Steve Sanders on Maya Keyes

Sanders has a scathing post on Alan Keyes throwing his daughter out of the house and cutting off all contact with her:

People say that blue staters and Democrats need to learn to talk the language of morality. Fine. Keyes' daughter has done one of the noblest and most moral human things possible -- claimed her right to autonomy, and pledged honesty to herself and in her relationships with others. She says she loves her father, and that she thinks "most parents would be thrilled to have a child who doesn't smoke, have sex, do drugs, hardly drinks . . . does well in school, gets good grades, gets into the Ivy League . . . goes regularly to church, spends free time mentoring kids."

She will love women rather than men, and not a single person will be harmed by that fact. What is it about his daughter that could cause her father to renounce her and his parental responsibilities? To speak the language of morality: What is the root of Alan Keyes' moral derangement?

Tough talk, but on the money.


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