Which is a shame, because I've defended him in the past. But then he did go Emeritus in 2011 so perhaps this is all to be expected.
Its not terribly exciting I'm afraid. There is a piece of tat in the Euresis Journal, whatever that is, called Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?. Skipping over the rest of the nonsense, the only bit I care about is me, obviously:
The myth of scientific consensus is also perpetuated in the web’s Wikipedia where climate articles are vetted by William Connolley, who regularly runs for office in England as a Green Party candidate. No deviation from the politically correct line is permitted.
This is from Winter 2012, and its wrong, of course: I haven't stood for the Green Party for years now. Not that L cares about accuracy, of course; its just a piece of throw away intended-nastiness. But the head of the article says Original manuscript from November 29, 2008, with corrections and an added postscript provided on October 31, 2011 which is a bit odd - is this really a re-tread of something L wrote in 2008?
Presumably, since the postscript says:
The present paper was written in 2008 (although a few minor corrections have been made to the present version)... On a more positive note, William Connolley is no longer controlling Wikipedia’s coverage of climate, which has become discernibly better.
I wonder why L thinks wiki's climate coverage is now better? There is a bit more of it, but the basic state of the global warming page and associated material is pretty well what it was in 2008. Still, we have no real idea of what L thought was wrong with it in 2008, and no idea of how it is better. L has abandonded science in favour of vague untestable generalities.
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Perusing Dick's paper, I'd say he has put together enough authentically curious info for a serious sociology of science thesis - social construction happens.
Does anyone know anything about Euresis? Hopefully it ios more credible than JSE, although this does not sound like a good start.
Euresis somewhat recalls the rhetoric of 'scientific culture' that the Ettore majorana Center in Erice promoted through Il Tempo 's science section
"Euresis somewhat recalls the rhetoric of ‘scientific culture’ that the Ettore majorana Center in Erice promoted through Il Tempo ‘s science section"
Thanks, that explains a lot. No, hang on, I didn't understand a word of it.
"I wonder why L thinks wiki’s climate coverage is now better? "
This is now what I call an "internet fact". The actual evidence is of little consequence, enough people on the internet now say it that it must be true.
Enuresis is bedwetting. Close enough
"I wonder why L thinks wiki’s climate coverage is now better".
It is probably just a warm feeling, certainly shared by many others, knowing it (Wikipedia climate info) is not primarily influenced by someone who has particularly strong beliefs in one direction (granted, shared with "the 97%", but perhaps disputed by some others).
"It is probably just a warm feeling, certainly shared by many others, knowing it (Wikipedia climate info) is not primarily influenced by science that has particularly strong evidence in one direction (granted, shared with “the 97%”, but perhaps disputed by some others)."
“It is probably just a warm feeling, certainly shared by many others, knowing it (Wikipedia climate info) is primarily influenced by science that has particularly strong evidence in one direction (granted, shared with “the 97%”, but perhaps disputed by some others).”
I recall you are annoyed at the high price of journals. Nature has just sent me an offer of 174 pounds off the original price of 210 pounds per year. The special off is only 36 pounds for Nature for a year. That's a huge price cut. Don't know how permanent it is.
I only skimmed the few first pages, but....
What is the point of L building this narrative (gratitude vs. fear)? It seems hopelessly complex to be attractive to "skeptics" and it is such nonsense that nobody serious will even consider it.
I guess it's just a citation and what it says doesn't really matter as long as it says climate science is corrupt.
Harry, is that for Nature or Nature Climate Change. Almost worth taking for Nature @ that price given that it has become too expensive for most university libraries.
Harry, when in Rome read the Roman newspapers-
Il Tempo approximates The Washington Times
[Redacted -W], why are so ashamed of being reminded that you had and still have suuuuuuch a close relationship to the green party?? certainly not only because lindzen wasn't accurate about the year. try to be honest and admit that you still today are extemely close to green activist ideologies, similar to hansen, jones, trenberth, gavin, etc.
please don't lie about your political preferences and confess that you prefer obama to romney
Boris: try the Google on:
"The myth of scientific consensus is also perpetuated in the web’s Wikipedia where climate articles are vetted by William Connolley"
Oddly, one of the hits (citing 2008 version) is At Stoat, with note from WMC, who must have forgotten about this.
[Ha, that's a good catch. I barely remember things from last week, though, so you can't expect me to remember stuff from 4 years ago -W]
"please don’t lie about your political preferences and confess that you prefer obama to romney"
And accusing people of reasonableness is supposed to accomplish what, exactly?
And let's not forget Eleusis:
> The mysteries represented the myth of the abduction of Persephone from her mother Demeter by the king of the underworld Hades, in a cycle with three phases, the "descent" (loss), the "search" and the "ascent", with the main theme the "ascent" of Persephone and the reunion with her mother. It was a major festival during the Hellenic era, and later spread to Rome.
Here is the link
"51 issues of cutting-edge research, global news, perceptive commentary and archive access back to January 1997."
It's not very fair, though. $36 for Americans and 36 pounds for the British.
"why are so ashamed of being reminded that you had and still have suuuuuuch a close relationship to the green party??"
He has told you his relationship. Why not settle for the facts, and stop creating lies.
Don't waste your time trying to argue with kai... He can be found elsewhere on SB claiming that the current (i.e. seasonal) rapid increase in Arctic sea ice extent is evidence that AGW is a fraud. He is quite literally "arguing" that winter disproves climatology. Appeals to reasonableness are unlikely to bear fruit.
