What are quantum gravity's alternatives to string theory? (Synopsis)

“I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong. Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don’t believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world.” -Edward Witten
String theory is often touted as the best option for physics beyond the Standard Model, and for unifying gravity with quantum theory. No one disputes the need for a quantum theory of gravity, as general relativity is woefully insufficient for describing gravitational fields at extremely small distances.
Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Wade Sisler, of Brian Greene presenting on String Theory. Image credit: NASA/Goddard/Wade Sisler, of Brian Greene presenting on String Theory.

But string theory isn't the only game in town. In particular, four options, including loop quantum gravity, asymptotically safe gravity, causal dynamical triangulations and emergent gravity are all worth considering as serious options.

Image credit: flickr gallery of J. Gabas Esteban. Image credit: flickr gallery of J. Gabas Esteban.

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“I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong. Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don’t believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world.” -Edward Witten It's a difficult…
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"I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong. Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don't believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world." -Edward Witten You don't have to…
“I just think too many nice things have happened in string theory for it to be all wrong. Humans do not understand it very well, but I just don’t believe there is a big cosmic conspiracy that created this incredible thing that has nothing to do with the real world.” -Ed Witten If you calculate the…

1. your link goes to a site that requires the removal of ad blocking - which is a security issue as it's ads that are one of the most used paths for malware etc

2. if spooky action at a distance is real then everything is connected and if everything is connected then gravity (and acceleration, ie, inertia) aint what Einstein expected - when we push in the universe we push on the whole universe - maybe that's what's missing from all these approaches

By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 17 Dec 2015 #permalink

#2 doesn't work.
E.g. Just because the phone line is connected to the network doesn't mean the phone line is connected to every house on the planet.

Just because there's action at a distance doesn't mean everything is connected to everything else.


so uh, what DOES it mean? Exactly?

(ps, when it comes to land lines it does indeed mean every phone is connected to every other phone though switching is required for PSTN but for VOIP it is by definition connected to every other phone - that's how the internet works BTW)

if you can't explain how inertia works (EXACTLY) then don't bother to answer :-)


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 17 Dec 2015 #permalink

I must say that forbes.com has some inordinately hostile ads. I don't actually run a script blocker to protect myself from advertisement, I run it to protect myself from crap that wants to make my browser misbehave.

"so uh, what DOES it mean? Exactly?"

It means it's not local. Doesn't mean universal. Your local library isn't every library in the world. The fact that you know some people outside your local area doesn't mean you know everyone outside your local area.

And if you didn't know what "Non-local" means, how the hell did you manage to come up with a reason to make your claim in #1?

"ps, when it comes to land lines it does indeed mean every phone is connected to every other phone though switching is required"

If switching is required, it's not connected to every phone. You have a switch in the way.

Please look up how the phone network works (yes, even VOIP).

Or just pick the phone up and try talking to everyone on the planet.

"I must say that forbes.com has some inordinately hostile ads."

Just don't visit.

If the price of admission is "look at our ads and let us track you", say "No, too expensive" and block it. If they say "You can't look if you don't pay", then say "Ok, I won't look, then".

And, oddly enough, they'll find that when nobody is looking at their site, it's not generating any value.

It's a bit like suing Google for including your news site on their news site link search engine. You find yourself then trying to sue them for being made invisible.

"if you can’t explain how inertia works (EXACTLY)"

If you can't explain why that is required before I am allowed to answer (EXACTLY!), then don't bother making stupid-ass claims.

@1 - quantum mechanics is non-local. So we aren't "missing" non-locality from fundamental physics, we're just unable to integrate it fully with general relativity.

Having said that, Wow is right that non-locality doesn't mean that a particle's influence is significant or even nonzero everywhere. One example that shows this are QM drawings of electron orbitals for p, d, and f shell elections; if you understand what they're showing you, you'll see that the shapes are nonlocal but that probabilities drop to close to zero very quickly, while some of the orbitals also have nodes of zero probability (not just "very low" probability, mathematically zero).

Gah, electrons not elections.

so can anyone explain what makes inertia happen?

By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 17 Dec 2015 #permalink


at the most fundamental level... Higgs

By Sinisa Lazarek (not verified) on 17 Dec 2015 #permalink

At the most fundamental level, what the hell does inertia have to do with "non-locality" "or everything is connected "???

