[Hattip: geekology]
There has been a lot of interesting discussion on the benefits and negatives of a stable API on this thread, with good points being made on both sides. If you don't know or care what that is about, then just move along, nothing to see here... But if you are interested, Greg Kroah-Hartman (an advocate of the changing API) sent me a document that may be worth reading. It is, in essence, the argument opposing the stable API: The Linux Kernel Driver Interface (all of your questions answered and then some) Greg Kroah-Hartman This is being written to try to explain why Linux does not have a…
First, I want to say that we should not forget that this was a horrific event, and that I'm sure we all mourn for the dead and their families. A fellow blogger in the science and technology world lost a close friend in this shooting, and has written about it here. Now, I want to ask two difficult questions. Before I ask the questions, though, I want to say something else. Yesterday, I had the idea of writing this post (this one, the one you are reading now). Didn't get to it right away. Then, I read Webs' post about the loss of his friend. It made me think: I'm thinking about writing a…
There was a time, not so long ago, when you could "Google" the terms "Greg Laden" and "Idiot" and get, well, besides the several thousand hits about me being an idiot and stuff, an Amazon.com page for "The Idiot's Guide to Human Prehistory by Greg Laden" This is a book I never wrote. But the publishers wanted me to. However, there were complications. The first complication was that I found out (from an excellent source) that the owner of the company had "a problem" with evolution, and I came to believe it was likely that certain things would be changed prior to publication. In…
No babies were harmed during the filming of this True Documentary: Good Cop, Baby Cop on FunnyOrDie.com [Totally stolen from Tangled Up in Blue Guy] ... Blue Guy has links to another movie in the same genre....
Also, know how to pronounce "primer" properly.... Hint: Skip ahead to minute two. Omega looks like something I once saw on a button on a toilet in Japan.
The web carnival .... is here, at Life Before Death.
In 200 6, Greg Kroah Hartman, a well known Linux Kernel expert, as able to declare that the following statement: "Plug and Play in Linux is Still not at the Windows Level" was not only incorrect, but that this statement: "Linux supports more devices "out of the box" than any other operating system ever has" If this is true, than why is it that people don't know this? I dunno. I guess people are just dumb. I mean, recent polls showed that a very large percentage of Americans believe in fairies. Or was it witches. Whatever. Instead of focusing on dumb things people believe, let's focus on…
Do you live in the Twin Cities Area? Are you doing anything next Thursday, December 13th at about 7.30PM? Come and see the film The Listening Project Born in Philadephia, reared in the Bay Area and schooled by his lifelong addiction to world travel, Twin Cities-based filmmaker Dominic Howes has spent the last 10 years trying to get accustomed to Minnesota winters -- and says he's still trying. But Howes admits that ice and cold are nothing compared to the dangers of "land mines and insurgent forces" in Afghanistan, one of 14 countries he and Rikshaw Films partner Joel Weber visited last…
Sandra,, for your enjoyment:
How sick is your sense of humor? Really sick? Good, enjoy the show....
This is a useful video to get the point of "wiki" across to, say, the students in your class or a group of coworkers who may not all be on the same page.
One of the things about doing archaeology in South Africa is that you dig these things up all the time: (Scorpians, not meerkats)
Also known as Linnaeus' Legacy (but it occurs to me that one should avoid "'" in the title of a web blog post) is now at Laelaps, here. This is a new blog carnival, and a really good one. Enjoy! And, if you are thinking of submitting something to this web carnival for next month, please do so, by submitting them to moi Damn you, Laelaps, you used the Darwin Graphic I was gonna use!!!!
PZ Myers bagged this hysterical video on the Garden of Eden's family reunion. Here. A must see. OK, I'll see you one and raise you one: (I never really thought about it before, but GI Joe kinda is a clothes horse, isn't he?)
And some are very very annoying. We had crazy Christians running around last year putting up anti-Evolution billboards. Now, this: Running right through the heart of the Twin Cities is a spiritual road that dozens of evangelical churches say is specifically mentioned in the Bible as the "Way of Holiness." They call it the "Highway of Holiness." Others call it Interstate 35. Evangelicals throughout the Midwest... have been praying at 24-hour prayer rooms for a month for Interstate 35 in order to "light the highway." Young people in the movement have been holding "purity sieges" in front of…
But there is only room in it for Christians. "There are some who may feel that religion is not a matter to be seriously considered in the context of the weighty threats that face us. If so, they are at odds with the nation's founders.... In John Adams' words: 'We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our constitution was made for a moral and religious people.' Notice that Adams at least said "Moral and Religious" ... Romney, on the other hand, clearly implies that true morality comes only from religion. Don't…
Plocepasser mahali (subspecies stentor?) and friends. Kalahari, South Africa.