Sipping from the internet firehose...
This weekly posting is brought to you courtesy of H.E.Taylor. Happy reading, I hope you enjoy this week's Global Warming news roundup
- Top Stories:Food Crisis, Melting Arctic, Vulcan & Hestia, Huaynaputina, Late Coverage
- Hurricanes, GHG Stats, Temperatures, Paleoclimate
- Impacts, Forests, Wacky Weather, Wildfires, Floods & Droughts, Food vs. Biofuel, Food Production
- Mitigation, Transportation, Buildings, Sequestration
- Journals, Misc. Science, Hansen
- Kyoto-2, Fifth IPCC Report, Carbon Trade, Carbon Tax, Optimal Carbon Reduction Strategy
- Politics:International, America, Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada
- Ecological Economics, IPAT, Apocalypso, Media, Romm
- Energy, Solar, Coal, Biofuel, Nukes, Peak Oil, Efficiency, Cars, Business
- Carbon Lobby, The Usual, Useful Links
- Shameless Self Promotion, .sig
- 2008/04/13: PhysOrg: Biofuel's impact on food crops under study at FAO meeting
Strategies to develop biofuel production without sacrificing food supplies will be one of the headline issues to be tackled at a Latin America conference by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization next week in Brasilia. FAO studies show demand, and therefore prices, for food is skyrocketing in developing countries, while interest also is growing in transforming arable land into profitable biofuel terrain. Brazil has a leading role in the debate, being both a major agricultural and biofuel exporter - 2008/04/13: PeakEnergy: Landline: Food vs Fuel
- 2008/04/13: WMTC: crisis of food, crisis of heart
- 2008/04/13: People's Daily: Haiti's PM dismissed over soaring food prices
- 2008/04/13: AFP: World Bank to meet as rising food prices spark unrest
- 2008/04/12: G&M: Haitian PM dismissed in wake of riots over food prices
- 2008/04/13: CanWest: Canada too will feel the shocks of rising food prices, war and dislocation
- 2008/04/12: al Jazeera: Bangladesh hit by food price riots
- 2008/04/11: al Jazeera: The recipe for food rights [Dr. Vandana Shiva interview]
Prices of basic foods have sharply increased amid a rise in costs of commodities. The crisis has led to riots in poor countries by people who have limited access to food. Dr. Vandana Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, activist, editor, and author of many books. She talks to Al Jazeera about the food crisis in India, and what can be done to overcome it. - 2008/04/13: BBC: IMF head gives food price warning
- 2008/04/13: Guardian(UK): Hunger. Strikes. Riots. The food crisis bites
Across the world a crisis is unfolding at alarming speed. Climate change, China's increasing consumption and the dash for biofuels are causing food shortages and rocketing prices - sparking riots in cities from the Caribbean to the Far East - 2008/04/13: SundayTimes(Lk): Rising food prices: We are all in deep trouble
- 2008/04/11: UN: Soaring cereal tab continues to afflict poorest countries, UN agency warns
- 2008/04/12: TreeHugger: Food Fight: "Perfect Storm" Brewing
- 2008/04/10: CCurrents: Food Shortages An Emergency - FAO Chief
- 2008/04/10: DerSpiegel: World Bank calls for action - Chaos Spreads as Food Prices Skyrocket
- 2008/04/12: BBC: The Haitian Senate has voted to dismiss Prime Minister Jacques-Edouard Alexis following widespread rioting earlier this week over soaring food prices
- 2008/04/10: FTimes: Nations make secret deals over grain
- 2008/04/12: Guardian(UK): Struggling country where bread means life - Fear of unrest grows as soaring wheat prices strain Egypt's creaking economy
- 2008/04/11: EUO: EU aid chief says rising food prices risk African 'humanitarian tsunami'
- 2008/04/11: NatureTGB: UN: climate change behind "food crisis"
- 2008/04/10: NYT: The World Food Crisis
- 2008/04/11: Xinhuanet: IMF, World Bank chiefs warn of food shortages, inflation pressure
- 2008/04/11: BBC: Rice prices 'to keep on rising'
Rice prices are set to keep rising as demand for the staple is outstripping production, the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) has said. The Philippines-based body said in its Rice Today publication that more research was needed in how to increase rice productivity. The price of rice has risen by as much as 70% during the past year, with increases accelerating in recent weeks. Several rice-producing countries have put curbs on exports in recent weeks - 2008/04/11: BBC: US rice growers go against the grain
- 2008/04/11: AFP: UN agency says soaring cereal prices threaten peace and security
- 2008/04/10: BBC: Bangladesh faces food crisis
- 2008/04/10: BBC: Asian states feel rice pinch
- 2008/04/10: PeakEnergy: UN: Food Price Rises Threaten Global Security
- 2008/04/10: DailyKos: Food Riots Breaking Out Across the Planet [long++]
- 2008/04/10: ACRev: The party is over. It's hangover time. [food]
- 2008/04/08: Times(UK): Fear of rice riots as surge in demand hits nations across the Far East
- 2008/04/08: EoC: Food Riots in Haiti and Africa as the Price of Food Skyrockets
- 2008/04/10: SMH: Soaring food prices swell political unrest
- 2008/04/08: BBC: Hungry mob attacks Haiti palace
- 2008/04/09: Guardian(UK): Food price rises threaten global security - UN -- Hunger riots will destabilise weak governments, says senior official
- 2008/04/08: CBC: Soaring food costs threaten world's political stability: UN official
- 2008/04/08: BBerg: Rice Jumps to Record on Philippine Imports, Curbs on Exports
Rice climbed to a record for a fourth day as the Philippines, the biggest importer, announced plans to buy 1 million tons and some of the world's largest exporters cut sales to ensure they can feed their own people. Rice, the staple food for half the world, rose as much as 2.9 percent to $21.60 per 100 pounds in Chicago, double the price a year ago. - 2008/04/07: EnergyBulletin: Seven fat cows, seven thin cows: hoarding and storing the seeds of deliverance
- 2008/04/07: UN: Surge in food prices could lead to increased unrest, warns senior UN aid official
- 2008/04/07: UN: Agriculture must revert to more natural, local production -- UN-backed report
- 2008/04/07: PeakEnergy: Yeats Signals [food supply]
- 2008/04/07: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Food Riots Fear After Rice Price Hits A High
- 2008/04/07: CSM: Price shock in global food - Riots over grain prices call for a rethink of global stability based on better farming
- 2008/04/07: FPB: Food Riot watch: Egypt protests spook government
- 2008/04/05: CD: The coming food catastrophe by Gwynne Dyer
- 2008/04/07: BBC: Is India, the world's second most populous nation, facing a food crisis?