This is unfortunate. I don't run an ad-blocker. I do however run the Privacy Badger. I'll happily look at Forbes advertising images if it pays the bills of content publishers, but tracking goes well beyond "advertising" and becomes a privacy issue. However, Privacy Badger trips the AdBlock blocker.

It would have done if they hadn't gotten stupid.

Adverts can and do appear. But hosted locally, checked to be relevant, and trojan free.

They used to be within the product, now they are the product itself.

And when they wanted more clicks, they thought "If we annoy the arse off our potential customers, we'll get them to spend money!".

Ads could still pay them for the site.

However, it would be hard, the same way as a cheating husband or cuckolding wife would have to work hard to re-create the trust that they had before.

I added one new rule to my Adblock and Forbes thanked me for removing the Adblock :)

At the most fundamental level, what the hell does inertia have to do with “non-locality” “or everything is connected “???

The reference is rather plainly to Mach's principle.

Really? Connection, please. It has about as much AFAICT to do with non-local phenomena as the force carriers for gravity do.

IOW, bugger all.

Not to mention that the original post prophesied that whatever the hell he's going on about means "gravity (and acceleration, ie, inertia) aint what Einstein expected" given that general relativity was predicated as Einstein's extension of Mach's Principle to a theoretic model of the universe. indeed the reason for it to be CALLED "Blah *Relativity*" was because of the understanding Einstein had of what Mach's principle means.

Really? Connection, please.

New Age mystification version here, arXiv paper here.

Two-link comment in moderation.

I hope you haven't just given two links to mach's principle, 'cos that's a waste of my time.

Althought Einstein was inspired by the Mach principle, the GR is actually falsification, not extension of them.

No, there is so little in mach's principle, that you have to work out what it means in reality. And Einstein took it to mean when you measure movement, it must be relative to something. Which is a pretty good conclusion on what mach's principle is.

Ergo named his theories relativity.

I hope you haven’t just given two links to mach’s principle, ‘cos that’s a waste of my time.

If you're too freaking dense to figure out what they're for – and, after all, you couldn't make the obvious connection in the first place – it's of no concern to me. I wouldn't have replied in the first place were I not visiting my father for the holidays and thus actually seeing your comments.

There's always the possibility that someone who, say, has it together enough to successfully post an ADS link might also understand (1) the juxtaposition and (2) why the identification was trivial.

^ I suppose another possibility is that you couldn't control the urge to try to "mark your territory" before the comment even came out of moderation, which behavior would speak for itself.

I see no advertising other than 'Quote of the day' and 'recommended by Forbes' and I might be able to get rid of that with a custom filter group in ABP filter preferences, and for some reason my use of ABP is not detected.

By Paddywhacker (not verified) on 18 Dec 2015 #permalink

"If you’re too freaking dense to figure out what they’re for "

Yeah, you're going to waste me fucking time here, aren't you?

"after all, you couldn’t make the obvious connection in the first place"

If it can't connect because there's a huge gaping hole in the connection, it can't be connected. Remember, you blowhard retard, this thing it is must be something that blows a hole in what Einstein thought.

Given that Einstein frigging invented the term "Mach principle" and joyfully proposed to Ernst that GR proved that there was some genuine validity to his proposal, HOW THE HELL CAN IT BE THAT????

Look, just because you can pull shit from your ass doesn't mean that this shit is something everyone else will wonder at.

And, moreover, Mach's principle HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH NONLOCALITY!

Just because you are a much a retard as poet here doesn't mean everyone is a moron.

I guess given your retarded mentality, you have to pretend that I must be a bad person, given you're unable to explain either yourself or my actions as rational, and therefore attribute some tribality to it.

iOW you can't attack the logic, so you attack the personae.

wow! go google "personality disorder"

read a bit before you reply - if you can't help making some sort of reply then QED

Mach's principle, spinning buckets, inertia etc - should not cause someone to spit the dummy unless there's something really wrong with them - like reduced executive function

such problems are likely to be a strain on family

but if that's your problem you will never tell them (because that's your problem) but they already know

poor things


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

"wow! go google “personality disorder”"

Why? So I can understand your problem better? Which personality problem afflicts you? "Personality disorder" covers a lot of ground, so throw me a frikkin bone here, why don't ya?

"Mach’s principle"

Yeah, doesn't fit, retard.

