Around the Web: The Great Age of Librarians, Amazon Will Destroy You, Apps vs The Open Web and more

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Yes, as promised I'm going to start workshopping the book I'm working on: My Job in 10 Years: The Future of Academic Librarianship. (Note title tweak.) First of all, this is all just provisional; I'm at a point where I need to stop tinkering if I just going to get something out the door. Some…
My Paleo Media Diet: Turning off, opting out, and disconnecting to save my brain for the things I really want to use it for. What she Really said: Fighting Sexist Jokes the Geeky Way Mobile and the news media's imploding business model Bigger Than Agency, Bigger Than E-Books: The Case Against…
And I mean zombie vampire in the best way, as a comment on how hard it seems to be to kill my Stealth Librarianship Manifesto. It's even been translated into French! (Merci, Marléne!) For a post I mostly wrote in an hour of white hot typing from midnight to 1 a.m. some weeknight when I should…
For those of you new to Confessions of a Science Librarian, I've been publishing various lists of books and reports/white papers for the last little while. The reports and books explore various ideas, issues and trends that I think will be important in the development of academic libraries over…