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Yes, as promised I'm going to start workshopping the book I'm working on: My Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic Librarianship. (Note title tweak.) First of all, this is all just provisional; I'm at a point where I need to stop tinkering if I just going to get something out the door. Some…
I'll be doing a session at the upcoming ScienceOnline 2011 conference on ebooks with David Dobbs, Tom Levenson and Carl Zimmer: Here's the description: Sunday, 11.30-12.30 eBooks and the science community - Carl Zimmer, Tom Levenson, David Dobbs and John Dupuis Ebooks are by far the fastest growing…
Thinking about the future is very hard. You'd think I'd know just how hard it is, having engaged in it on numerous occasions during my blogging career and even writing a book about it. But the more I think about the future -- of the climate, of society, of the economy, of information, of…
Axe Cop He's a cop, with an axe. His partner is a cop with a flute-- no, a dinosaur soldier-- no, an avocado. Can you tell this was written by a five-year-old? (tags: comics silly internet art kid-stuff) Malkin Grey's LiveJournal - Why Writers Go Nuts, Exhibit Number One Million and Something…