And I can DEFEND that claim of retard too. You proclaimed "read a bit before you reply", yet you replied with "Mach's principle", which CANNOT be the process you were alluding to because it doesn't and cannot form the scenario you proscribed for it.

Go read the wiki if you're unwilling to read the links and quotes I provided.

You DO know how to look things up on the Wiki, don't you? Just type in "mach's principle" and wait for it to give you the text.

Go read it.

I dare you.

And tell us all what you find there about Einstein and general relativity on there.

Then explain how if mach's principle were what you were blathering on about like a freewheeling retard, acceleration (gravitation and mass) would be other than Einstein thought.

Go on.

Double dare you.

Or will you double down on the stupid and scream and shout on the internet?

for all eternity (or as long as this comments section survives)

and thus it is proved


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

You didn't even bother to look it up on the wiki, did you.

Not even enter the words in. Let alone read it.

This proves what?

re#19:" Really? Connection, please.

New Age mystification version here, arXiv paper here."

NEITHER of them give what the hell Mach's principle has to do with nonlocality.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In theoretical physics, quantum nonlocality is the phenomenon by which measurements made at a microscopic level contradict a collection of notions known as local realism that are regarded as intuitively true in classical mechanics. Rigorously, quantum nonlocality refers to quantum mechanical predictions of many-system measurement correlations that cannot be simulated by any local hidden variable theory. Many entangled quantum states produce such correlations when measured, as demonstrated by Bell's theorem.


So NOT "things depend on distant things". That is no more than nonlocality is evidenced by the sun's light reaching us 8 light minutes away is a nonlocal phenomena of Quantum Mechanics.

The fact that bodies have gravitational pull is NOT a nonlocal phenomena. Unless you mean the really dumb damn near tautological "it isn't at the same place!".

In which case you're back into your own dictionary and thesaurus, in which case, please go to your nearest adult education centre and sign up stat.

Remember, you blowhard retard

Yah. Impressively, you were so exercised that you thought three effectively content-free (aside from your weird persecution complex) rants were warranted. My physics degree may be ancient, but it's still serviceable.

On the other hand, people who think the word "retard" has any place in conversation or argument are simply beneath contempt as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy W—dia.

"My physics degree may be ancient, but it’s still serviceable."

No way in hell. Not unless your "physics degree" was teaching you how to avoid saying anything and just berate your betters for not believing the crap that came out of your mouth.

Was your degree mail order? Is your fellow alumni kent hovind?

Got anything explaining away the facts that indicate it has bugger all to do with mach's principle? Or are you going to proclaim how you is smart and degreed?

Narad, demonstrate your physics degree chops.


a) What about "Mach's principle" would, and I quote, mean "gravity (and acceleration, ie, inertia) aint what Einstein expected "


b) What about "Mach's principle" is indicating that this statement "Just because there’s action at a distance doesn’t mean everything is connected to everything else." is "obviously" false.

Because currently it's entirely consistent with the facts available that poe here didn't know what they're talking about, didn't have a clue what inertia has to do with why #2 was wrong and #1 was right, and ignored every attempt to get an explanation of what they were on about, and merely latched on to your claim of "Duh, it's OBVIOUSLY Mach's principle!" as being a get-out-of-BS card.

Neither poe here nor yourself know why it's AT ALL relevant. Maybe it's "too obvious", in which case, it should be easy to explain, right?

Though so far you both have done everything in the book to avoid doing so. So it's not looking likely.

i went for a trip to hell

i saw a big field with a sign saying "morons". There were, spread about, piles of dirt. I walked up to one and saw that the dirt was there because someone was in a hole furiously digging. I edged up to the hole and looked down at the person there.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm digging my hole deeper to prove i'm not an imbecile"

I scratched my head and walked on.

I came to another field with a sign "idiots"

I walked up to a hole and looked down.

There was someone at the bottom of the hole, just sitting.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I was digging myself deeper into the hole but it did not seem to be helping me much"

"Would you like to get out?"

"What? do you think I'm a moron?"


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

"i went for a trip to hell"

You have no idea what hell is.

Hell is some moron babbling endlessly. Without ever explaining themselves. Because they're a moron.

Stop digging. You're already dumb enough, no need to pile more on.


For example. Ever since post #2, you've never managed to answer a single fucking question.

But you've had PLENTY of time and effort spare to manage to post five insults and avoidances.

