More pareidolia: At least this Virgin Mary sighting isn't as bad... the last Virgin Mary sighting in a bird turd smear on a pickup truck.

At least this time around, we're back to more conventional "Virgin Mary in a tree"-type sightings:


(Click on image for video.)

Of course, this time around, I have to wonder if the guy who cut the tree down is having a little fun with the faithful.

More like this

Looks like a mummy.

Turtle, possibly a red-eared slider.

In an article about it, the church warns against superstition and idolatry. My irony meter overloaded.

Cleavage.....Oh, was there a tree in the picture?

By notmercury (not verified) on 20 Jul 2009 #permalink

It just looks like a lump of wood with a vaguely humanoid outline on it to me. I suppose that the people who think they can see a specific person would tell me it's from a lack of faith, or something equally stupid.

If the Virgin Mary is in a tree stump, but the tree is cut so that no-one ever sees her, is she still there?

<3 my country...

Meh, that looks more like my aunt Betty than the virgin Mary. The important question now is, what is my aunt doing in that tree?

I don't think you CAN have too much fun with the faithful. It's one thing to tease your dog, because the dog doesn't know any better. But with PEOPLE...they're voluntarily walking into it.

Venus rising from the waves?

By Mephistopheles… (not verified) on 21 Jul 2009 #permalink

I have a chopping block that bleeds for a week every month; now I know why!

By MadScientist (not verified) on 24 Jul 2009 #permalink

Looks like a Peruvian prince's petrified pecker.