral'!

Interwebz is serius bizness!

Zarquon-- Dont harsh his buzz, man! He got to use the word 'visceral'!

Interwebz is serius bizness!

Mmmmm ... viserel...

uh, but still--don't do drugs... drugs are baaad, m'k?

By nobody important (not verified) on 06 Sep 2008 #permalink

And now it's time to sleep off the tequila...

My bottle of Stoli just ran dry, and I fear my troll powers will follow suit.

What kind of brain damage makes someone think that attractive people don't swear?

I blame the Puritans and the Victorians. Oh, and the Norman French for providing us with all that upper class vocab in the first place. Fucking William the Conqueror.

By Thomas Howard (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

Fucking William Wallace.

By Thomas Howard (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink