How does the Universe change in a year? (Synopsis)

“We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.” -W. Somerset Maugham

This past Monday (thanks, PJ), I celebrated the completion of my 37th orbit around the Sun. This is something we all have the opportunity to do once a year, and we can choose to reflect on how we've changed and what we'd like to change further in the year ahead. On the grandest scales, though, the Universe might seem like it hardly cares at all about another years that's passed.

Image credit: J. NASA and Jeff Hester (Arizona State University). Image credit: J. NASA and Jeff Hester (Arizona State University).

But that's not true! The changes it makes might be small, in our Solar System, in our galaxy and beyond. But it changes all the same, and does so in a quantifiable, interesting way!

Image credit: NASA / Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Image credit: NASA / Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

Here are some of the more spectacular highlights of the slow, gradual changes that happen each and every year. Enjoy!


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You're welcome. Thanks for sharing your gifts with us all.

'May the next year be the one where we collectively come together and reach for those greatest distances as one.'

With all the petty bickering going on within this blog, that could be a harder task than not. :(

Today it was the first time I read articles on This one I like very much.
I wasn't aware of the fact that at some critical distance galaxies recede from us faster than light. The thing about the slowing rotation of the earth seemsinstead to be well known, at least to me.

Well, raggie thinks he's defending his god (quite why an omnipotent universe creator needs such a retard to defend him is a cosmically comic question), so it's not, for him, petty.

But you DO realise that you just did your own petty bickering. Right?

Complaining about it isn't not joining in. It's a method to engage in it AND appear as the hero of the piece to yourself.

No intent meant re ' being the hero'; no names mentioned; I don't even own, or have in my posession, a gun to point; only a tiny bone to pick at. Let's leave it at that. :)
Agree with your second sentence, I do; knowingly, but without malice. A mere suggestion, hoping for a friendly outcome.

I love this guy WOW he is classic ... I dub him Angry Boy.

"No intent meant re ‘ being the hero';"

Yeah, right. But even if that seems valid for you, I quote "The easiest person to fool is yourself".

So I doubt the veracity of your claim.

"I don’t even own, or have in my posession, a gun to point; "

Aaand where did "Gun" come from? This is about conversation. On the internet. No gun exists here. That you built up some gun fantasy indicates that, though you may distance yourself from the gun nut redneck, you're just as prone as they to gun fantasy.

Oh, and ldb, fuck off with your temper tantrums. Obviously nasty words are not fine with anyone. Unless you get upset. Then you're all about the "shitcuntwankfuck". Totally oblivious to your hypocrisy.

Boo hoo, crybaby.

Poor baby did those bad estate boys do bad things to you to make you angry?

Is this like a dog thing you marked the forum and so no-one else can comment in the forum unless it's WOW approved as he is top dog?

Sorry, ANGRY BRAT, it's your problem, not mine, because you're the one that's all riled up and angry!

"No bickering. Unless you dare disagree with me, then I BICKER YOU!!!!".

Is your hypocrisy obvious enough to get through your ego shield yet, retard?

Nope Angry Boy I will disagree with you whenever I want what are you going to do about it?

Ah, right, so bickering is fine, if you're the one doing it and you don't care that it's hypocritical to whine about others bickering when you're willing to engage when enraged, ANGRY BRAT.

Well, at least we know what sort of person you are.


I was hoping for something less distasteful.

Good I care little for what you think or feel, I am one of the boys from the estate.

Nope I am totally distasteful and you will just have to suck it up princess.


Got anything that isn't a temper tantrum?

Please note: not a single swearword used above. Yet still an insult. How can that be?!?!?

I managed to not use a swearword in any conversation with you in either forum topics does that make me better that you?

Not too smart are you, ldb.

Can't read what's been placed right under your nose....

Definitely smart enough to see straight thru you. You aren't even smart enough to work out that your bad boy tough guy act is pretty lame and pointless and if I stand up to you there isn't a dam thing you can do about it.

Would you like to actually explain what you think you are actually achieving by your behaviour towards others who comment but you disagree with?


I am made, as every human, of materials that absorb and reflect light in the visible range.

Like I said, not too smart, are you.

And *angry* too.

Who knows why.

Probably a childhood trauma. Cause by you, of course.

"explain what you think you are actually achieving"

Well, it goes something like:

"I will disagree with you whenever I want what are you going to do about it?"