The melting Arctic:
- 2008/04/13: TStar: Unlocking the warming Arctic's secrets
- 2008/04/12: TStar: Cracks in Arctic ice shelf signal its demise
- 2008/04/10: CBC: Beaufort Sea polar bears starving to death, scientist finds - Desperate animals resorting to cannibalism, wandering south to find food
- 2008/04/10: ChronicleHerald: Research supports Arctic claim - Undersea ridge seen as proof of Canadian ownership
- 2008/04/10: CanWest: Future of the Arctic region fraught with uncertainty
Canada's "true north strong and free" may not be as strong or free as those singing the national anthem believe it to be. In fact, some of that great northern expanse may not even be Canada's. A huge amount of uncertainty exists with respect to the broader Arctic -- a planetary cap comprising eight per cent of the world's land mass: everything above the 66th Parallel in eight countries across 24 time zones, inhabited by four million people. With the twin challenges of climate change slowly creating a "blue Arctic" offering enhanced access to polar neighbourhoods, and accelerating competition for energy and other resources, it's imperative that such uncertainty be addressed. - 2008/04/09: SciDaily: Why Is Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Predicted? NOAA Probing Arctic Pollution
- 2008/04/08: Wunderground: Arctic sea ice melting season begins
- 2008/04/07: NOAANews: NOAA Aircraft to Probe Arctic Pollution
A couple of CO2 mapping projects [Vulcan & Hestia] have been announced:
- Purdue: The Hestia Project
- Purdue: The Vulcan Project
- 2008/04/10: AfterGutenberg: Project Vulcan
- 2008/04/09: GristMill: The Vulcan Project - A high-resolution map of U.S. CO2 emissions
- 2008/04/10: OilChange: US Scientists Develop CO2 Mapping System [Vulcan]
- 2008/04/08: NatureTGB: "Vulcan" shows carbon dioxide's death-grip
- 2008/04/07: Purdue: 'Revolutionary' CO2 maps zoom in on greenhouse gas sources
- 2008/04/08: TreeHugger: Vulcan Project: The Breath of a Nation
- 2008/04/08: SciDaily: 'Revolutionary' Carbon Dioxide Maps Zoom In On Greenhouse Gas Sources
- 2008/04/07: DotEarth: Breath of a Nation - Animated CO2 Map [Vulcan]
- 2008/04/07: PhysOrg: 'Revolutionary' CO2 maps zoom in on greenhouse gas sources [Vulcan]
There's a report large areas of the ocean are warming faster than expected:
- 2008/04/09: Reuters: Warming trends rise in large ocean areas: study
- 2008/04/09: TruthOut: Warming Trends Rise in Large Ocean Areas: Study
On an odd note, a lake in Chile has suddenly emptied:
- 2008/04/11: CNN: Lake in Chile empties from melting glacier
- 2008/04/11: PhysOrg: Melting Causes Lake in Chile to Empty
The Huaynaputina volcano in 1600 may have been larger than thought:
- 2008/04/11: NatureN: The volcano that changed the world - Eruption in 1600 may have plunged the globe into cold climate chaos
Four centuries ago, a Peruvian volcano blew its top -- and the whole world may have felt it, a new study suggests. The eruption in 1600 of Huaynaputina, a stratovolcano in the Andes mountains, blanketed nearby villages with glowing rock and ash, and killed some 1,500 people. But it may also have had a far wider effect, by injecting sulphur particles high into the atmosphere and disrupting the climate worldwide. Geoscientists had known that the eruption was big, but the new research addresses for the first time just how it might have changed society the world over. - 2008/04/07: RealClimate: Target CO2 [Earth System sensitivity vs. Charney sensitivity]
- 2008/04/10: RealClimate: Model-data-comparison, Lesson 2
Late coverage of sunspot, cosmic ray studies:
- 2008/04/11: People's Daily: Study: cosmic rays don't cause global warming [Sloan & Wolfendale]
- 2008/04/10: Yahoo: Global Warming Not a Cosmic Swindle
- 2008/04/12: BCLSB: On Solar Links: Sloan Responds To Shaviv
- 2008/04/07: TruthOut: Solar Science Research Contradicts Climate Change Skeptics
- 2008/04/06: TerraDaily: Solar Science Research Contradicts Climate Change Sceptics
Late coverage of the Pielke/Breakthrough Institute kafuffle:
- 2008/04/11: ClimateP: Breakthrough Institute decides to go back to being VERY uncivil...
