Around the Web: A future where records won’t matter and other tales of the music business

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Magma, the strangest rock band of all time, needs you to help finance a documentary film about their life and work. So here goes. Up until a year or so ago I'd never heard of the French prog rock band Magma, or at least their music had never penetrated my consciousness. But last year while spending…
Clearly, what the world needs is another blogger weighing in on the Kanye West/Taylor Swift controversy. But I have no interest in castigating Kanye - I don't pick my music based on the politesse of the artists. Instead, what struck me about this peculiar celebrity moment was the fact that I really…
Hit songs are getting wordier: Average word count of top-ten songs during the 1960s: 176 Average last year: 436 That's from the latest Harper's Index, via Marginal Revolution. I think this trend is pretty clearly a result of hip-hop and rap. Compare some Phil Spector Wall of Sound single - say, "Be…
Details: LIGHTNING + THUNDER CD RELEASE PARTY Friday, March 28th, 2008 Varsity Theater (1308 - 4th Street SEth, Minneapolis, 55414 21+. Doors 9:00pm. $7. TRU RUTS/SPEAKEASY RECORDS + SMOKESIGNYL PRESENTS LIGHTNING + THUNDER CD RELEASE First Compilation of its kind in Minnesota fusing Reggaeton,…