Oh, by the way "I managed to not use a swearword in any conversation " is a lie. Oopsie!

I noticed this and sniggered: "your bad boy tough guy act is pretty lame"

When compared to your "what are you going to do about it?” it is quite lol-worthy!

Ah the good old avoidance strategy ... the cowards best friend.

I made my stance open and clear ... to get up your nose because of how you are treating some commentators. Nothing to hide here.

Unfortunately for you I have now read some of your dippy comments in other topics and some of your ideas are fantastic.

It would be interesting to give some of your comments to Lubos Motl and get you both in a discussion. The arrogance and self proclaimed intellect along with the insults would be off the meter. I saw the article from Lubos on Ethan and his Entropic gravity and I suspect it would top it.

I actually didn't ask WOW are you smarter than Lubos Motl?

Ah the good old avoidance strategy

Aaaah. Avoiding WHAT, exactly? You demanded I answer a question, and I answered it.

Or do you not know what the "avoidance strategy" and somehow believe that if you're not given an answer you like, it must have been avoiding the question?

Or is it that an excuse for you being an angry twat posting on the internet isn't allowed for anyone else?

Like I said, not too smart, are you?

to get up your nose because of how you are treating some commentators.

Isn't that what you were whining about *me* doing?


And is that not what I told you was hypocritical?


And do you not care?


Yet somehow you want me and everyone else to obey your exhortations?

Sorry, ANGRY BRAT, not gonna happen.

Because you're thicker than a yard of lard, and twice as ugly, as my grandpappy used to say.

It would be interesting to give some of your comments to Lubos Motl

Huh? I thought you WERE Lubby!

He gets butthurt when people are mean to him, but see absolutely no problem with him doing it and worse. Just like you're doing!

The arrogance and self proclaimed intellect along with the insults would be off the meter

I have a huge fucking grin on my face here! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!!!! A better example of self delusion could not be found even in the dumbest denier blogroll!

Go on, give us some more arrogance! You know you have to!!!!

and if I stand up to you there isn’t a dam thing you can do about it.

Ah, I can't help but laugh!

It's a bloody classic, really. Oooh, you hard man you! So tough!

Sorry, still laughing typing that.

Yeah, nothing I can do about it! Your standing up is completely not stoppable by me. You're *right*.

Of course, without me, you'd not have someone to stand up to, and I'm quite hurt you left me out of your thanks here. :-(

But, yes, nothing I can do to stop you posting. Completely on the button there.

'Course, nothing you can do can stop me. Or me finding you so frigging hilarious! Or pointing it out.

But do you know what I CAN do?

I can make you continue to post bile and hate filled passages of preening self-congratulations and "hard man impressions" and really shit all over this blog and bury it under a mountain of your useless rants against me.

Like I said, not too smart, are you?

WOW you just made a confession you are as dumb as the proverbial if you thought I was Lubos. Not enough science detail and he would baffle you with QM facts just for a start. Secondly I am not sure he would bother commenting on Ethan's blog he treats this stuff with a fair amount of disdain, he is more likely to lampoon him in an article.

Truth is I am nowhere near as smart as LM and I am happy to agree with that.

Hence the question is still out there are you smarter than Lubos?

You have made it clear I can't understand things because it is all about intelligence, so I need to be clear who is smarter you or Lubos.

"WOW you just made a confession you are as dumb"


Since this is a claim about what I've confessed to, this will be authoritative by definition.


What was that about arrogance?

"You have made it clear I can’t understand things because it is all about intelligence,"

Nope, wrong again, dumbass.

You won't bother with doing anything about your understanding if it would make you feel bad about yourself. But go ahead and make a hysterical extreme and pretend that there are only two choices. It doesn't work as a rhetorical device, but, hell, that's never stopped you before, has it?

Bull straight ahead and stomp about like a big man, that's your M.O.

Not too smart, are you?

You are incredibly arrogant and obsessed with your own I.Q. to the point of being toxic. Please stop, as you drown out all other discussion and make this blog site almost painful to visit.

CFT stand for what?

Can't Figure This?

What, precisely, do you expect to change after that post of yours?

Fuck all, isn't it?

No, you're pissing about here because you're a twat.


We are all dumb and yet you can't answer a simple question as to whether you consider your smarter than Lubos Motl. I have already told you I don't consider myself anywhere near his IQ. What is the problem here the dumb people going to catch you in some dastardly trap, or is you IQ top secret.