- 2008/04/09: ClimateP: So what CO2 price will we need for 450 ppm? Nordhaus & Breakthrough Inst. weigh in, sort of
- 2008/04/09: ClimateP: Breaking the technology breakthrough myth -- Debunking Shellenberger & Nordhaus again
- 2008/04/08: ClimateP: Bear with me, readers -- it does matter why Pielke, his Nature article, and the Breakthrough Institute are wrong
- 2008/04/09: ENN: Climate assumptions 'optimistic at best'
- 2008/04/08: ClimateP: Why can't Roger Pielke just admit he was wrong?
- 2008/04/08: ClimateP: Plea to Roger Pielke and Breakthrough Institute: Stop the misinformation about decarbonization
- 2008/04/08: NEN: Emissions: it's worse than they thought
- 2008/04/07: ClimateP: Debunking Pielke Contest Winner puts it well: The planet is like Apollo 13
- 2008/04/07: ClimateP: Welcome N.Y. Times readers to the debate of the decade: Technology development vs. deployment
Late comment on Bangkok:
- 2008/04/10: UN: Bangkok climate change talks good start, but 'huge' task lays ahead - UN official
- 2008/04/07: MalaysiaStar: Contentious issues clouded climate talks
Last week Bangkok hosted the first round of the post-Bali climate talks. Malaysia joined other developing countries to argue that developed countries should meet their existing commitments first, but some of the rich countries were in no mood for that, insisting instead on new ways to cloud the issues - 2008/04/07: CarbonPositive: Nations agree climate treaty work plan
- 2008/04/04: IISD: [Daily Reports] Bangkok Climate Change Talks - 31 March - 4 April 2008
- 2008/04/07: NatureCF: Post-Bali paradox at UN meeting in Bangkok
Late comment on Earth Hour:
- 2008/04/09: Maribo: More on Earth Hour participation
- 2008/04/10: TStar: Let's do Earth Hour more often, [Harris-Decima] survey finds
No cyclones this week, but a couple of projections and other developments:
- 2008/04/12: DotEarth: Hurricane Expert [Kerry Emanuel] Reassesses Climate Link
- 2008/04/11: Atmoz: Skill in 2008 Atlantic Hurricane Forecast?
- 2008/04/11: KSJT: South Florida Sun Sentinel, Orlando Sentinel: Phooey on hurricane forecasts?
- 2008/04/10: Wunderground: Atlantic hurricane season forecasts for 2008 released
- 2008/04/10: NatureTGB: Hurricane seer [William Gray] sees more storms, and more criticism
- 2008/04/10: Intersection:CCM: When the Atlantic Next Awakens
- 2008/04/09: TerraDaily: Atlantic hurricane season shapes up as very active
- 2008/04/10: SciDaily: 'Well Above-average' Hurricane Season Forecast For 2008
- 2008/04/10: NSF: Forecasters Implement New Hurricane-Tracking Technique [VORTRAC]
- 2008/04/10: UCAR: Hurricane Forecasters Adopt NCAR Radar Technique [VORTRAC: Vortex Objective Radar Tracking and Circulation]
- 2008/04/09: MIT: How strong is a hurricane? Just listen
- 2008/04/09: PhysOrg: Researchers Say Outlook Indicates Active 2008 Hurricane Season
- 2008/04/06: HuffPo: Study: Hurricane Price Tags Soar On Coasts, $500 Billion Storm Predicted By 2020s
Meanwhile GHGs are still going up:
- 2008/04/11: QuarkSoup: CO2 trends
- 2008/04/08: Tamino: Ordinary News from Mauna Loa
As for the temperature record:
- 2008/04/12: Stoat: Short term temperature trends
- 2008/04/04: WMO: Info Note No. 44 - Temporary La Niña's cooling effect does not stall global warming
- 2008/04/11: DeSmogBlog: Getting Cooler? What the World Meteorological Organization Actually Said
- 2008/04/11: UGranada: Scientifics have compiled temperature data of the 20th century in Spain as an evidence of the climatic change
- 2008/04/10: Telegraph(UK): Climate experts predict temperature drop
- 2008/04/09: Atmoz: March 2008 Temperatures: Related to La Nina?
While in the paleoclimate:
- 2008/04/11: ClimateP: Amplification of Cretaceous Warmth by Biological Cloud Feedbacks
- 2008/04/10: PhysOrg: Absence of clouds caused pre-human supergreenhouse periods
- 2008/04/10: Eureka: Absence of clouds caused pre-human supergreenhouse periods
More GW impacts are being seen:
- 2008/04/11: NewScientist: Is this the beginning of water wars?
