Teen Skephchick has just announced that they have a podcast, starting now. From Mindy: I’m excited to announce the very first episode of the Teen Skepchick Blog Show. In this episode, Eddy, Ali, and I discuss Ali’s piece on going to college. You will, for the first time, hear my 12-year-old girl voice, Eddy’s charming English accent, and Ali just trying to keep us on topic. Details are here.
For most people, he's going to do it by raising your taxes. And lying.
One of the more interesting and useful individual projects I was involved in over the last year was the production of two expert panels about climate change at CONvergence 2012. The panels were moderated by Desiree Schell, recorded, and edited by KO Myers into an episode of Skeptically Speaking. The panels included Maggie Koerth-Baker, John Abraham, Shawn Otto and Yours Truly. I mention them now because all of the issues discussed in those panels are still very current and relevant, and if you have not listened to the podcast, I'm sure you will want to. Click here to reach the Skeptically…
If you are in the path...the thousand mile wide path...of Hurricane Sandy, a.k.a. Frankenstorm, then you should make sure you know what the storm could do in relationship to where you are. If you are in or near an area with mountains, look for very serious flash flooding. The winds will be strong everywhere. If you are near the coast, be aware that the highest storm surges seen in years are expected in many areas. At the same time, it is important for those of us writing or talking about this storm to be realistic and careful in making predictions. This is becasue every case of dire…
A wild GNU was spotted at some sort of event organized by a computer company named "Microsoft" which was launching a new version of its operating system. The GNU, accompanied by some friends carrying literature related to the widely used Unix-like operating system, GNU/Linux, did not cause any damage or harm to the attendees, but is it reported that later in the evening several Windows using people took out their old hardware, the hardware that would no longer run on Windows, and installed the GNU/Linux system so they would have a computer that worked just in case the new "Windows Bites" (…
No relation. But anyway, he also did this:
Before I go any farther I'd like to note, with concern, that the automatic spellchecker thingie on the computer I'm using does not recognize the word Ixnay. Ameshfulsnay. Anyway, this is fun, and important, about Ryan telling lies. And by "fun" I meant "very disturbing." Thank you Rachel Maddow for doing what you do.
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson former chief of staff to Colin Powell is very blunt and candid about racism in the Republican party.
Quite a bit of detail:
Which is why I'm voting for Brian Barnes in my congressional district.
Obviously, a lot of women are going to vote for Mitt Romney. Otherwise the numbers would be way skewed. But there is this thing that any women thinking of voting for Mitt Romney should watch, a video made by some women that I think are not planning on voting for him. Check out their message. You may change your mind.
Somebody asked me about colic and Chiropractic treatments. The evidence for: One or more very small studies suggest that some kids have upper spinal "damage" associated with childbirth, and some Chiropractors carried out minor "manipulation" thus reducing the colic. This evidence is very weak, as the assertion that there is an upper spinal damage syndrome is unverified, there is not an independent (or any kind of, as far as I can tell) measurement that the treatment affected the injury that may or may not have been there, and the effectiveness of the treatment is indicated in studies that did…
This is the second NOT WORK SAFE installment of one of the latest Brain Barnes for Congress Ads (Minnesota 3rd district)
I'm voting for Brian Barnes for Minnesota's third district and not only because he keeps his shirt on.
Sitting on top of enough explosive stuff to send a heavy weight into orbit at a high speed is dangerous, and that has cost lives in the space program. Re-entering the earth's atmosphere, effectively imitating a meteor as it burns up owing to the translation of the aforereferenced kinetic energy into heat is also dangerous and has taken lives. But increasingly, just sitting there in a sealed box floating above the air far away from everything is becoming as dangerous as it sounds owing to an increased amount of space litter, and earlier this month another event has contributed what experts…
Are you interested in software usability and open source? If so, my friend Jim would like your help. He is doing a study of usability in Open Source software. I'll post his entire request below along with a link to his blog. Also, he'll probably be doing some other interent based interolocution about this; I'll pass on to you whatever he passes on to me. Here's the thing. Jim has been involved in Open Source software for a long time, and is the creator of FreeDOS, and it doesn't get much geekier than that. (I think the FreeDOS developers manual may be written in a dialect of Klingon.)…
I'll be at Mayday Books with other authors of Atheist Voices of Minnesota: an Anthology of Personal Stories for a thing. Specifically, we'll form a panel to discuss how atheism informs our political views and activism. The discussion will be moderated by George Kane, and the panelists include Ryan Bolin, Greg Laden, M.A. Melby, Kim Socha, and Stephanie Zvan.... Mayday Books is a unique and fascinating little bookstore. Located in the West Bank community in Minneapolis, it’s a volunteer collective dedicated to selling radical and left-wing literature, and providing a space for political…
My friend and colleague Michael Mann just released the following information: Lawsuit filed against The National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute 10/22/12 Today, the case of Dr. Michael E. Mann vs. The National Review and The Competitive Enterprise Institute was filed in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Dr. Mann, a Professor and Director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, has instituted this lawsuit against the two organizations, along with two of their authors, based upon their false and defamatory statements accusing him of…