My reason for the question is simple as I am so dumb I really think I should choose the smartest person to listen to.

Now apparently I am also arrogant, what exactly does that mean?

Sorry want to buy an "r" to on you in above. Bad proof reading must be the dumb thing again.

Goodness, you certainly have delusions there. "We"?

Do we always talk in the third person?

"and yet you can’t answer a simple question as to whether you consider your smarter than Lubos Motl."

Well, why do I have to answer? What does it matter if I say yes or I say no?

Since I don't know what his score would be on a test, how would I know?

And what is the point of it in any of the three cases of yes, no or equal?

And what is your obsession with Lubby? Mancrush?

What is the point of your point? Is it actually pointless?

Congrats! I'll be making my 37th trip next month.

The reference to the 'gun' is a mere metaphor. Those who write such dross know who they are; for whatever reason it is written, and for whatever outcome they seek, whether +ve, or -ve.
A student does not learn much from being scorned for a wrong answer. Guidance toward the correct solution is the right way to achieve the goal. It's called positive support. What I have read on these pages has a lot of negativity coming from several persons.
Most readers come here for the education - to learn something more about their individual interest. I would imagine Ethan has lost quite a few who have been put off by the lack of interpersonal skills being demonstrated. :)

I thought I explained that I wanted to know which of you two geniuses with IQ's the size of a planet, I was supposed to trust and believe. For both of you bigger IQ defines who is correct on matters so it seems to be kind of important.

You certainly are evasive, Lubos would have no trouble telling you how smart he is and I would put his IQ up there. I know Sascha Vongehr describes him as a high functioning idiot savant (ref:…).

So given all that it seem incumbent on you to give us you take on who is more intelligent.

Sigh WTB new "R" key.

"Well, raggie thinks he’s defending his god (quite why an omnipotent universe creator needs such a retard to defend him is a cosmically comic question), "

WOWzie goes full religious retard 4 post in. You should seek help to get that God fetish under control.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

@PJ #33

By chance did you see the movie 'Whiplash'? The filmmakers take a different view of your ideas on positive support.

Nope, not my cuppa tea. The majority of teachers, lecturers, instructors, ed support workers cannot all be wrong. Check with Ethan; get his point of view.
I've been an instructor for nigh on 40 years now. My experience seems to bear my view out - positively. :)

Well I don't really care about religion at all but we have two guys both claiming they are right because they are more intelligent than everyone else and abusing people who dare to question them.

They are never going to accept the poor lambs like us daring to question them or voting who we think is right so it seems the only fair thing is a face off.

All we need is for them to agree on how the face off works we could go for say highest IQ score or maybe a debate with last man standing the winner.

Then it would be clear who we should believe and would stop all the abuse and arguing.

"we have two guys both claiming they are right because they are more intelligent than everyone else"

OK, where did this happen, ldb?

Or is that completely and utterly made up bollocks?



It is.

"Well I don’t really care about religion at all"

But despite having "two guys here",only one generated ANY complaints from you.

Which one was that? The majority backed xtian fundie or the New Atheist who isn't letting a SCIENCE BLOG get overrun with RELIGION???

Oh, that's right. The xtian fundie was Okeley-dokeley!

I think your claim here of nonpartisanship is, as your claim about "[both] claiming they are right because they are more intelligent than everyone else" is utter bollocks and made up to build yourself as the Hero.

Fuck off.

"WOWzie goes full religious retard 4 post in. "

No, raggie, you're the religious retard.

Sorry to be the bearer of (apparently unsuspected) bad news.

But this can be discerned by who is claiming a religion. And that one is you.

PJ: "The reference to the ‘gun’ is a mere metaphor"

OK, I *HAD* hoped that your silence was because you were left thinking "What on earth made me read 'Hero' and think 'pointing a gun'? That's some seriously fucked up shit there."

Saying "It was a metaphor" isn't any better than saying "I didn't mean for their head to explode when I shot them with my gun!" in a murder trial. It's really quite orthogonal to the point and making it shows you really didn't understand.

Why did you read "Hero" and think "POINT A GUN"?

It is a perfect encapsulation of the problem america has with guns and why your death rate is VASTLY higher than even the highest other first-world western democracy in the world.

It also encapsulates why this year has seen more black men shot dead by police than there are days in the year so far.

Why the police shot a CHILD WITH A TOY GUN dead.

Because you think if YOU "point a gun", YOU are a "Hero".