- 2008/04/11: CSW: American Public Health Association and World Health Organization: Climate change threatens health
- 2008/04/11: C411: CDC Says Climate Change Threatens Public Health
- 2008/04/11: TreeHugger: Warning: Effects of Global Warming Include Death
- 2008/04/10: ClimateP: The Human Side of Global Warming
- 2008/04/07: StraightGoods: Climate change: the future is now - Effects once thought to be a generation away are manifesting themselves now
- 2008/04/09: SMH: Global warming bad news for [beer] a cold one
- 2008/04/08: SciDaily: Climate Change Will Erode Foundations Of Health, World Health Organization Warns
- 2008/04/08: OilChange: WHO: "Climate Change Endangers Health"
- 2008/04/07: UN: Climate change will take heavy toll on human health -- UN officials
- 2008/04/07: ABC(Au): Climate change hurting human health: WHO
- 2008/04/07: ENN: Climate change a factor in deaths from disease: WHO
- 2008/04/07: SciDaily: Harmful Algae Takes Advantage Of Global Warming: More Algae Blooms Expected
- 2008/04/07: Yahoo: Asia will bear brunt of climate change-linked deaths: WHO
- 2008/04/07: CBC: WHO warns climate change brings host of health problems
- 2008/04/07: ABC(Au): Climate change could fuel cataracts boom: Hollows Foundation
And then there are the world's forests:
- 2008/04/11: TruthOut: Bush Opens Back Door for Logging National Forests
- 2008/04/10: TruthOut: Canada [boreal forest] Logging May Ignite "Carbon Bomb": Greenpeace
- 2008/04/10: CDreams: CP: Logging Boreal Forest Could Detonate Massive "Carbon Bomb," Says Report
- 2008/04/10: PeakEnergy: The Rubber Barrens
- 2008/04/09: BBC: Siberia's black market logging
The vast forests of Eastern Siberia, known as the Taiga, are a goldmine for Chinese wood traders, who send raw logs over the border to serve their home country's booming economy. But much of the wood trade is illegal - 2008/04/08: TruthOut: Slowing Deforestation May Be Worth Billions - Study
- 2008/04/07: TerraDaily: Carbon credits could help save Amazon, blunt warming: study
- 2008/04/07: People's Daily: Soybean production leads to jungle destruction in Brazil
- 2008/04/07: AutoBG: China's rainforests threatened by tire demand
Yes we have no wacky weather, except:
- 2008/04/07: People's Daily: Expert: Climate change to bring Peru more extreme weather
As for wild fires:
- 2008/04/08: TerraDaily: Spanish drought sees land-fire damage soar: ministry
And speaking of floods & droughts:
- 2008/04/11: PhysOrg: Scientists Predict More Floods, Droughts
- 2008/04/11: CBC: Rideau River breaches banks, flooding Ottawa streets
- 2008/04/11: Yahoo: Storms pound Midwest with rain, snow
A line of severe thunderstorms, possible tornadoes and even snow pounded the nation's heartland on Thursday, flooding nearly 200 roads in Missouri, closing schools in Arkansas and ripping the roofs of dozens of houses in Texas - 2008/04/10: NatureTGB: Spain faces worst drought in years
- 2008/04/10: TerraDaily: Brazil flood toll rises to 33 dead
The conflict between biofuel and food persists:
- 2008/04/10: EnergyDaily: Britain wants G8 to discuss biofuel link to food prices: report
- 2008/04/11: OilChange: "While many worry about filling their gas tanks, many others around the world are struggling to fill their stomachs"
- 2008/04/11: TMoS: Biofuels Pose Poverty Fight Setback
- 2008/04/11: Guardian(UK): Poor go hungry while rich fill their tanks - IMF meeting World Bank condemns dash to biofuels
- 2008/04/10: Guardian(UK): PM [Brown] writes to G8 urging action on food scarcity - Concerns on biofuels raised with US and Japan
- 2008/04/08: JEB: Biofuel, food prices and poverty
- 2008/04/08: MTobis: Time to Reconsider Biofuels
And the troubling matter of falling food production is not going away:
- 2008/04/11: GristMill: The solution beneath our feet - As food prices rise, policymakers ignore potential of home and community gardens
- 2008/04/11: GristMill: ANWR of the heartland? Why plowing up Conservation Reserve Program land won't solve the food crisis
- 2008/04/10: GristMill: Can industrial agriculture feed the world? Part 2 - Global food riots edition
- 2008/04/10: AllAfrica: FAO: Zimbabwe: Extreme Dry Weather Worsens Food Situation
- 2008/04/09: ABC(Au): Rice industry in doubt as crop shrinks
- 2008/04/09: GristMill: This is sure to end well - pulling conservation reserve land into production ...