Were do we send the money?
Thanks Harry. It is Eli's experience that scientific stuff is 1:1:1 btw the UK US and Euro, doesn't matter much what the exchange rate is. Same goes for coffee, but then Eli repeats himself.
Kai, you do realize you're attacking a Brit? Any idea who the current prime minister of the UK is?
[Burrowed. Kai, if you want to not be banned (you can be, if you want) you have to not be a total waste of time. If you want to scrawl rubbish on the walls, WUWT is your friend -W]
w, you are, as always, very partisan: no word from you on gator who posed this to me: "Kai, you do realize you’re attacking a Brit? Any idea who the current prime minister of the UK is?"
what is your interpretation of gator's off-topic contribution.
[Oh good grief do you *ever* think instead of just write? Its a response to your own previous stupid comment of course -W]
i also don't like your intolerable arrogance of how you think to be entitled to qualify the contents of the commenters' contributions.
[Tough titty for you, fish face. If you don't like the house style, go somewhere else -W]
[Burrowed -W]
w, can you explain why you have deleted my previous post? was it pure arbitrariness/despotism or some other special reason?
[I haven't deleted it. You need to try reading instead of just writing. I burrowed it. But Eli has it right, as so often -W]
eli, alors tu parles argot? surprenant, vraiment, pour un agw flic. explique-moi ce que conoly veut contre moi. est-il seulement enragé a cause de mon superieur connaissance - en comparsison avec lui - du climat global? t'avais su qu'on cuba on fait du cacao?
Even in French Kai is a poor troll and doesn't know how to spell William's last name correctly.
mais evidemment, marco, toi tu comprends pas l'argot
Au contraire, Kai, I understand your lingo quite well, and it's the same at all blogs you frequent: huffing and puffing and no contribution to the discussion at all. Just trolling, and a really, really bad one at that.
You're so bad I'm almost willing to declare you are a poe, if not for the fact that I know there are indeed people who are as clinically insane as you are.
Richard Kerr wrote an article about Lindzen back in 1989 (Greenhouse skeptic out in cold Science, 246.4934 Dec 1 1989 p1118).
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me Lindzen's been at the same game since then.
In the 1989 article, Kerr reported that Lindzen confessed to him there was no science behind his critique: "indeed, he describes it himself as an idea of a theological or philosophical nature".
Kerr quoted Mahlman, who had rejected a Lindzen manuscript:. Mahlman said he "recommended the paper be rejected unless he [ Lindzen ] wanted to convert it into a paper about science. It came across as a whiny complaint without scientific justification. Dick Lindzen is a friend of mine so I did not say that lightly." Kerr quoted Schnieder: "does he have a calculation, or is his brain better than our models?".
Lindzen has been singing the same song for more than several decades now. How is it possible that it still matters what he thinks? Whatever Lindzen did to get his reputation, he didn't do it in climate science.
I hear Bozo the Clown has a tremendous reputation for being a clown - does that make Bozo's views on climate science relevant?
Tu parles pas argot, tu fais juste semblant.
William, what has kai ever scrawled here besides rubbish? It's your blog, and moderation policy is your prerogative, but that [redacted -W] subtracts much value. For the love of dog, what will it take to get you to ban it?
"eli, alors tu parles argot? surprenant, vraiment, pour un agw flic sale réchauffiste censeur. explique-moi ce que cConolley veut contre moi. est-il seulement enragé a cause de mon superieur connaissancema connaissance supérieure – en comparsaison avec lui – du climat global? t’avais su qu’oàn cuba on fait du cacao?"
http://www.webomix.com/content/maitre-capello-nous-a-quitte-illustratio… (RIP)
And, to answer some questions :
- I don't think Mr Connolley is against you, but I think he considers you as a minor nuisance. Hence the burrowing.
- I don't think either that he can evaluate your climatology "superior" skills from your interventions in this blog. He has to confirm it, but I am unable to do so - maybe I missed a critical post, but I'm quite confident I covered all your "insightful" comments, even the burrowed ones.
- Cuba does not export cacao, as the economy is geared towards tobacco and sugar cane. Unless you refer to this song , in which case I have to tip my hat for your knowledge. Or it may have been said tongue in cheek, the sentence was not clear.
- I don't think that switching to French is the brightest idea overall to insult other people. But I'm a mere commenter here, not the landlord.
- no, Kai is not a master troll, but at best a beginner one. I have to step up as a troller myself to defend the integrity of such a art : mindlessly insulting other people is widely considered as the beginner's step, before going on medium and advanced methods for the lulz.
And, to move back to topic, I am surprised that Mr Lindzen holds such a grudge against Mr Connolley since 2008. I would have thought he has not enough time to care about what happens on wikipedia ... after all, until a recent time, I bet he had a lot on his plate with grant seeking, research ongoing, the usual scientist stuff.
Maybe a sycophant brought this case to his attention ?
(to Mr Connolley : I double-checked my tags, normally everything is allright - but I offer my apologies in advance if I messed up).
a quick follow-up on my previous comment (my apologies) : it worked, but I was using the deprecated definition of . I don't know what tag replaces it in the new html standards ...
It's not difficult to find Lindzen reruns, often w/no notice provided to the reader (or editors?).
Kai's French is truly execrable.
I think even Google Translate would have done a better job.