Like I said earlier: That's some fucked up shit right there.

I thought I explained that I wanted to know which of you two geniuses with IQ’s the size of a planet, I was supposed to trust and believe.

So where was THIS claim made?

Or is this yet more made up bollocks?

It's the "made up bollocks" one, isn't it. Should'a known.

I know Sascha Vongehr describes him as a high functioning idiot savant

Aaaaah, NOW I know why you wanted an answer.

I say no: You say "HAH! YOU DUMBASS!!!!!"
I say yes: You say "HAH! YOU IDIOT!!!!!".

This explains why you're so frigging annoyed that I won't answer.

I also see that you really DO have a mancrush on Lubby: "and I would put his IQ up there".

I guess it's a bit of a BSDM relationship, though, what with your verbal abuse of him that is tied to his amazing powerful intellect that you genuflect to at the same time.

"But this can be discerned by who is claiming a religion. And that one is you."
Nope Idiot, see post #4 YOU bring it up and now look like a fool in front of the world, but do go on. Dance fool dance...

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"Nope Idiot, see post #4 YOU bring it up "

Nope, idiot, that doesn't mean I'm religious.

Go look up the definition.

Hang on, you're shit at finding the definition of words if you don't like the answer, so I'll give it to you:

relating to or believing in a religion.
a person bound by monastic vows.

Not in post #4.


Oh, and "I know you are, but what am I?" on religion should really have dropped out of your repertoire when you left 5th grade.

Assuming you did,of course...

"Nope, idiot, that doesn’t mean I’m religious."
obfuscate your own "Godbothering" and then move the goalpost when your called out for it.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"obfuscate your own “Godbothering” "

Try again in English this time.

Or in shorter parlance: "What?"

And by that I mean "What does that mean you want me to do?" plus ALSO "What does that have to do with what you quoted?"

And by that I mean “What does that mean you want me to do?” plus ALSO “What does that have to do with what you quoted?”

You were the first to bring religious connotation to this thread.
You are generally the first to soil yourself and wage a holy war against such acts thus your cry baby "Godbotherer" icky...icky.. creed is spewed.

Mrs Faithy Post #1 Gods awesome for creating this Universe, Thanks Ethan for the Story.

Wowzer Post Number #2 God didn't do shit you " Godbotherer"fuck twit get out of here.

So, by your own rules you condemn yourself over and over..
Sorta the seeing the splinter in your neighbors eye but not the log in your own.

in your miserable little world, It's OK for you to use religious connotations as you see fit but not for others.

Check Mate... Mate.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"You were the first to bring religious connotation to this thread."

1) How does "“obfuscate your own “Godbothering” map to that????

2) What does that have to do with me being religious???

Seriously, you're making ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

Your posts have been today NOTHING but nonsense.


Mrs Faithy Post #1 Gods awesome for creating this Universe, Thanks Ethan for the Story.

Wowzer Post Number #2 God didn’t do shit you ” Godbotherer”fuck twit get out of here.

So, by your own rules you condemn yourself over and over..

Is there ANY sane rationale for that conclusion from that example?


"It’s OK for you to use religious connotations as you see fit but not for others."


Where, other than from either your ass or diseased mind did you get that from?

Someone posts "God did this!". God didn't do it. It's just a statement of fact: god did not do it. There was no religious connotation THAT A GODBOTHERER DID NOT PUT THERE.

Your assertions are as insane as calling you a militant atheist because you've commented on atheism.

As in "totally fucking insane".

So are you going to let us all believe poor old Lubos is way smarter than you WOW.

You obviously have had contact and I think you implied he was really really arrogant, so he will take the bait?

Smack down for the most intelligent man on the planet Lubos v WOW ... it even has a good ring.

Come on science promoters dream here don't let me down.

As for the religious factions they inhabit every science forum ... actually correction every forum on the web.

Ignore them and they get bored and move along. I take it from what I have seen Ethan doesn't moderate this at all which is why it has deteriorated to this?

For the record I am agnostic and don't even bother reading religious postings.

"Your assertions are as insane as calling you a militant atheist because you’ve commented on atheism.

As in “totally fucking insane”.

Dance angry boy dance...

LdB has already kicked your ass in this thread so it is a bit shameful of me to pile on, so I will just sit back and watch you dance.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"You obviously have had contact "

You obviously have no evidence and have merely claimed that out of thin air and assertion.

