- Before You Jump on the Bandwagon ... (MOOCs)
- It’s not about skills (hiring the right people and letting them do their job)
- All is revealed: the real crisis on campus
- Crafting an Engaging Lecture
- MOOCs' Missing Pieces
- MOOCs' Contradictions
- Publishers Double Down (GSU copyright case)
- Doing DH versus Doing Digital
- Digital Textbooks Still Not Catching On With College Students
- Time to go it alone on Open Access
- As Students Scatter Online, Colleges Try to Keep Up (email is so 2011)
- Hats off to Amazon (for cornering a whole bunch of ebook markets)
- The Plagiarism Perplex
- MOOCing On Site (site-based MOOC testing)
- Why I published a paper on my blog instead of a journal
- Into the Future With MOOC's
- The aims of education?
- Library as Publisher: Exploring "Value Added"
- The Future Is Now, and Has Been for Years
- Log in to post comments
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