The Old North State

Four years ago at 11:24 am EDT (1624 GMT), your humble blogger was handed the keys to a whole new vocabulary of love. The gift came in the form of a 7 lb. 13 oz. (3,544 gm), 20.5 inch (52 cm) bundle of drooling, peeing, meconium-pooping bundle of baby girl, yanked from an incision in PharmGirl's abdomen. The lessons of compassion and unconditional love I have been taught by these two women have comprised the most formative experiences of my life. In return, PharmGirl has suffered tremendous indignancies on my behalf: the necessary biological machinations required to mix haploid DNA…
A Mr. Richard Feder from Fort Lee, New Jersey, writes in and says, Dear Roseanne Roseannadanna, I just read of some bizarre Southern ritual whereby Durham-Chapel Hill-RTP bloggers are meeting this coming Friday for a barbecue. What have Triangle bloggers done to anyone such that they should be barbecued?? The ones here at seem nice enough, but even getting past the horror of the thought, that Coturnix would need a little more meat on his bones to be considered even remotely tasty. Sincerely, Richard Feder Ft. Lee, NJ Well, Mr. Feder, you've got it all wrong. It seems that…
She could've joined the lab of a Nobel laureate at Yale. She picked me instead. This is my thank you. Regular readers may recall my post earlier last month about the tragic, heart-wrenching loss of the brother of my former student, Jen, a Morehead Scholar and sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her brother Jon was a 23-year-old Carnegie-Mellon University graduate student and crew team coach. After completing the Chicago Marathon last fall, some nagging persistent pain in his femur turned out to be the bone cancer, osteosarcoma. After months of hospitalization…
Driving back home from the beach yesterday through the very red part of the state that surrounds my very blue hometown/county: License plate on white Mazda Miata: THX GOD! Bumper sticker on said Miata: "Support the Troops, IMPEACH BUSH" Perhaps they just need to pray a little harder?
Let me just say that I love Pam Spaulding of Pam's House Blend and Pandagon. "I'm black, I'm a lesbian, I'm in the South, and I have lived in the North. I represent different constituencies that aren't well-represented in the blogosphere," says Spaulding, an information technology specialist with Duke University Press. I hadn't known much about her until my first blog meet-up where I met some dude named Bora, Coturnix, or some crazy thing like that, who first told me that she is one of my reality-based neighbors. So, the other day, I'm over at one of the many campuses where I hold adjunct…