
The latest D-Lib has a bunch of really interesting articles: Services for Academic Libraries in the New Era by Michalis Gerolimos and Rania Konsta Digital Librarianship & Social Media: the Digital Library as Conversation Facilitator Article by Robert A. Schrier Building a Sustainable Institutional Repository by Chenying Li, Mingjie Han, Chongyang Hong, Yan Wang, Yanqing Xu and Chunning Cheng Music to My Ears: The New York Philharmonic Digital Archives by Cynthia Tobar
As usual, a wealth of interesting articles in the latest ISTL: Faculty of 1000 and VIVO: Invisible Colleges and Team Science by John Carey, City University of New York E-book Usage among Chemists, Biochemists and Biologists: Findings of a Survey and Interviews by Yuening Zhang and Roger Beckman, Indiana University, Bloomington Look Beyond Textbooks: Information Literacy for First-Year Science Students by Gabrielle K.W. Wong, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Changing Role of Blogs in Science Information Dissemination by Laksamee Putnam, Towson University Life Science Data…
A few weeks ago I answered the daily thought leadership countdown questions that were posed by the TEDxLibrariansTO conference. I enjoyed the process, forcing myself to respond to thoughtful and interesting questions every day, even on busy challenging days where I wouldn't normally make an effort to find the time for blogging. However, since they were all branded with "TEDxLibrarians" name in the title, I don't think people who weren't attending the conference bothered to read them. As such, several of the posts had unusually low readership. So I;m gathering them all here in the hopes…
I chose this one more for the humourous title of the post since the content itself is very seriously intentioned. I almost see this as a double sequel to both the social media evilness post and to some of my recent ramblings on thought leadership. The post in question is We Don't Need No Steenkin' Social Media Gurus by York prof Robert Kozinets. After I had left the stage and assumed a position within the audience, beer in hand, a woman began talking to me in the crowd. Let's call her "Jennifer." Jennifer told me that she knew nothing about social media even a few weeks ago, but that her…
Libraryland is sometimes plagued with a civility problem. We disagree but we want to be nice about it. But sometimes, being nice isn't a great way to express disagreement. Life and the world is messy and unkind and difficult. And sometimes our commitment to our ideas and passionate disagreements need to reflect that. But the temptation for those in power -- those at whom the anger is often directed -- need to keep a lid on the very human anger and resentments that often boil over in what might seem like minor disagreements. It's hard to control those kinds of deep feelings and the best…
As you read this, I'll be at TEDxLibrariansTO helping out with registration. And having a great time talking about librarians as thought leaders! As I've done for the last few days, here is my answer for yesterday's TEDxLibrariansTO Countdown Question: Question 1: What means should librarians choose to encourage their institutions to embrace change? I'm not sure I know how to approach even beginning to answer this question other than to just say 42! However, I was lucky enough to attend Drew Dudley's amazing keynote address at yesterday's York IT Day conference. He really talked about…
Following on from the last three days, here are my answers for today's TEDxLibrariansTO Countdown Questions: Question 1: What are the similarities or characteristics of thought leaders that you know? Tell us about the attributes that your ideal thought leader would have. I don't think any one person could actually have all the qualities of the idea thought leader but there are some commonalities across the ones I've encountered. Originality. A thought leader needs to bring something new to the public sphere, or at very least take an established idea and present it in a fresh, original way…
The Library Chapter of the York University Faculty Association has released the following unanimously approved letter: York University Faculty Association, Library Chapter 240 York Lanes, York University 4700 Keele St. Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 June 2, 2011 Dr. Patrick Deane, President and Vice-Chancellor 238 Gilmour Hall, McMaster University 1280 Main St. West Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8 Dear President Deane, We write in support of the librarians and archivists at McMaster University. In particular we express our grave concern over the recent downsizing of professional staff, the casualization of labour…
Following on from the last two days, here are my answers for today's TEDxLibrariansTO Coundown Questions: Question 1: How can experience of failure contribute to making an effective thought leader? Failure is useful for a thought leader in the same way that it's useful for everyone. We can learn a lot from our failures: how to dust ourselves off and start over, how to rethink what we've done before and learn from our mistakes, how to put what we do in a larger interpersonal, organizational and social context. After all, just as we rarely succeed alone, we also rarely fail alone. Sure, the…
The very fine TEDxLibrariansTO team is counting down to this Saturday's big event with some daily questions for us all to consider. The topic, of course, is Librarians as Thought Leaders! These are the questions for Day 5. I'll attempt to answer them and every day's questions very briefly. I figure if I go for extremely brief answers, there's actually a chance I'll get to them every day! Question 1: Name one thing we could do right now in order to be perceived as thought leaders outside the profession. My Answer: Predictably, perhaps, I'll answer that we should mostly (but not completely)…
