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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

April 12, 2007
The IPA is the Australian version of the CEI, so you don't have to read an article they publish on global warming to know what the conclusions will be. But you do have to read it to find out what pretext will be used to dismiss concerns about warming. In the latest issue of IPA review we find an…
April 10, 2007
Hey, remember how all the global warming skeptics used to say that warming wasn't happening because the satellite data didn't show a warming trend. Until in 2005 when they found a mistake in the satellite data and what do you know, it did show warming. And they stopped using that argument? Well…
April 9, 2007
I can't help but be amazed at the bloody-minded denial in Holman Jenkins' WSJ op-ed: It would surprise the public, and even the Supreme Court, to know how utterly the science of global warming offers no evidence whatsoever on the central proposition. What fills Mr. Gore's film, books, speeches and…
April 8, 2007
The Editors comes up with the best description of one my posts ever: Finally, an all-star panel of warbloggers attempt to relieve the glory days of the Summer of War by holding an authentic olde-timey "Fisking" of an essay about global warming. Written in crayon. By a six-year-old. They fail. I…
April 7, 2007
Nature has published a letter (subscription required) from Roberts and Burnham responding to this story. In our opinion, your News story about our Lancet paper "Death toll in Iraq: survey team takes on new critics" (Nature 446, 6-7; 2007) has confused the matter rather than clarified it. You…
April 7, 2007
The IBC is chastising publications that cite the Lancet estimate of Iraqi deaths. lenin comments: So what is the point of IBC expending so much energy and writing to various organisations to cast baseless or irrelevant aspersions on the Lancet study in this bizarre, ritualistic fashion? As others…
April 6, 2007
Commentator 1: Hello, and welcome to a special Good Friday edition of INTELLECTUAL CAGE MATCH. Today we have a great match up for you. The topic is Global Warming and it's the collective wisdom of Tim Blair's commenters against Ryan Gwin, who is six. Commentator 2: Ooh, that's not fair.…
April 4, 2007
to Robert Merkel. (Via missing link.)
April 4, 2007
I cannot resist responding to Scott McLemee vlogging his watching of Ann Althouse vlogging her watching of American Idol.
April 3, 2007
John Baez invented the crackpot index, a simple method for rating potentially revolutionary contributions to physics: A -5 point starting credit. 1 point for every statement that is widely agreed on to be false. 2 points for every statement that is clearly vacuous. ... And so on, down to the high…
March 30, 2007
Gilbert Burnham on the revelation that the British government's scientific advisors told them not to criticize the Lancet study: We never had any doubt that the study would stand the test of time, it was designed with a lot of input from people who are leaders in their field and it was carried out…
March 30, 2007
Martin Rundkvist hosts Skeptics' Circle 57.
March 28, 2007
Q: What do you do when your lawsuit against Freakonomics gets thrown out? A: Write a copy cat book.
March 26, 2007
The BBC used a Freedom of Information Request to find out what the scientific advice to the British government about the Lancet study was: The British government was advised against publicly criticising a report estimating that 655,000 Iraqis had died due to the war, the BBC has learnt. Iraqi…
March 25, 2007
Jonathan Chait analyses the reasons why Republicans deny anthropogenic global warming: As the evidence for global warming gets stronger, Republicans are actually getting more skeptical. Al Gore's recent congressional testimony on the subject, and the chilly reception he received from GOP members,…
March 20, 2007
Sylvia S Tognetti rounds up commentary on Broad's hit piece and puts it an a wider context: The reason Al Gore has become a polarizing figure is not for any of the reasons given by Broad, who makes a crude attempt to paint him as an alarmist, but because of the kind of media invented tales found in…
March 18, 2007
This is a guest post by Matt Daws. I'm a mathematician at St John's College in Oxford, and so having seen a number of posters around for a conference on climate change in my own college, I decided to head along. The organisers are sense about science who are one of a number of strange UK…
March 17, 2007
Over at ClimateAudit Steve McIntyre complains that Al Gore loving Google has dropped ClimateAudit from their search results: I've noted from time to time that ranked extremely high on many google searches. One of the ways to find articles here has been to simply use google. I often…
March 16, 2007
The Australian's War on Science has continued. Fortunately, I am able to outsource the refuting. First, Nexus 6 takes apart a Tuesday editorial where the Australian foolishly allows itself to be swindled by a British TV show. (Mind you the Australian came back on Thursday with another editorial…
March 14, 2007
The 56th Edition of the Skeptics Circle is out! Read it here.
March 14, 2007
McKitrick and Essex have managed to get their "no such thing as average temperature" stupidity published in a journal! In their paper they add some new stupid to go with the old stupid from Taken by Storm. Can they take Chillingar and Khilyuk's crown? Eli Rabett is having a pinata party/open book…
March 13, 2007
Last November Ray Pierrehumbert at RealClimate was very disappointed in a New York Times article by William Broad: The worst fault of the article, though, is that it leaves the reader with the impression that there is something in the deep time Phanerozoic climate record that fundamentally…
March 9, 2007
Daniel Davies comments on the attempted disproof by incredulity of the Lancet numbers: I am curious as to why anyone is bothering with this debate any more (in some of the discussion on Dr Madelyn Hsiao-Rei Hick's comments, it has got parodic, as people discuss the minutiae of the "informed consent…
March 8, 2007
Alex catches Dominic Lawson spreading the DDT ban myth. Lawson is the brother-in-law of Christopher Monckton who also spead the myth.
March 7, 2007
The Australian doesn't just make war on climate science, they don't like epidemiology either, printing Anjana Ahuja's hatchet job on the Lancet study. Greta at Radio Open Source has posted a response from Les Roberts: The two main criticisms which were in both the Nature article and The Times…
March 6, 2007
From episode 2 of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Narrator: The Encyclopaedia Galactica defines a robot as "a mechanical apparatus designed to do the work of a man". The Marketing Division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation defines a robot as "your plastic pal who's fun to be with!" The…
March 5, 2007
Anjana Ahuja has written an extraordinarily one-sided article attacking the Lancet study. She drags out the same criticisms that were covered in the Nature story, but even though she cites the Nature piece, she carefully avoids mentioning the Lancet authors' replies, or the opinions of the…
March 3, 2007
I only wrote my last post on the Australian's War on Science a couple of days ago and already there's more attacks on science from them. First we have this news article: Professor Henderson said yesterday the report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, handed down on February 2,…
March 3, 2007
Get your 55th Skeptic's Circle right here.
March 2, 2007
One conclusion of the recent IPCC report, produced by some 600 scientists and 620 expert reviewers, was: Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. John…