Climate Change Denialism: Follow the money

Go look at this:


The Heartland Institute, the US organisation that plays a key role in organised climate denial, has directly funded New Zealand's most prominent sceptics, a search of US Inland Revenue Service documents has revealed. In 2007, Heartland granted US$25,000 (NZ$32,000) to the NZ Climate "Science" Coalition, sending the money to NZ CSC member Owen McShane. They also gifted the International Climate Science Coalition US$45,000 (NZ$59,000), forwarding the cash to NZ CSC webmaster and ...

Read all about it here.

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Hmm. I read the link and noted that this isn't really that much money.

Plus, I stand by Hanlon's Razor:
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
I expect that most skeptical writers/bloggers/scientists are not skeptics for the money, but because they're ill-informed and naturally anti-establishment.

By benjaminwinchester (not verified) on 24 Jan 2012 #permalink

"but how much did Al Gore, Ted Turner,George Soros, maurice Strong, and Richard Trumpka and other evil scumbags make from this global warming fearmongering scam?"


Mostly because it's not fearmongering nor a scam. However, in addition, none of them have anything to do with climate science any more than you listening to your doctor or your accountant makes you responsible for medical science or accountancy.

Dear "Fanatic",

Just a heads up: I hope you're going to enjoy eating stale burritos and mowing my lawn for the rest of your natural life. You've earned it! That will teach you to spill the beans on our little plan.

Yours etc,

Commie Overlord #6


@2: Referring to commies, Al Gore, George Soros and putting people in jail...

@7: Referring to socialists and people burning in hell...

@8: Refers negatively to the idea of evolution...

Rob Hood alert!!!!

Tell us about 'flouride' in the drinking water and Canadians why don't you, "Derender"?

@9, @11

Be of strong heart, Rob Hood, for the end of the month is nigh and your meds can be refilled soon.