Yes, the TEDx whirlwind is coming to libraryland! Later this month on Saturday, June 25th, TEDxLibrariansTO is coming to Toronto. About TEDxLibrariansTO Who inspires you? We live in a time that is in need of inspiration. The aspirations of both individuals and society have always had a home within libraries and have traditionally found a voice through librarians. The theme for TEDx LibrariansTO is Librarians as Thought Leaders. Come to the event and experience this incredible opportunity to hear librarians speak to the differences we make in the world and how we have, can and do lead and…
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, I did a short presentation on Scholarship in the Public Eye: The Case for Social Media as part of a panel for a York Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarly Communications Series. And yes, I was the Twitter guy, although some of the other presenters did talk about their use of Twitter. Basically, my point was that Twitter and blogs can be part and parcel of the research and research outreach life of academics. I mostly concentrated on Twitter, but I did try and make the same sorts of points about blogging as well as I spoke. Anyways, I thought I would share…
I'm doing a short presentation later today on using social media as a researcher. It's part of the York University Faculty of Graduate Studies' Scholarly Communications Series. This one is titled Scholarship in the Public Eye: The Faculties of Graduate Studies and Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, along with the York University Libraries, are collaboratively facilitating a series of information sessions focused on scholarly communications intended for all graduate students and faculty members. The series will address issues related to research skills and research dissemination,…
I have a whole pile of science-y book reviews on two of my older blogs, here and here. Both of those blogs have now been largely superseded by or merged into this one. So I'm going to be slowly moving the relevant reviews over here. I'll mostly be doing the posts one or two per weekend and I'll occasionally be merging two or more shorter reviews into one post here. This one, of Everything Is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder, is from August 14, 2007. (Weinberger left a detailed comment at the original post, for those that are interested.) ======= David Weinberger's…
Yesterday York University Libraries was visited by a delegation of 39 academic librarians, mostly from The Netherlands but also a couple from Belgium. They are on a tour of many of the academic libraries of Southern Ontario, hoping to learn and share a bit about how libraries in different countries are handling the challenges of the future. You can follow their progress on Twitter using the hashtag #nvbcan. As I said, they were here yesterday. During the morning they got some presentations about the York Libraries in general and a tour of the Scott Library and its new Learning Commons. In…
Twitterers of the world. We've all heard the questions. The murmurs. The doubts and whispers. "Twitter is a waste of time," they say. "People are just talking about what they ate for breakfast, or what their dog is doing." "No good can come of it, no way to spend work time, turning us all into ADHD cases." The mother of all social media doubter articles came out a little while back, The New York Time's Bill Keller on The Twitter Trap: I don't mean to be a spoilsport, and I don't think I'm a Luddite. I edit a newspaper that has embraced new media with creative, prizewinning gusto. I get that…
A very nice article by Ian Brown in this past Saturday's Globe and Mail, Don't discard the librarians. He very nicely summarizes the recent library/librarian angst that's been free-flowing around the media and blogosphere over the last little while. The world of librarians was thrown into a tizzy this week - it doesn't take much these days - when the Windsor-Essex Catholic District School Board announced it will shut its school libraries and dump all but four of its library technicians. *snip* That was the tip of the iceberg. While Windsor defended its slash, top-level librarians attended a…
So, here's the story. A week or so ago, McMaster University Librarian Jeff Trzeciak gave an invited presentation at Penn State, tasked by the organizers to be controversial. To say the least, he succeeded. Perhaps the most controversial idea in the presentation was that he would basically no longer hire librarians for his organization, only subject PhDs and IT specialists. As you can imagine, the library blogosphere and Friendfeedosphere has had a field day with this one. You can see the slide in question here and get a bit of a background on the situation of librarians at McMaster here.…
From the University of Toronto Academic Librarians' blog: In response to McMaster University and their Library's recent treatment of their academic librarians and the notable gender imbalance at the May 17 conference at McMaster University (given that 80% of librarians are women), entitled "The Future of Academic Libraries" and which does not include McMaster University librarians, CAUT has produced a button which the UTFA Librarians Committee is urging all who support the role of academic librarianship to wear when attending the May 17th conference. For those from other universities who…
I don't usually announce these sorts of things on the blog, but since Randy is a long-time friend, colleague and fellow Habs fan, I just had to make an exception. The SLA Engineering Division is the group that hands out the award. From their mailing list: 2011 SLA Engineering Librarian of the Year Award The Engineering Librarian of the Year, sponsored by IHS, highlights the accomplishments and contributions of SLA Engineering Division members to the engineering librarian profession. The SLA Engineering Division is pleased to announce: Randy Reichardt is the recipient the of the SLA…