Then you whine and bitch that *I'm* being rude?!?!?!?!?

Pick the arobreal forest out of your eye before making believe that there's a mote in someone else's.

Narad hasn't managed anything other than one really REALLY lame attempt to pretend that something they can't explain is "obvious" and that I'm a meanie idiot for not knowing what is so obvious it can't be explained...

So, apart from whining and projecting onto me, have you got anything that appears to come from a working mammal brain?


here's a challenge for you

go ask someone you respect (if such a person could possibly exist)

to read your all the comments above

i'd like to know if you could find anyone who would not think that you are quite stupid, quite ignorant (to any depth, of science), very very rude and quite obviously suffering from some sort of mental problem

it's like anything anyone says to you is like they pressed a button on you that makes you go nuts and behave like a neglected 2 year old

you can't see it, you don't acknowledge it, you want accept it

all you can do is immediately start ranting, attacking, cussing and anything else other than anything that might lead you (or anyone else reading you) to somewhere better

i once saw a man holding a woman against a wall by her throat - with her feet off the floor, throttling her and banging her against the wall while he shouted through his frothing mouth "i will make you love me"

that's you

and you seem, like him, not to be able to get a simple thing

because you are angry and you are out of control and you are a violent bully

so wow - off you go - leap back into it - keep banging your foe against the wall and keep shouting that you will make us all believe that you are an intellectual genius and worthy of respect

who knows, maybe that woman i mentioned above would have preferred that we had not intervened so that she could have gained love and enlightenment from a raging violent lunatic


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

You have a challenge first, idiot.

When you can tear yourself from your entertainment of insulting everyone you speak to and decide to actually answer anything proposed to you, let everyone know and we'll take note of this miracle and listen with baited breath.

But it would be REALLY good for you to lay of insulting all and sundry, no matter how much you enjoy it.

Oh, and don't go calling yourself a poet.

This isn't your forte. Poets have to have some facility with imagination and words. You fail in those as far as anyone here can judge it.


oh, i'm so wounded

nasty little creature aren't you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

So, no, you don't seem to be able to manage either of those.

Is it because I asked for both, or is it either of those requests were completely beyond your capacity? You really haven't had any clue, you merely wanted to complain that Einstein was a dummy and insult everyone who dared not just accept your Trumpian declaratives.

Totally pathetic.

nasty little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

"keep shouting that you will make us all believe that you are an intellectual genius and worthy of respect"

The only one shouting about how big an intellectual giant they are is you, moron.

Well, Narad maybe, but he's really not spent as much effort insulting everything better than himself as you have.

You really have a fantastic imagination when it comes to violence against women, don't you.

ANYTHING to avoid actually saying something cogent, or even rational.

Truly Trumpian.


nasty little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

If you can;tmanage anything other than insult and avoidance, please take your infantile insanity to this thread where your mental disease cannot infect threads that are current:


This is not the best place for your inane insults, but if you can't refrain form your toxic vitriol on this site, this is the closest you can get to a suitable place for that crap.

nasty little creature aren't you



By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

go ask someone you respect (if such a person could possibly exist)

to read your all the comments above

This is akin to challenging See Noevo to seek commentary on his online Catholicizing antics from his parish priest (which I've done several times).

and you seem, like him, not to be able to get a simple thing

I, for one, am impressed at the repeated shrieks for attention after what seemed to me to be a straightforward existential kiss-off. Maybe "enjoy wallowing in W—dia" would have been clearer, but it takes a certain level of delusionality to overlook the "beneath contempt" part.

ugly little creature aren’t you



By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

oops, shot the wrong person


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

OK, it's clear enough you should take your inane ranting to the dump thread too. After all, it;s entirely obvious you're incapable of actually providing anything above crass insults and circlejerking.

Pop along and drop the steaming load you can't help but spew out here:


The only question being which one is Steyn...

horrid little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

"I, for one, am impressed at the repeated shrieks for attention"

Ah, I see: insanity is your issue.

When I ask:

#18 Wow
December 18, 2015

Not to mention that the original post prophesied that whatever the hell he’s going on about means “gravity (and acceleration, ie, inertia) aint what Einstein expected” given that general relativity was predicated as Einstein’s extension of Mach’s Principle to a theoretic model of the universe. indeed the reason for it to be CALLED “Blah *Relativity*” was because of the understanding Einstein had of what Mach’s principle means.

and keep on asking, you think this is me screaming for attention.

