Skeptics Circle

Le Canard Noir scolds me at the Quackometer for the 72nd installation of the skeptic's circle. Check it out!
The Infophile has this week's circle up at Infophilia. He has presented the posts in the context of logical puzzles, practically daring us to use our brains rather than just spoon-feeding us the skepticism. See if you can figure them all out!
This week it's our friend Factition at Conspiracy Factory. However, he makes the poor decision to let the world know about our contacts with the Illuminati as part of our anti-conspiracy disinformation campaign. Traitor!
At Unscrewing the Inscrutable Brent Rasmussen brings us the 69th skeptics circle with a fun, old west feel. One of the first entries was particularly interesting to me as an example of crank magnetism. The Socratic Gadfly found Lynn Marguilis embracing 9/11 conspiracies, which shouldn't be surprising given her HIV/AIDS denial - also requiring a conspiratorial world view. It would be interesting to study this problem systematically, and see how many times a crank adopts more than one crank belief. I suspect given that it takes a certain kind of broken mind to believe this nonsense that…
Compiled by Martin Rundkvist, at Aardvarcheology.
Everybody head over to Aarvarchaeology for the 68th edition of the Skeptics' Circle. And while you're there help me figure out what this picture is all about.
The Giant Robot Edition of the Skeptics' circle is up at the Bronze Blog. He has chosen a theme "cooler than ninjas, pirates, and pirate ninjas: Giant robots." And he's collected a great pool of fighters to defend against all kinds of woo. Good job Bronze Dog! Check it out.
Put together by Thursday, read it here.
It's choose your own adventure time at Skeptic's Circle 60!
compiled by Matt, over here.
is at Geek Counterpoint.
Martin Rundkvist hosts Skeptics' Circle 57.
The 56th Edition of the Skeptics Circle is out! Read it here.
Get your 55th Skeptic's Circle right here.
Akusai has put together Skeptic's Circle number 54.
Occamsedge has put toether the 53rd Skeptic's Circle.
For all your skeptical blogging needs: the 51st Skeptic's Circle.
Theo has a Carl Sagan theme for the 50th Skeptic's Circle.
The 49th Skeptic's Circle has been hosted by channeling a dead skeptic... Go, read.
Thursday has done a heroic job with the 47th Skeptic's Circle.