War on Christmas Updates

Dispatches: More War on Christmas Idiocy
Regarding Pat Boone ...

What fucking universe do these people live in? I'd bet a month's pay that not once in Pat's entire life has even a single person ever objected to him saying "Merry Christmas" to them.

Pharyngula: We have a Problem ...

The archbishop of Wales thinks one of the greatest problems facing the world is "atheist fundamentalism"....

and we have presidential candidates pretending to talk to god, and getting standing ovations for it...
Respectful Insolence: Deirdre Imus gives everyone some stupid for Christmas

I've mentioned before that it irritates me that Don Imus is back on the air. It's not that I give a rodent's posterior that he made an offensive comment about the Rutgers women's basketball team that lead to his being fired from his previous gig. It's actually more because he somehow managed to displace the radio show that I usually listened to on my way to work in the morning

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I've mentioned before that it irritates me that Don Imus is back on the air. It's not that I give a rodent's posterior that he made an offensive comment about the Rutgers women's basketball team that lead to his being fired from his previous gig. It's actually more because he somehow managed to…
While I'm recharging a bit from the Christmas festivities yesterday to the point where soon I'll be able to write a substantive post, full of the Respectful Insolence⢠and science or medicine that readers have come to expect, here's something to amuse (I hope). On Sunday, I wrote a not-so-…
Here's an amusing exchange between Bill O'Reilly and a guest on his show about this mythical war on Christmas at department stores: O'REILLY: See, I think you're, I think you're crazy. And here's why. I think the backlash against stores that don't say "Merry Christmas" is enormous because now…
The archbishop of Wales thinks one of the greatest problems facing the world is "atheist fundamentalism". The only problems he seems to be able to ascribe to it, though, are a dearth of school nativity plays and stewardesses failing to drape themselves with religious paraphernalia, neither of which…