- 2008/04/09: Maribo: Growing ethanol on conservation lands
- 2008/04/08: PhysOrg: Experts [International Rice Research Institute] push hybrid rice to solve soaring food prices
- 2008/04/08: People's Daily: China's snow-ravaged agriculture sector in recovery mode
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: New vision for global agriculture - 'IPCC for agriculture' has little teeth, but great timbre
Some are calling it a project that will transform global agriculture as we know it. Others are calling it a utopian dream. One thing is for sure, however: When the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAAST) releases the final draft of its report on April 15, sparks will still be flying. - 2008/04/11: JFleck: Adaptation v. Mitigation - Again
- 2008/04/11: ERabett: The third way - adaptation or mitigation or both, or...
- 2008/04/10: Eureka: 'Black gold agriculture' [biochar] may revolutionize farming, curb global warming
- 2008/04/08: ClimateP: The technologies needed to beat 450 ppm, Part 1
- 2008/04/07: ClimateP: The technologies that will save the planet
- 2008/04/07: ClimateP: Can technology alone stop global warming?
- 2008/04/07: SciDaily: New Method For Combating The Greenhouse Gas Nitrous Oxide Developed
- 2008/04/07: CSM: Climate change debate: push emissions goals or technology? Should the world put less focus on emissions caps and more on spurring clean technologies?
As for transportation & GHG production:
- 2008/04/11: UN: Tourism industry has key role in tackling climate change - UN official
- 2008/04/11: IR^2: Implosion of the Airline Industry
- 2008/04/11: AutoBG: Harvard professor predicts railroads will return to prominence in the U.S.
- 2008/04/11: AfterGutenberg: Light Rail and High-Speed Rail Interconnects
- 2008/04/11: GristMill: Open skies the limit? As nonstop flights between the U.S. and E.U. increase, what will be the effect on climate?
- 2008/04/11: Independent(UK): The new age of the train -- A historic boom on the railways - but can network take the strain?
- 2008/04/10: ABC(Au): Govt to cut aviation industry emissions
- 2008/04/06: HamptonRoads: Railroads are expanding at a record clip
- 2008/04/06: AfterGutenberg: Freight Best Practices to reduce GHG Emissions
While in the endless quest for sustainable building codes:
- 2008/04/11: TreeHugger: Why There Are So Few Green Buildings
- 2008/04/11: WSJ:EnvCap: When Cheap Housing Isn't: How Transportation Changes the Equation
- 2008/04/07: NatureCF: Fighting climate change by architectural design
- 2008/04/07: MTobis: Big, Ugly and Officially Green [building]
As for carbon sequestration:
- 2008/04/09: WorldReport: Carbon capture requires government intervention
According to a Reuters report on a speech prepared for delivery in Brussels, Shell CEO Jeroen van der Veer, explained why the "invisible hand of the market" lacks the power to make carbon capture a solution for climate change. "Because CO2 capture and storage adds costs and yields no revenues, government action is needed to support and stimulate investment quickly on a scale large enough to affect global emissions." The need to "stimulate investment quickly" suggests not only that the market failure is real but also that the time frame is urgent. - 2008/04/07: TreeHugger: Down Under's First Geosequestration Project Launched
- 2008/04/07: NEN: CCS trial coming on
Meanwhile in the journals:
- 2008/04/11: ACP: Summertime stratospheric processes at northern mid-latitudes: comparisons between MANTRA balloon measurements and the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model by S. M. L. Melo et al.
- 2008/04/12: BAMS: (ab$) Hurricanes and Global Warming: Results from Downscaling IPCC AR4 Simulations by Kerry Emanuel et al.
- 2008/04/09: CPD: Uniform climate development between the subtropical and subpolar Northeast Atlantic across marine isotope stage 11 by J. P. Helmke et al.
- 2008/04/07: TC: Improving estimation of glacier volume change: a GLIMS case study of Bering Glacier System, Alaska by M. J. Beedle et al.
- 2008/04/09: TCD: Estimation of the Greenland ice sheet surface mass balance during 20th and 21st centuries by X. Fettweis et al.
- 2008/04/09: ACPD: Diurnal temperature range over Europe between 1950 and 2005 by K. Makowski et al.
- 2008/04/09: ACPD: Ship plume dispersion rates in convective boundary layers for chemistry models by F. Chosson et al.
- 2008/04/07: ACPD: ENSO surface shortwave radiation forcing over the tropical Pacific by K. G. Pavlakis et al.
- 2008/04/07: ACPD: First atmospheric observations of three chlorofluorocarbons by J. C. Laube & A. Engel
- 2008/04/08: PNAS: A global perspective of the richness and evenness of traditional crop-variety diversity maintained by farming communities by Devra I. Jarvis et al.
