Quick Picks on ScienceBlogs, August 8

Editor's picks for your reading pleasure on Tuesday, August 8:


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Jim Macdonald reports that the pin-tumbler lock is obsolete.
...all without being perceived as capitalistic, misogynistic, or otherwise demeaning to women? This is an open thread for y'all because I have to go to a funeral and won't be able to oversee the discussion today. I brought this point up over the weekend with my ScienceBlogs.com colleagues and it…
My second guest-blogging post on Echidne Of The Snakes, about the potential to have Hooters fund some breast cancer research. Purposefully written to provoke. Cross-posted under the fold... Abel PharmBoy of Terra Sigillata asked: Can Hooters support the fight against breast cancer all without…
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Regarding Vonnegut: Perhaps a better recommendation for SB readers would be Vonnegut's Galapagos; it's about an alternate course of human evolution.