Whoa - the word "genome" crops up in the new(ish) Beck B-Side "Bonfire Blondes"


I tell you - first we have a great video from Beck on sustainability, and now he goes and uses the word genome in a new B-side. The word genome - a rare word, indeed, when you look on the song lyric sites.

Anyway, since the song is new, you can't really find a YouTube video or free streaming version of it yet. But here's a sample, and below are the words (as far as I can make them) with the genome bit included.

I'm so weary of taking up space
Sending junk mail to whole human race
Sold my genome to the salt of the Earth
Made my brain full to see what it's worth
Lights out. They're throwing blondes in the bonfire...

Very funky.

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