P. Z. On the Mend

P. Z. Myers had heart surgery yesterday, to implant a few stents. It was all very worrisome, but since he is already back to yelling at HuffPo it seems that things will work out OK.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery, P. Z.

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I have had stents puts in and I don't think that technically qualifies as surgery since it is done via the angiplasty/angigram. It certainly is not heart surgery since his (black?) heart was not cut.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 25 Aug 2010 #permalink

God bless the doctors!

By Uncle Bob (not verified) on 25 Aug 2010 #permalink

I wish to thank Nobody for the real g0ds being at his side.
The doctors, nurses, and engineers that produced the real miracle that the fake praying could not accomplish and can never accomplish.

About 15 years ago, I had a quadruple by-pass. That was a real bitch and it took weeks to get back to shape. When I went in to the Roman Catholic hospital I was given a form and one of the questions was if I had anyone I did NOT want to visit me. That's a chance of a lifetime. I listed "chaplains, priests, preachers, hymn singers and gospel shouters." While I was still in recovery, my first visitor was a female Mennonite preacher. As bad as I felt I was able to ask her if she had seen my list. She left soon afterwards.
A little later, a problem arose which required a stent. I went in early, had the stent implanted and was discharged by 11:00 a,m. Don't worry about P Z. He should be up, out and mean as ever in a day or two.
The process of a by-pass then required that one's heart and lungs were stopped for several hours and one was kept alive by a heart-lung machine. My heart did not beat for all that time. That should have qualified me for a near death experience. I was cheated, no bright lights, angels singing or visits from deceased relatives. What a bummer.

By Jerry Billings (not verified) on 26 Aug 2010 #permalink

Yes, yelling at HuffPo. Apparently no "change of heart". We can be thankful for that.

By Ivar Husa (not verified) on 01 Sep 2010 #permalink

maybe the blind watchmaker is about to naturally deselect him and remove him from the biosphere into which he was spawned by his parental breeders?