Before we get into politics, there was some science done:
- 2008/04/09: TerraDaily: NOAA Aircraft To Probe Arctic Pollution
- 2008/04/08: Eureka: Cow stomach holds key to turning corn into biofuel [enzyme from a microbe]
- 2008/04/08: Eureka: DVDs and CD-ROMs that thwart global warming [CO2 to polycarbonate plastics]
More Hansen:
- 2008/04/10: ClimateP: Hansen: Yankee Ticket Prices and Fossil Fuels
- 2008/04/09: TruthOut: Jim Hansen, the Big Ice Melt and the Mainstream Media
- 2008/04/08: KSJT: Wash. Post: Jim Hansen and his campaign against coal
- 2008/04/07: TruthOut: Climate Target Is Not Radical Enough - Study -- Nasa scientist warns the world must urgently make huge CO2 reductions
- 2008/04/07: OilChange: NASA [Hansen]: "the target we have all been aiming for [550 ppm] is a disaster - a guaranteed disaster"
- 2008/04/08: CanWest: Earth in crisis, warns top NASA scientist
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: 350ppm or bust - Hansen paper released; WaPo fails to link to Grist
- 2008/04/07: Stoat: He's at it again, again [Hansen]
- 2008/04/07: Yahoo: Earth in crisis, warns NASA's top climate scientist
- 2008/04/07: CDreams: Guardian(UK): Climate Target Is Not Radical Enough - Study
- 2008/04/07: Guardian(UK): Climate target is not radical enough - study - NASA scientist [Hansen] warns the world must urgently make huge CO2 reductions
Meanwhile on the Kyoto-2 front:
- 2008/04/12: Yahoo: Financing crucial to next climate change pact: U.N.
- 2008/04/13: People's Daily: UN official [IPCC head, Rajendra Pachauri] urges developed nations to take first step against climate change
- 2008/04/11: Yahoo: UN climate chief: US election may help
Looking toward the next [2014] IPCC report:
- 2008/04/11: Xinhuanet: UN climate change panel to focus on regional solutions [for 2014 report]
And on the carbon trading front:
- 2008/04/07: ABC(Au): Carbon trading scheme to exceed federal bonds: ASX
The idea of a carbon tax is still bouncing around:
- 2008/04/10: G&M: Experts call for national carbon tax
The federal government should convert its 10-cent-a-litre excise tax on gasoline into a national carbon tax on all fuels that damage the environment, two of Canada's top public policy experts say. In a report released yesterday, University of Calgary professor Jack Mintz and Simon Fraser University professor Nancy Olewiler joined a growing chorus of tax experts, environmentalists and provincial officials in arguing that the country needs some kind of charge on carbon dioxide emissions to reflect the damage caused by the greenhouse gas. - 2008/04/12: GristMill: When does additionality matter? Part 4 - The carbon offset market needs additionality
- 2008/04/10: NEN: Is cap-and-trade a way to do well and do good?
- 2008/04/07: Rabble: Carbon offsets 101
- 2008/04/07: WorldChanging: Offsets Done Right
Meanwhile on the international political front:
- 2008/04/11: ABC(Au): Warm welcome for China-Aus climate partnership
- 2008/04/10: Guardian(UK): D1 Oils says US subsidies have forced it to shut UK refineries
And on the American political front:
- 2008/04/12: CSW: CDC House hearing witness Frumkin submits CDC Director Gerberding's previously censored testimony
- 2008/04/11: Yahoo: Calif. OKs think tank on global warming
- 2008/04/12: ThinkP: Self-proclaimed "Godfather of Green" now among the "Dirty Dozen."
- 2008/04/11: HillHeat: Senate Passes Ensign-Cantwell PTC Extension 88-8
- 2008/04/11: OilChange: Oil Firm and Green Groups Strike Deal [Santa Barbara County offshore]
- 2008/04/11: AutoBG: California air regulator linked to car and oil firms
- 2008/04/11: LA Times: Key air board member linked to car, oil firms
- 2008/04/08: GristMill: Lieberman-Warner is a mess - Climate Security Act could be worse than the 2007 energy bill
- 2008/04/09: WarmingLaw: Auto Insurers Contradict Their Peers (But Not Grover Norquist)
- 2008/04/09: WSJ:EnvCap: It Ain't Easy Legislating Green: California's Renewable Woes
- 2008/04/08: TP:WonkRoom: Maryland Global Warming Plan Killed By Job Loss Fears
- 2008/04/08: TruthOut: Opponents Say California Power Initiative Is Ill-Advised
- 2008/04/08: GristMill: Lieberman-Warner: bad idea - Greenpeace and FOE call Climate Security Act too limited; too slow
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: Kansas coal bill redux [a new coal plant bill, a new veto]
- 2008/04/08: WarmingLaw: Dingell's Patchwork Efforts at Preemption, Again
- 2008/04/07: ClimateP: George W. Bush: The President of Mars
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: The 2030 Blueprint - Solving climate change can save billions, boost the economy, and create jobs
EPA conflict continues:
- 2008/04/10: HillHeat: Nominee To Be EPA's Top Lawyer Embraces Unitary Executive Doctrine
- 2008/04/11: WarmingLaw: Don't Oust Me, Bro [EPA]
- 2008/04/11: WarmingLaw: Briefing Schedule in 9th Cir. Challenge to EPA Waiver Denial
- 2008/04/10: TP:WonkRoom: Nominee To Be EPA's Top Lawyer Embraces "Unitary Executive" Doctrine
- 2008/04/11: ThinkP: EPA's Johnson "Completey Rejects" The Claim He "Doesn't Listen" To His Staff
- 2008/04/10: WarmingLaw: Waxman Subpoenas, and Mocks, EPA Legal Follies
- 2008/04/09: HillHeat: House Republicans Ask Waxman to Investigate EPA (Staff)
- 2008/04/09: WarmingLaw: Republicans Ask Waxman to Investigate EPA Staff (Again)
- 2008/04/08: WSJ:EnvCap: EPA Ruckus: Republicans Accuse Agency Staff of Improper Lobbying on Greenhouse Gases
