Anthro Blog Carnival

The fifty-first Four Stone Hearth blog carnival is on-line at Clashing Culture. Archaeology and anthropology, and all from the perspective of mashpi'im!

Mashpia (Hebrew: ×שפ××¢â) lit. "person of influence," pl. Mashpi'im (Hebrew: ×שפ××¢××â) is the title of a rabbi or rebbetzin who serves as a spiritual mentor in Tomchei Temimim (the Chabad yeshiva), in a girls' seminary belonging to the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, or in a Chabad community.

Submissions for the next carnival will be sent to me, not to the old submissions address. The next open hosting slot is on 19 November. All bloggers with an interest in the subject are welcome to volunteer to me for hosting. No need to be an anthro pro. But you must be a mashpia in a girls' seminary belonging to the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, like me.

And check out the latest Skeptics' Circle!

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