A true hero for women's rights and lives was murdered today. Dr. George Tiller, who endured countless threats, an assassination attempt, bombings and assaults on his clinic, and many legal challenges by anti-abortion extremists was murdered in his church by such an extremist today. I am greatly saddened by his death and by the loss of a friend to me and countless women, but I am also outraged that this could have happened again. I and the Feminist Majority Foundation had the privilege of knowing and working with Dr. Tiller over the last two decades. He was a courageous, unassuming, and soft…
George Tiller was a physician who performed late term abortions. Apparently, this bothered someone enough that he was gunned down earlier today in church. A 51 year old white male has been apprehended in connection with this murder. There are some details here. This is what the right wing does when it does not get its way. UPDATE: I like PZ's suggestion of heading over to Feministe's site to check out the pro-choice charities. UPDATE: Suspect drove a car with this on the back of it. UPDATE: Suspect may have had "Operation Rescue" ties. That does not surpize me.
... is here. ... a monthly compilation of posts that are just good stuff. .. your best writing--writing being the key word here. Enjoy.
repost Cute baby lions. When they grow up, they will want to eat you. I'll never forget the first wild lion I ever saw. It was a pitch black night, on the savanna in the Western Rift Valley. I had climbed on top of the hood of the Land Rover, engine off, but headlights on. My plan was to search the horizon for lights indicating the presence of the research camp I was trying to find. Once I was on the hood, I was about to tell my colleague, still in the vehicle, to cut the headlights so I could see better. That's when she walked into view. She was a fully adult lioness. Eventually…
Quo Computer plans to open its first retail location, selling Mac clones, on June 1. ..."It's exciting. We are trying to stay as close to Apple as we can with our products," Rashantha De Silva, Quo founder, told CNET News. "We are trying to mimic things as much as we can. I'm hoping that Apple sees the value in what we are doing." Read the details here.
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
Sometime this fall or early winter, they are going to turn the Large Hadron Collider back on. It may run for several minutes or hours and then break down again. In fact, expect that. This is a huge machine the like of which have never before been seen. Why would we expect it to work without several startups? Absurdly, the LHC press office and others have been conversing about what is going to happen next without much (or any) mention of the likelihood of a repeat performance of last year's breakdown (though presumably with a different technological problem). When it comes to physics, De…
... and Ars has a look at it. The latest alpha build of Chromium provides basic browsing functionality and a few of Chrome's other features. I was able to load pages, open new tabs and windows, use the browser's full-page zoom, download files, view and manage history, and run the Incognito privacy mode. The rest of the features were only partially implemented. It is possible to reorder tabs in each window, but you can't snap out a tab yet or move tabs between windows. Bookmarking basically works, but with several limitations. Clicking on the bookmark star icon doesn't pop out the bookmark…
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
May 31 - June 3, 2009 What's this all about? Every species has a geographic distribution, and these are changing rapidly due to climate change and other factors. In fact, the environment is changing faster than professional scientists can monitor it, and the only way to understand this response is to recruit amateurs to make and report observations. "Citizen science" has a long history in biology, but, in many ways, it is now crucial to both science and conservation. We are trying to demonstrate the concept of a "global human sensor net" as part of the eBiosphere informatics challenge.…
There is a very interesting discussion going on at Sandwalk regarding adaptationism vs. ... whatever that other thing is that Larry believes in. But seriously, it is a very interesting discussion that is shaping up as a debate between John Hawks, who wrote a post on this topic recently, and Larry.
Somebody's got to put the Cheney's back in the bottle! Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy One thing is missing in this report, and Rachel, if you're reading this, maybe you can address it. Why does Liz Cheney get to see top secret document? Huh?
Note: Michele Bachmann is in this one: Hat Tip: Dump Bachmann
This is a repost of a review that is timely, given this week's focus on setting up your Linux server and changing all your computers over to Linux and so on. Time for another installment of our look at the book Learning the bash Shell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly)). Today's foray into Linux Land: Unix Command Substitution. There is more than one way to do this, but here is a sensible way to look at the format. In command substitution you stick something that comes out to be a valid UNIX command insice parentheses preceded with a dollar sign: $(UNIX command) The unix command is evaluated…
One of the authors of Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery (John) himself, Shackleton himself, and Emiliani himself were ushered into the building past the graduate students, the guards, and the members of the public who wandered the halls of the museum blissfully unaware that the powerhouses of paleoclimate research were brushing past them. They were Glynn Isaac's guests (and friends and colleagues) and were meeting with Glynn in preparation for an impromptu public conference that would be held the next day in the Geology Lecture Hall downstairs. These were the people who had put the climatic…
I swear, you are all a bunch of pod people, you consumers. You take whatever crap is dished out, and pay extra for it. When the DVD was produced to replace the tape (VHS) there was a significant down grade in performance in every single way but one. These downgrades were entirely unnecessary. The downgrades were implemented for two closely related purposes: Marketing and marketing. You know what I'm talking about. You can't pop a DVD into a player and fast forward to a spot and watch the movie. You can't even watch the movie, in many cases, until you've watched ads. You can't que a…
My car was parked a block away owing to the plethora of construction equipment and dumpsters around the house. On my way over, I was looking at the storm clouds coming in and wondering what kind of weather we would have tonight, when I noticed the crows going nuts across the street. It sounded to me like they were mobbing something, and my first thought in these situations is "Great Horned Owl." So I stood in the gathering breeze and watched in the direction of the crows to figure out what was going on. Suddenly I spied rapid alate movement among the mid size trees and shrubbery of the…
Katz: Dawg: OK, so the Dawg obvoiusly wins. Let's give the katz one more chance:
The dust-up regarding Asus corp and Windows, recently discussed here, is definitely a (well-enough executed) hoax, acording to JH at Linux in Exile: I got burned this week; I actually believed the hoax that ASUS and Microsoft teamed up, and that an Asus.co.uk page was linking to a It's Better With Windows site. But looking at it again, I'm convinced it's a hoax. And you should be, too. Here are a few obvious telltales: See JH's full explanation here.
Bart Ehrman is a scholar of The Bible and has published popular works at a rapid clip on the subjects of theodicy and the literary history of the books some refer to as "Scripture." He was an evangelical who believed that The Episcopalian Church in which he was raised was too tame on the teachings of Jesus' Word of Salvation. Dedicating himself to the study of the original Greek versions of the Gospels and New Testaments in order to better understand the word of God, he made the discovery that (Whoops!) the Bible couldn't be an inerrant instruaction manual. There were too many…