Keeping Up With the Balts

As reported here before, a month from now there's an interesting symposium in Estonia under the heading Rank, gender and society around the Baltic 400-1400 AD. I'm not going, but for those interested I append the list of participants and papers below the fold. I like to know a little about who's doing what in my field.

(Dear Baltic colleagues, sorry for messing your diacritic characters up.)

  1. Dr Mindaugas Bertasius (Kaunas Univarsity of Technology, Department of Cultural Science) - "Archaeological resource about rank system and early Lithuanian state"
  2. PhD student Laurynas Kurila (Lithuanian Institute of History, Department of Archaeology) - "Growing in the Afterlife: A Study on Children's Graves in East Lithuanian Barrows"
  3. PhD Audroné Bliujiené (Klaipeda University, Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and Archaeology) - "Manifestation of Rank between Neumanas and Daugava Rivers during 400-600 AD"
  4. Dr Katarzyna Czarnecka [Panstwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne (State Archaeological Museum)]- "Lady of the House". Graves of women furnished with keys and caskets from the Late Roman and Early Migration Period in European Barbaricum."
  5. Dr Andris Sne (Department of Medieval History, Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia) - "Gender and Power in the Material Culture and Written Sources: the case of eastern Baltic during the late prehistory and Age of the Crusades"
  6. PhD student Reda Svelniute (Klaipeda University) - "Plinkaigalis cemetery. A possibility to reconstruct substantial aspects of past social life"
  7. PhD Andra Simniskyte (Lithuanian History Institute) - "Women Dressed as Men"
  8. MA Pernille Pantmann - "Are keys symbol of the "classical housewife"? - Viking age keys in female grave context from Denmark"
  9. FL Eero Muurimäki (University of Oulu) - "What does Luistari cemetery in Eura tell us according to statistical analyses?"
  10. Dr Rasa Banyte-Rowell (Lithuanian Institute of History) - "Gender roles in prehistoric societies of Western Lithuanian areas Between the late Roman Iron Age and the Late Migration Period: continuity or change?"
  11. Dr Anna Bitner-Wroblewska (Archaeological Museum), - "Sudovian/Yatvings' society in the Viking Age. A case of Szurpily settelment complex" (together with MA Ludwika Sawicka)
  12. Dr Wojciech Wroblewski (Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University) - "Aesti or the old Prussians? The society during transformation"
  13. PhD student Jana Limbo-Simovart (Tallinn University Institute of History) - "Sex differences in late Iron Age North-East Estonia as indicated in dental pathologies and enamel hypoplasia"
  14. PhD student Indrek Jets (Tallinn University Institute of History) - "Scandinavian late Viking Age art styles as a part of the visual display of warriors in 11th-century Estonia"
  15. PhD Marika Mägi (Tallinn University Institute of History) - "Family system in Estonia before and after the Christianisation"
  16. PhD Heiki Valk (University of Tartu) - "Expressions of Social Status and Rank in Male Graves of Siksälä Cemetry (SE Estonia; 12th-15th cc)"
  17. PhD student Tyge Andersen (Tallinn University Institute of History) - "Biased Behaviour in Roman Iron Age South Jutland. A tale of methodological problems in preparing statistical material on burials for gender analysis with regards to fluctuations in time and space"
  18. Irita Kallis (Tallinn University Institute of History) - "Warrior in the Liv society"
  19. MA student Sarah Croix (Department of Medieval History, Université Paris l-Sorbonne)
  20. Dr Roberts Spirgis (Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia)
  21. Ma Sari Mäntylä (University of Turku / Department of Archaeology)
  22. Alan Laanepold (TLÜ student)
  23. Marek Ojasalu (TLÜ student)
  24. Riina Riiel (TLÜ student)
  25. Krista Karro (TLÜ student)
  26. Riina Rammo (TÜ MA student)
  27. Maria Smirnova (TÜ student)
  28. Triin Äärismaa (TLÜ MA student)
  29. Katrin Treuman (TLÜ MA student)
  30. Ragnar Nurk (TLÜ MA student)

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