And while the Bush administration delays, the Automakers are busy lobbying:
- 2008/04/08: GristMill: Auto agitprop - Carmakers take anti-Cali talking points to 'Blue Dog' House Democrats
- 2008/04/07: WSJ:EnvCap: Fuel Fight: Detroit Disses California's Carbon Crusade
- 2008/04/07: AutoBG: Auto Alliance lobbying state legislatures in CO2 fight
Regarding Bloomberg's rejected congestion pricing plan for NYC:
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: Machiavelli meets the Big Apple - Ten reasons NYC's congestion pricing plan went belly up
- 2008/04/08: C411: For Now, No Congestion Pricing in NYC
- 2008/04/08: WSJ:EnvCap: All Congested: NYC Pricing Plan Torpedoed
- 2008/04/08: AutoBG: Congestion pricing for NYC dead for now
- 2008/04/07: BBC: New York's state assembly blocks Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plan to ease Manhattan gridlock with a congestion charge
- 2008/04/07: DotEarth: Think Globally, Squabble Locally [NYC congestion-pricing]
- 2008/04/07: NYT:CityRoom: Congestion Pricing Plan Is Dead, Assembly Speaker Says
One hears a lot about the campaign(s), not much about climate:
- 2008/04/09: CJR: Candidates Decline Science Debate
- 2008/04/08: CSM: How green is your presidential candidate? Who they'd appoint as judges may matter most
- 2008/04/08: WarmingLaw: Climate Preemption, the Supreme Court, and the 2008 Election
- 2008/04/07: NewsWeek: Just the Tree of Us
- 2008/04/07: TP:WonkRoom: McCain Is Closer To Bush, Not Democrats, on Global Warming
The Gore-apalooza is still bopping along:
- 2008/04/10: Maribo: [video] The new Al Gore presentation
- 2008/04/11: QuarkSoup: Gore and the Press -- a really dumb move on Al Gore's part - banning the press
- 2008/04/09: CSM: Gore launches climate change ad campaign
- 2008/04/07: WorldChanging: Can We Solve It Like This? Why the We Campaign Needs Change
- 2008/04/08: Yahoo: Gore convinced US will sign up to new climate treaty in 2009
- 2008/04/06: WorldChanging: Al Gore's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture
- 2008/03/29: LANTA: Gore's Law
- 2008/04/06: DeSmogBlog: In Search of Al Gore; In Search of Inspiration
- 2008/04/09: GristMill: [video] Al Gore at TED
While in the UK:
- 2008/04/13: AutoBG: London's Congestion Charge will increase CO2 emissions?
- 2008/04/13: Guardian(UK): [UK Chancellor Alistair] Darling calls for urgent review of biofuel policies
- 2008/04/11: Yahoo: Market alone can't halt CO2 emissions: British climate official
A top British climate change official backed an embattled European Union scheme Friday to tax industrial carbon emissions, but also allowed for exceptions in highly competitive sectors. Adair Turner, the newly-appointed head of Britain's Climate Change Committee, also expressed skepticism toward the reliance on industry-wide agreements and new technology favoured by the United States for reducing the greenhouse gases that drive global warning. "My commission and the British government are in favour of moving quite fast in auctioning the permits [to emit CO2] rather than giving them away for free," as is currently done, he told business leaders and journalists in Paris - 2008/04/09: Guardian(UK): Mystery over who hired mole to dig dirt on Plane Stupid's environment activists
- 2008/04/09: Guardian(UK): Plane Stupid and the spy who got thrown out into the cold
- 2008/04/09: Guardian(UK): Centre of attention [London's mayoral candidates]
- 2008/04/08: inel: Renewable energy is a critical factor in reducing climate change: Houghton Monbiot debate at Prifysgol Aberystwyth Uni 15 April 2008
- 2008/04/08: OilChange: [Plane Stupid] Spy was "More Austin Powers than 007"
- 2008/04/07: Guardian(UK): Funding for clean-up of nuclear sites is unsustainable, say MPs
And in Europe:
- 2008/04/11: AutoBG: Germany, France still far from agreeing on CO2 rules
- 2008/04/10: AutoBG: France, Germany working on CO2 agreement [how new low-CO2 legislation should be instituted]
- 2008/04/08: Guardian(UK): Germany drops 'roadmap to biofuels' for cars
The German government has been forced into an embarrassing climbdown over its plans to lead a worldwide biofuels revolution on the roads after the discovery that too many cars would be unable to run on the proposed ethanol-petrol mix. - 2008/04/07: EUO: EU biofuel sustainability criteria too weak, say green groups
The EU ETS is good for some people. I think we can expect a fuss:
- 2008/04/07: Guardian(UK): CO2 trade [EU ETS] to bring 57bn pound windfall
- 2008/04/07: EUO: Emissions trading giving EU power companies huge windfall profits
- 2008/04/07: WWF: EU carbon market sets up another round of windfall profits for dirtiest power generators
- 2008/04/07: WSJ:EnvCap: The $100 Billion Windfall: Why [EU] Utilities Love Cap-and-Trade
- 2008/04/07: BBC: EU [ETS] 'windfall for power companies'
Europe's big power companies could make profits of up to 71bn euros (£56bn) from the EU's scheme to curb carbon emissions, according to a report. Environment group WWF says the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which allocates firms a fixed number of free carbon permits, does not work. It says the high level of free handouts benefits German generators most of all, despite their reliance on coal. The EU wants to scrap the use of free permits in the power sector after 2012. - 2008/04/11: TruthOut: Shell Warns Europe on Emissions Permits
Meanwhile in Australia:
- 2008/04/08: GWWatch: I'd love to have a beer with Brendan...
