From the pages of Elle Magazine

Spotted in the "Elle Beauty News" section:


(The only question left is ... telomerase????)

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Most cosmetics is all about getting the latest buzzwords on products so as to charge huge amounts of money.

One halfway wishes the industry were regulated by the FDA so as to make these clowns prove what they claim on the labels. Most of it is all rubbish.

The real question is, why are you reading 'Elle' magazine for skin-care tips?!? :)

My baymate alerted me to this ... you may know her as the "swimming for Cornell gal"

We demand more cactus nutriflavins!

Found me a protocol* to purify some telomerase, reckon i'll need 1.7x1010 cells, which is only ~1500 15cm dishes, or one dish that is 3m in diameter (i guess i need a new incubator too), to have enough cells to extract me 1g of telomerase. $4 million... easy money!

* Schnapp et al., 1998 Nucl. Acids. Res 26 3311-3