Permalinks are back!

Comment permalinks are back. Welcome to the century of the fruitbat.


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Shame about the "Recent Posts" and "Recent Comments" lists though... ;)

Oh crap, now they're working again, making me look like an idiot... Oh well, no change there then.

[I could delete your comments, but its more amusing not to -W]


Welcome to the century of the fruitbat.

Charlie Stross as well as Wolfe, or is this just a coincidence?

[Pratchett, but also internal company joke. You'll never guess who "fruitbat" are -W]

Pipistrellunes flock where fruit bats fear hanging.

By Russell Seitz (not verified) on 23 Jan 2013 #permalink

Isn't this setup actually shitter than blogger?

[Hush yaw mouth you naughty boy -W]

By James Annan (not verified) on 23 Jan 2013 #permalink

self reference failed. comment ref inexplicably jumped to 25648