It isn't. It's screaming for an answer.

Now that's cleared up, you will be able to answer, yes?

If not, please take the shrill vitriol in place of rationality that you cannot help but spurt out, take it to the aforementioned dump thread, where all the rest of the retarded "arguments" can go.

ugly little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

Jeepers Wow.
I've read through this thread. You have no cooking idea just how hypocritical you are. You have been abrasive, combative, confrontational, insulting and downright rude in your comments here, and yet you link to Ethan's post on civility. Are you really that lacking in self awareness?
Physician, heal thyself!

By Julian Frost (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

Jeepers, Julie, you have not read a freaking thing on here, have you!

You also clearly have no clue what physics is or what evidence means and looks like. Your onea nd only post was abusive, abrasive, condescending, arrogant, insulting, biased, bigoted and completely uninformed.

Moron, learn thyself and stop staring into the navel to receive instruction.

And nothing, poe,you have written has contained anything other than the raving dribblings of a moron incapable of answering any query on what the hell you're babbling on about.

The thread you're supposed to take for that sort of bollocks is here;


or just fuck off where your idiocy will be accepted and your arrogance worshiped.

I rest my case.

By Julian Frost (not verified) on 19 Dec 2015 #permalink

If only.

So can I be right just by saying "I rest my case" and never once providing evidence or rational argument? Or is this purely for the po faced brigade as a valid and acceptable tactic?

Did you EVER read the link? Apparently you only read the words you wanted to see there, and never anything else.

I rest my case.

vile little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

I rest my case

disgusting little creature aren't you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

"Jeepers Wow."
"Are you really that lacking in self awareness?"
Yes She is.. and Lonely as well.

By Ragtagmedia (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

Aaaawwwww. Teabaggie has found some new idiots to play with.

So sweet.

And apparently a female one, too. Why else keep going on about "ugly" and be so unable to answer any questions.

Wonder if it's mrs teabaggie...

So, to recap. Poe here has no idea what they were talking about, no idea of what Einstein thought, no idea of what Mach said, no idea why they have anything to do with each other, no idea of what logic or argument is, no idea what science means, no idea what else to say, and teabaggie has found her quite a commodious playmate.

And nads thinks that they have had science training, but thinks that poe here will help them take down what nads has considered to be "top dog", being completely incapable of doing so itself.

Oh, not to forget Justin who really doesn't read anything but won't let a little detail like that derail them from their "heroic crusade" (tm).

None of them really give a shit about learning, they only want to shout others down for infantile reasons.

Truly a pathetic group of subhuman retards.

deranged little creature aren’t you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

Ooh! Ooh! You tried something new! A DIFFERENT attempt at insult!

I mean, not that new, but at least a little bit different.

I guess you can only manage a little bit of change. Big change would require effort, and by damn you don't deserve to have to show anything other than insanity! Won't someone think of the insane asylums?!?!?


It's hilarious when trolls lose sight of their goal and get really pissed off and angry.

Especially today when the trolls can only manage to parrot out the same bollocks "insult" that really only confirms the problems of the troll's mentality.

Boy do they get shit-stamping angry then!

"Boy do they get shit-stamping angry then!"
Pot is that you kettle calling again?

By Ragtagmedia (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

Kettles have no digestive tract. Not even if you think god made them.

"Kettles have no digestive tract. Not even if you think god made them."
Nor do they have an ounce of decency in them.

And Bow Wow Wowzer Ruins another good blog post comment section.

I suppose you can't contribute to mankind on a positive scale because of your "self-indulgent" nature.
At least we know the voice in your head really is you...

By Ragtagmedia (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

"It’s not like you don’t know you’re already skating on thin ice."

However it IS like you haven't a clue what your spewing on about.

