Congratulations, Greg Forbes

One of the cool things that happened while I was dodging below zero temperatures was that Greg Forbes, a friend and fellow board member of Michigan Citizens for Science, has been announced as the recipient of the Civil Libertarian of the Year Award from the ACLU of Western Michigan. Greg is a tireless advocate for good science education, not only serving on the MCFS board but also as director of the Evolution Education Institute, Evolution Education Specialist for the Michigan Science Teachers Association, and the National Course Director for the National Science Foundation's Chautauqua course on evolution. He has developed a training program used to train science teachers how to teach about evolution more effectively, a program that was used last summer for all of the science teachers in the state of Ohio. It's a program that will likely be replicated nationwide and our kids will benefit greatly from it. Congratulations, Greg, this is an award that is well deserved.

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