Friday Fun: The Top 10 Types of Douchebags in Tech and How NOT to be one

This one's pretty funny, but in a painful way.

I'm sure this one rings true for a lot of people out there.

I like Number 8:

8.) Self-Entitled Social-Media HotShots

Who You Are: Your license plate reads "SCLEXPT". You spend all day teaching computer illiterate people how to create a facebook pages and twitter logins and you mock anyone who doesn't spend three hours a day updating their FB status or tweeting photos of their lunch. You have about as much "expertise" as 24-hour online certified priests, but tout your "knowledge" like a peacock on parade.

What's the Remedy:
Make somebody money. I'm offering a $1000 bounty for the first social media expert that has ever made money with their social stream. Here's a tip: if you have more friends online than you do in real life and they're people you've never actually met, become more of an expert at forming real life relationships.

Read them all!

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