Blog Carnivals

(As of the time I'm typing this, the site that's supposed to host Grand Rounds says the domain is expired, and since I'm at an all-day meeting, I want to get a few reminders out there. Hopefully GR will beam up while I'm out...) Two reminders: first, Animalcules goes live over at Discovering Biology in a Digital World on Thursday. Send submissions to me or Sandra (sandy at geospiza dot com) by tomorrow: Wednesday, May 3rd. Additionally, if you're interested in hosting future editions, drop me a line. Second, I'll be hosting next week's Grand Rounds, so send submissions to me:…
A new edition of the Skeptics' Circle is up at Science and Politics. Nice setup: "Effects of uncritical thinking on neuronal death in users and non-users of the baloney detection kit: a review of recent literature."
Check out an all-new Carnival of Education and Tangled bank (oooh, Star Wars theme!). Finally, don't forget about next week's Animalcules, to be hosted over at Discovering Biology in a Digital World. Send submissions to me or Sandra (sandy at geospiza dot com) next Wednesday, May 3rd. Additionally, if you're interested in hosting, drop me a line--we need some folks to cover the summer!
Yeah, I think the title about covers it. This week's Grand Rounds is up over at The Health Business blog. A few posts I'd like to highlight this week: this one at inkycircus about a pinworm infestation, complete with video link. (Probably not for the faint of heart!) How evil (ew ew ew ew) is this: after laying eggs around the anus, the female worm secretes an itching agent, which causes the host to scratch his or her ass, thereby transferring the eggs to the fingers, a mere hop skip and jump away from more oral ingestion. And so, the ew ew ew ew ew EW life cycle continues. But take…
This was mentioned in the comments here, but I wanted to draw attention to it in a main post as well. Clark has started a new carnival for pediatric health issues. As he notes: A popular saying in pediatrics is that children aren't just little adults. The wisdom of taking this to heart when approaching all aspects of pediatric health becomes clearer every day as I progress through my training. Kids are unique and have health issues every bit as interesting and complex as adults, and the people who raise, counsel, and treat them deserve a forum to discuss these issues. I had the idea to…
Check out the latest edition of Animalcules over at The Biotech Weblog. It's a bit small this round, so that means we have 2 needs: 1) more submissions, and while I'm at it, 2) additional hosts. (The schedule can be found here). Drop me a line if there's a date that would work for you.
...can be found over at Fat Doctor. 53 entries this's truly a GrandRounds. Additionally, don't forget to send in submissions for this week's edition of Animalcules to Ruth (contact info at the link). Submissions should be in by 10PM EST tomorrow (Wednesday) to ruthATcreativewebloggingDOTcom for the next edition of the carnival.
It's storytime over at Pooflingers Anonymous. Big carnival this time 'round--I'll be reading submissions to this and Tangled Bank well into the weekend, I think.
You can check it out over at Sandra's Discovering Biology, and take a virtual tour of Seattle while you're at it (which was pretty nice...I've only seen the airport there, personally). As always, lots of great stuff, including an excellent overview of Deinococcus radiodurans that would be perfect for next week's Animalcules, which will be hosted by Ruth over at the Biotech Weblog. Don't forget to send your entries for that to me or Ruth by next Wednesday. (Edited to add: while you're carnival-hopping, be sure to check out the Carnival of education as well).
...can be found over at Anxiety, Addiction and Depression Treatments. Lots of good posts and several new (or at least, new to me) blogs--check it out. up over at Complex Medium, so head over there to check out the best posts on our abundant little friends from the past 2 weeks. Lots of good stuff, but as Ewen notes, it's a bit bacteria-heavy...where are all the virology folks out there, huh?
...can be found over at UroStream, presented as a patient history. Clever. Don't forget also to send entries for Animalcules to Ewen by tomorrow--next edition will go live Thursday at Complex Medium.
Orac just mentioned that Phil's Bad Astronomy blog was featured in Science's Netwatch section. John Hawks got plugged last week, and Pandas Thumb received a notice last November (mentioning this story I wrote and cross-posted to Panda's Thumb, even). And of course, Effect Measure were spotlighted in Nature in December. Not too bad for a bunch of nerds.
Just a reminder to submit your entries to me or Ewen at Complex Medium, who will be hosting next week's carnival. He's promised to make it better than Police Academy V--who can miss with a guarantee like that?
...check it out over at Terra Sigillata.
Check it out over at Island of Doubt.
A giant new Grand Rounds is up over at NHS blog doctor. I believe a new Tangled Bank is in the works as well. up over at Science and Politics. Check out the best microbe-related posts in the past 2 weeks.
Get your entries to coturnix--contact info here. I'm still away and have less internet access than I'd anticipated--apologies, but next week will be back to normal.
The next edition of Animalcules, the carnival of all things microbial, will go live at Science and Politics next Thursday, March 23rd. Though you can send your entries to me, if they're last-minute, it's probably best to send them along to coturnix (email here), as I'll be out of town and not sure how regularly I'll be able to check in.