Weekly Twitter summary

Some of you may know that I post many links of interest that don't make it into a full blog post via Twitter. Since I know there are a number of blog readers who haven't yet made the move to Twitter, I'm going to follow in Dan Vorhaus' footsteps by posting a weekly roundup of useful links here on Genetic Future.
Here's episode 1, encompassing the first week of 2010:

  • RT @eurogene Don't worry, personal genomics is not dying (despite Peter Aldhous), it's growing, just shedding skin
  • Pardis Sabeti's beautiful work on refining signals of selection in the human genome is out in Science: http://bit.ly/4TnjWS
  • RT @attilacsordas: 8% of Your DNA Comes From a Virus http://ff.im/-dWFDn
  • @carlzimmer reviews recent paper by Michael Lynch arguing humans face inevitable mutational decline: http://bit.ly/8xQbR8
  • 3 Chinese civil servants sue local government for genetic discrimination: http://bit.ly/6RcXCW (via @mikesgene)
  • Genetic analysis shows low ethnic diversity in embryonic stem cell lines: http://bit.ly/7dzXcA (blog post from @23andMe)
  • RT @genomicslawyer: How to rapidly grow a genetic databank? Make it "opt out": http://bit.ly/6vYOk4
  • Loved Misha Angrist's characteristically snarky take on the Khoury vs Stefansson debate: http://bit.ly/4ZJGJm
  • How to view yourself in 3-dimensional plots of genetic ancestry from deCODEme: http://bit.ly/6h81GI (post by @eurogene)
  • RT @PHGFoundation First report of vCJD without susceptibility genotype http://bit.ly/7qj3eR
  • Genetic research is valuable - but does it justify the millions invested? http://j.mp/7twize (article by @markgfh)
  • Bankrupt biotech deCODE Genetics to be delisted from NASDAQ tomorrow: http://bit.ly/6OViUR
  • RT @blaine_5 SNPedia's Top 10 SNPs of the Year - http://tinyurl.com/yez2eer
  • What do you call a biologist who uses bioinformatics tools to do research, but doesn't program? http://bit.ly/7bislB
  • Needless to say, I find Muin Khoury's "genetic information is dangerous" argument less than compelling: http://bit.ly/4uXcD8
  • Debate in Eur J Clin Invest over the dangers and benefits of personal genomics: http://bit.ly/56gQGa (via @eurogene)
  • RT @sangerinstitute: "All of the scientists and doctors [chose] the human genome as the key development of the decade." http://bit.ly/5XV8Qh
  • RT @alliejanson: Can personal genomics learn from the Naturopathic Medicine Model? New blog post: http://tinyurl.com/ybflv29
  • RT @wellcometrust: Sir Mark Walport on Today on mind boggling amt of genetic info now available. http://bit.ly/6RuLGh
  • Controversy over gene patents is one of Discover's top 100 stories of 2009: http://bit.ly/4HiXqJ
  • Jessica Alba's ancestry: Personal genomics comes to TV: http://bit.ly/7gfhVe /via @razibkhan
  • p-ter from Gene Expression summarises 3 recent Science papers on regulation of recombination rates: http://bit.ly/4x1Ge3
  • Congrats to fellow Aussie-turned-Sanger-postdoc Liz Murchison - first author Science paper! http://bit.ly/5tQ1wa

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