I've decided to address the falsehood "An adopted baby is not the biological offspring of the mother" next. That was not my original intention, but for various reasons this is appropriate. Before I give the very straight forward reason for this, which I attribute, by the way, to Sarah Hrdy, I want to make note of a few different variants of mother/baby relationships. A woman becomes pregnant, carries the fetus full term, gives birth to it, and raises it up, together with her husband who is the father of the child. A woman has an offspring with artificial insemination. A woman has a…
UPDATE: Our sirens are back on, but I don't see anything. But, down in Minneapolis, I'm seeing the damage to the Electric Fetus. Bricks stripped off the outside wall, and broken windows in front, so they are shut down. The Mayor stopped by a minute ago, apparently. I wonder if they'll have a sale????? (For those of you who do not know the Twin Cities ... The Fetus is a music store of some local fame) OMG, I'm looking at footage not far from Stephanie and Ben's house, and there is quite a bit of street flooding. THIS COULD AFFECT BEN'S BEER!!! EMERGENCY EMERGENCY!!!! UPDATE:…
There are so many books that changed me and my life for better or worse. I wish I could write long, slavering love letters to all of their authors. I guess I am already, in a way. But, for the sake of space, I will stick with just one: Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh. A new guest post at Quiche Moraine ...
Julia is over at her mom's house this morning, so she called and wished Amanda and me a happy anniversary. So it is confirmed! Today is our anniversary! Happy Anniversary to us!
Barny Frank Schools a Teabagger. Ouch ouch ouch ouch. Ahhhhhh.....
Join me, if you will, in a moment of utter, deep cynicism. That would mean you thinking, for just a moment, exactly like I think every second of the day. This will be painful for you, unless you are already where I am..... Read more ....
Happy One Year on Scienceblogs to Science After Sunclipse
It is a Favre Favre Better thing than we have ever done before.... Absolutely Favrtabulous. That's how Minnesotans are talking today. I hope they stop soon.
This time using religion. Creedocideby greenfaace Hat tip: Orac
... at public rallies and events. For the record, these gun nuts showing up at Town Halls causes my normally middle of the road attitude about gun ownership to shift, one more time, towards enforced gun control. If this requires a change in the constitution, then so be it. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
So she can do this. Hat Tip: Alice. Check out Alice's post to learn about what is actually happening in this video.
A falsehood is an incorrect or muddled belief widely enough held to be notable, and possibly dangerous. A falsehood is also a potentially powerful teaching tool. Evolution generally, and human evolution in particular, is loaded with them. [Previous post: "The Falsehoods"] "False Pearls before Real Swine" ... I won't tell you who said that, but when he did say it it was in front of a classroom of several hundred Harvard freshmen, and he was referring to the idea of telling little white lies to the unwashed masses in order to achieve the dissemination of greater truth. No one in the room…
But they can't, because they don't freakin' live in Utah. But I wish they did. Hey, has anyone noticed a marked increase in these drones from Utah in South Minneapolis lately? What do they think they are goig to accomplish there? Anyway: SALT LAKE CITY - The U.S. Census Bureau has told Utah's elected leaders it won't count Mormon missionaries serving overseas in the nation's next head count. Census Bureau officials, rejecting Utah's lobbying efforts for the better part of a decade, say there's no way to reliably count the overseas missionaries. Utah leaders say the omission cost the…
From scratch! If you follow all the instructions here, you'll have built your own Apple Computer. It will be an Apple I.
I (compulsively?) read the Letters to the Editor of the Greenville News. They are, in my mind, a frightening window on the psyche of a particular, vocal segment of the US population. Filled with accusations of Obama-led socialism (though, so far, absent of birthers), Al Gore hypocrisy, and general looniness of all kinds, it's like Fox News filtered through the League of the South. .... read this interesting post here
I, for one, am going to be there, in the back of the room, screaming at anyone I disagree with until they SHUT UP. Because that's how I roll. Here are the details. Time: Thursday, August 27 from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Host: Gail Harless Location: Oak-Land Junior High School (Lake Elmo, MN) 820 Manning Avenue North Lake Elmo, MN 55042 More info here at Dusty Trice's blog.
Biology is harder to learn than quantum physics. Why? Because most people think they totally get biology, but everyone knows nobody gets quantum physics. Therefore, any effort to explore quantum physics will result in new learning, but people rarely learn new biology. The bottom line is that our brains are full of biology, which would be good if most of it did not consist of falsehoods. ~ ~ ~ The things that people know already often need to be removed from the brain prior to teaching new stuff. This may seem a little offensive to some, but really, it is easier to just admit it. I'm not…
Posey was one of several, probably several dozen, people directly involved in the murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner. He died a free man and of natural causes last Thursday at the age of 77. In those days, America was an unabashedly racist society, so it was quite possible for a horrendous crime such as occurred then to happen with little done about it. That crime amounted to terminal violence against three men in order to make them shut up. Today, of course, no one would threaten violence or even shout really loud at anyone to make them shut up. Would they…
Well, not really, but it is interesting. The mystery of why temperatures in the solar corona, the sun's outer atmosphere, soar to several million degrees Kelvin (K) --much hotter than temperatures nearer the sun's surface--has puzzled scientists for decades. New observations made with instruments aboard Japan's Hinode satellite reveal the culprit to be nanoflares. more