"For the record I am agnostic and don’t even bother reading religious postings."

Then how the hell do you know what I posted? Or that “we have two guys both claiming they are right because they are more intelligent than everyone else”????

Obviously you're lying.

Oh, by the way: why is it you ignore religious posters (yeah, right, you're "agnostic". You don't even know what the fucking word MEANS, you moron) but you won't ignore mine?

Ah, that would be because you're not religious but you believe the religious should be given unearned respect and that there should be no such thing as atheism....

OK, number 55 there wasn't even a lame attempt at coherence.

All I can work out is that ldb and raggie are running a tag team of gish galloping.

Anyone know why?

Rag because he's a godbotherer who hates being told his fiction is a myth and ldb because he thinks rag has every right to do it, but nobody has the right to a different opinion to be held.

No I don't think I have won WOW ... you are right

I have been cut to the core by you and taken up self harm, rang life line twice ... every day is a chore to come here and face you.

That is why you need to give me a chance to win ... show me your huge intellect defeat my nemesis that dastardly Lubos and I will serve you.

No, I don't need your mancrush either, ldb.

I take it all that shit about self harm and all that is just a sick joke, right?

"I take it all that shit about self harm and all that is just a sick joke, right?"

You better hope so. .those stupid ass hate speech laws in the country you reside in makes it so you could probably be brought up on murder charges if he kills himself and blames you.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"those stupid ass hate speech laws in the country you reside in"

I know the laws we have. I also know the mad caricature of them you think there is.

But, nope, those laws don't do what you appear to believe they do. I can't be brought up on murder charges, no matter how eloquently he hypothetically blames me.

If anything, your post is even LESS coherent than 55.

I guess that's what happens when you let "god" into your life.

"I guess that’s what happens when you let “god” into your life."

in a deterministic system, I can't let God do anything now can I.

Hell you could be brought up on this one alone:
Section 29B: (1) A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, is guilty of an offence if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred.…

Of course I would never turn you in as I think these laws are rubbish, but there is some fear over there about them:
British reality TV star Katie Hopkins had a little run in with this recently (Ebola). and others as well so I have read.
Is it all bollocks as well in their heads?

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"is guilty of an offence if he intends thereby to stir up religious hatred."

Yup, the OPPOSITE of what I'm doing.

And guilty of an offence of "murder"???? Doesn't say that, does it. Like I said, not your caricature of the law.


"A person who uses threatening words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening"

Example, please.

“Of course I would never turn you in as I think these laws are rubbish”

Ah, so these people only wanted for PREACHING in public should not be wanted by the USA or imprisoned, since they don’t have these “hate speech laws” you hate so much:

"Example, please."
Pointless as you would flail around hands waving full retard mode denying what is obvious to all.
Just as you have done here in this thread. De'nile is not just a river in Egypt Wowzie.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

"“Example, please.”
Pointless "

Well I guess it is pointless to expect you to have any actual evidence for your claims.

Won't stop you making wild claims, though, will it, godbotherer?

Like "Just as you have done here in this thread." for example. No examples of that either.

Also, under dictionary entry: Irony, it has:

A claim of "Pointless as you would flail around hands waving full retard mode denying what is obvious to all." after being asked:
“Example, please.”
Pointless as

"Pointless as "
Reread the whole thread, starting with #4 where you put your foot in your mouth and continued to swallow all the way up to your ass by the end of it #50 where you go into denial regurgitating your foot back out.
Here I will make it simple for the simpleton you are.
Just copy and paste this:

Yes Ragtag you are correct and I apologize. I bitch about people bringing religious connotations into these threads and have become blinded by my own obsessive compulsion about it that I myself became the same that I rail against.
I am truly repentant and will strive not to do it anymore, thanks for showing me the error of my ways.

There, your welcome,
Just copy and paste to gain any sliver of credibility back with regards to intellectual honesty.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

Reread the whole thread,

Well, no matter how many times it is read, it won't be true that I "put [my] foot in your mouth and continued ...".

Because your claims about #4 are reasonless drivel.


Making no sense here.

I bitch about people bringing religious connotations into these threads

Now THERE is your real problem.

You merely don't want anyone to have the freedom to say god doesn't exist, that your mythology is that of a ridiculous death cult.

But you have no avenue via reason to arrive at an argument for that, so you're trying insanity.

