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Trust me, I really tried to come up with a cool, funny title for this post. Anyways... We have a new reference assistant starting here next week. As somewhat typical for such a position, the new staff member has a science subject background rather than a library background. In this case, Maps/GIS…
A great article in last Friday's Globe and Mail, Will the last bookstore please turn out the lights? The main thrust of the article is that while there's a lot of doom and gloom in the industry, there's also some hope and, more importantly, some innovation. One source of Bleumer's optimism is the…
John Dupuis has been writing Confessions of a Science Librarian since the time blogging software was really physically soft, being made of clay and shaped like a tablet. We finally got to meet face-to-face at the Science Blogging Conference last month - a meeting long overdue until then. Welcome…
Persistent myths about open access scientific publishing Prepping Grad Students for Jobs Rewarding Teaching Innovation Ask a Stupid Question: Why is there so much anonymity when it comes to the practices of academic discourse? Elite Universities' Online Play Electronic Textbooks: Why the Rush?…