By Ragtagmedia (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

mr wow is the very definition of a troll - as it was in the beginning when the handle for such people was first thought up

he sits in waiting for anyone he can attack - like the old story book trolls hiding under a bridge waiting for unwary travelers - then leaping out and attacking

just like the old trolls - if you shine a strong enough (even red-shifted) light on them they turn to stone, never to bother anyone again

mr wow is a very nasty creature, lacking in anything except self - no feeling or awareness of other - but not like someone with an ASD - much more clearly on the PD axes - narcissistic, anti-social and a fair touch of psychotypic in there

he can not accept it, will never accept it and spends his pitiful existence waiting to be the big troll here on an open comments section - something disappearing fast on the net for obvious reasons

he is so much like a kindergarten child who does the nar nar na nar nar thing, retaliates without any thought whatsoever - just flies off the handle spittle and foam at the mouth, never ever, ever sitting back and wondering why he gets a comment like this

a truly sicko person - if i thought any of my scientist sons might ever behave like this i'd euthanize them - fortunately, they all (and that includes a quantum physicist) have very nice gentle personalities and would never behave in such a way

people need to be aware of who mr wow is and what lurks behind his comments on posts here

and to you mr wow - i suggest that you should start your own blog where you can rant and attack anyone you like to your hearts content instead of destroying any chance that people might gain some opportunity to learn something in these comment sections

i know you will not understand any of this and you will certainly not take any of it to heart

and that's what people need to know about you so that you do not cause damage - god forbid what might come about if someone of delicate nature were to be attacked by you


By The Peak Oil Poet (not verified) on 20 Dec 2015 #permalink

"However it IS like you haven’t a clue what your spewing on about.

And again, your idiocy is laughed at, even by yourself, teabaggie.

Not to mention, just like Nads and your other current bedfellows of idiocy, you're just accepting the charge then racing off at tangent to pretend that your peril is somehow nonexistent because it's there.

Truly retardation of the highest order.

"mr wow is the very definition of a troll "


You don't even know what the definition of it IS!

You wander up here, make a fatuous claim that somehow you have "proven" Einstein wrong, then go "You're ugly" "You're ugly" "You're ugly" when asked for proof and evidence!

Then spam every thread where I post the same silly petty shit.

You have no fucking clue.

Late to the party, but the thread looked like screaming fits anyway. Unfortunately I can only contribute with nitpicks, but missing the existence of the Higgs force is at least a huge one!

"What happens to the gravitational field of an electron when it passes through a double slit?"

Hopefully the simplest quantum gravity field theory, based on quantizing its Lagrangian, answers that since it makes predictions where gravity is weak. [ https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/archives/000639.html ]

"The Higgs boson is also a boson, although it doesn’t mediate any forces".

The Higgs boson is a particle of one of the 4 Higgs fields, and it mediates the Higgs force. (Which strength goes much as the weak force.)

"As of 2012, we have a new force to think about: the force between two particles induced by the Higgs field! This is not to be confused with the effect by which the Higgs field gives the known elementary particles their masses; the Higgs field can do this to a single, isolated particle. That’s not a force; it doesn’t push or pull. But the Higgs field can also induce a force between two particles; this happens in much the same way that electromagnetic forces are created. However, as far as its effect on ordinary matter, this force is very, very hard to detect. At short distances, for particles like electrons and the up and down quarks that dominate the proton, the Higgs force is very weak (much weaker than electromagnetism, but much much stronger than gravity). At long distances, like the weak nuclear force, the Higgs force becomes extremely weak, because the Higgs particle, like the W particle, has a mass."

[ http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics… ]

"if you want String Theory to work, you need to give up on dynamics, and simply say, “well, it must’ve been anthropically selected.”

I don't think that is evidenced. Choosing among the string theory vacua is NP-hard IIRC, but even large NP-hard problems can be feasibly solved to high precision with heuristics. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem ]

"1.) Loop Quantum Gravity."

Speak of giving up dynamics! LQG was famous for having no dynamics (no harmonic oscillator solutions) a few years back, and I haven't heard that has been solved. It is a generic physics theory in the same way that the statics of buildings tell us how all other system behaves.

And timing of supernova photons travelling vast distances rejects LQG 'fabrics of spacetime', spacetime is smooth below Planck scales.

"2.) Asymptotically Safe Gravity. ... In addition, it beats string theory on at least one account: it doesn’t need the addition of new particles or parameters that we have no evidence for!"

I like ASG. But I don't know if it contradics string theory.

"3.) Causal Dynamical Triangulations."

Breaks relativity in the light cone as far as I can see. (Typically they try to handwave that away with randomization, but that is easy to check that it won't suffice.)

Else it has the same problems as LQG. So no^2.

"4.) Emergent gravity."

Another not-theory, but this one breaks thermodynamics instead. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropic_gravity ]

By Torbjörn Larsson (not verified) on 21 Jan 2016 #permalink