Indeed, that is ldb's problem too. Without even the voices in his head to justify it. He thinks he's being rational about it. You just think you're entitled to believe in that crap.

Also where in #50 are you getting that weird meme from? Or is this another pointless request, since you made that one up too?

"You merely don’t want anyone to have the freedom to say god doesn’t exist, that your mythology is that of a ridiculous death cult."
Wrong'o Rhonda, say it all you want. Just accept the fact that you are a hypocrite for bitching when someone else post the opposite.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 06 Aug 2015 #permalink

Wrong, dumbass. Just accept the fact that you are a hypocrite for bitching when someone else posts the opposite.

But lets see. What was posted "in opposite" to #4, and what was claim was it to?

1) Rag thinks he’s defending his god (quite why an omnipotent universe creator needs such a retard to defend him is a cosmically comic question)

2) it’s not, for him, petty.

3) you just did your own petty bickering.

4) Complaining about it isn’t not joining in. It’s a method to engage in it AND appear as the hero of the piece to yourself.

Which one was said "in opposite" to one or any of those claims? And where?

"Wrong, dumbass. Just accept the fact that you are a hypocrite for bitching when someone else posts the opposite."

Nope you are the Hypo, here just a week back:…
First one in the thread with the "Godbotherer" comment.
You really are making yourself look silly dancing the fools tango.

#76 there, you really are becoming delusional, now your talking to yourself in 3rd person, a sign of a mentally unstable person.
Poor fellow, on the bright side you get free mental care over there. Give it a go.

Keep dancing fool, you do have a fabulous back peddle crawl.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 07 Aug 2015 #permalink

"First one in the thread with the “Godbotherer” comment."

So your evidence is not ANYWHERE in #4 on this thread like you claimed?

And, that post is a question. Do you know what that is? It's just like "Hell, are you another sock of raggie?".

A question.

Now, what statement on that is there "the opposite" written here?

1) Are you a godbotherer

2) Are you a sock of raggie

Indeed what would an opposite be? "Are you not bothering god?"?? "yes, i am not a sockpuppet of raggie"?

"So your evidence is not ANYWHERE in #4 on this thread like you claimed?"
Quite the contrary oh dense one.
The relation follows as you have the fixation and not others as you project them to have.
I don't have the time now, but if you insist on embarrassing yourself here, I will be happy to oblige later this evening by scouring the threads posting here for you and all the world to see your ramblings on about the mythical "Godbotheres" while in fact your the one chaing ghost.

By Ragtag Media (not verified) on 07 Aug 2015 #permalink

Under my local laws, WOW is in no trouble he would have to go down the vilification path which calling me dumb or stupid wouldn't fall into. So under my local laws he can taunt and traumatize me as much as he likes :-)

I had forgotten that a few countries were in the process of changing laws and trying to strike a balance between freedom of speech and bullying etc. I think my skin is thick enough to take insults from our little self proclaimed intellectual genius and decider of all that is correct in science.

I am actually more upset WOW won't take on Lubos for me and I have to declare Lubos the most intelligent and correct and worse accept string theory. This is like a nightmare but WOW has chickened out on me as he is obviously not certain he is the most intelligent or correct on these things.

“Quite the contrary oh dense one."

Nope, your link was not to #4 on this thread. By definition, it wasn't this thread and post number 4 which you had repeatedly claimed was the proof of my error.

So quite not the contrary, as it were.

"The relation follows as you have the fixation ..."

Nope, not English. Try again.

"I will be happy to oblige later this evening by scouring the threads posting "

Well you already tried once, and the closest you could get to proof of it on this thread was something not on this thread.

And to which you have still failed to show what was posted in opposition to it to make your claim substantiated and evidenced.

So go ahead.

Give it a go.

Hasn't worked so far for you, but insanity is trying the same thing over and over again until it works.

"I am actually more upset WOW won’t take on Lubos for me"

But why?

Take him on yourself.


By the way you've "chickened out" yourself, since you are claiming you're not the most intelligent or correct on things, yet still claim that lubby is wrong and an idiot.

Since you're the one who wants to fight him, it isn't really possible for me to chicken out of anything.

I'm not your puppet, poppet.

WOW I can't take Lubos on he is the same as you, I am dumb and only the most intelligent is right.

Yes I have chickened out and I have to accept he is right because I am pretty sure his IQ is definitely higher than mine.

So no complaining if I don't accept things you say, as you had your chance to show me you are right.