- 2008/04/10: OLO: Wither peak oil at Rudd's 2020 Summit?
- 2008/04/12: SMH: Millions down drain in wetlands battle - Water use continues to spin unsustainably out of control in the troubled Murray-Darling Basin...
- 2008/04/11: ABC(Au): Climate change hot topic at youth 2020 summits
- 2008/04/10: SMH: [NSW Premier Morris] Iemma gears up for ethanol boost
- 2008/04/09: ABC(Au): Greens air carbon storage fears
The Australian Greens have criticised the Federal Government for focusing on carbon capture and storage technology. - The Government launched a carbon storage trial project in Victoria's south-west last week. The Victorian Government also plans to store carbon underground at several sites in the Gippsland Basin, including Bass Strait. The Greens' spokeswoman for climate change, Christine Milne, says carbon storage has huge legal implications if it leaks out. She says such major concerns have not been addressed by governments and the practice is unsustainable - 2008/04/08: ABC(Au): No climate change link to poor south coast rainfall: DEC
- 2008/04/08: ABC(Au): Forum hears climate change to affect all Qlders
- 2008/04/08: ABC(Au): Climate change Minister Wong to join Rudd on China tour
In Canada, minority neocon PM Harper, continues his do-nothing policy:
- 2008/04/12: G&M: Harper cabinet absent at Arctic conference
- 2008/04/07: CD: A Memo to John Baird on Carbon Capture and Storage
- 2008/04/09: CanWest: Secret deal: Canadian cars to follow Calif. pollution standards
Canadian car manufacturers already have agreed to work toward achieving California's clean environmental standards that require a 30 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from their fleet by 2016, according to a secret Environment Canada document prepared less than a year after the Harper government was sworn in. The memorandum, released to Canwest News Service under the Access to Information Act, said the industry would be on track for California's "stringent greenhouse gas emissions regulations" if they met the commitment they made under a voluntary agreement signed with Canada's previous Liberal government. - 2008/04/09: ScottsDiatribe: Listen live to the Cons. filibuster of Bill C377! [Climate Change Accountability Act]
The Tories have put a hold on the RadarSat2 sale for now:
- 2008/04/13: TSun: Off the space race pace - Stopping the sale of MDA to the Americans won't save our wounded aerospace program
- 2008/04/10: Impolitical: No on MDA sale, for now
- 2008/04/10: CBC: Federal government blocks sale of MDA space division
- 2008/04/10: G&M: Ottawa rejects [RadarSat2] space firm's sale to U.S.
No 'net benefit' for Canada if MDA Corp. is sold to foreign owners, Prentice says of unprecedented stand against Alliant takeover - 2008/04/09: CanWest: Second committee to investigate sale of Radarsat
- 2008/04/06: CBC: NDP may go to court in bid to block MDA satellite sale
Manitoba has set forth a Kyoto embracing bill:
- 2008/04/12: G&M: Targets to be enshrined in law - Manitoba's Kyoto bill will be a first in Canada
- 2008/04/11: CBC: Manitoba bill targets Kyoto commitment
- 2008/04/11: CBC: Critics find little to cheer in Manitoba's carbon tax
BC is still wrangling over its climate change legislation:
- 2008/04/08: CanWest: Carbon tax worries cement makers
British Columbia's plans for fighting climate change could pose "a significant threat" to domestic cement producers, who fear that new carbon taxes and greenhouse gas emission caps will give offshore competitors a huge price advantage in local markets. - 2008/04/11: KSJT: KQED-FM, Vancouver Sun: Cement - perhaps the carbon spotlight will soon turn on it, too
- 2008/04/10: DeSmogBlog: BC Bill Provides "Privacy for Polluters"
- 2008/04/10: CanWest: Carbon trading secrecy benefits corporations at public's expense [BC]
- 2008/04/10: CanWest: Cap-and-trade bill gives cabinet a blank cheque
- 2008/04/10: CanWest: Green laws hide too much
The Liberal government's ambitious program to make British Columbia a world leader in the battle against climate change has understandably made a lot of people nervous about its effects on their industry and the provincial economy. Two bills now before the legislature provide the framework, but not the all-important details for two legs of the provincial strategy. One, as described in the editorial above, enables the regulation of a cap-and- trade system to limit emissions from major industrial sources. The other allows the government to insist on greener fuels. It's natural at this point in a major new undertaking that there will be some uncertainty given the stakes, just as it is crucial that the government be ready to make adjustments in the face of unintended consequences. But a clause common to the two bills creates unnecessary concern by going to ridiculous lengths to shield government dealings with private companies from public scrutiny. - 2008/04/10: CanWest: Cap-and-trade law can't have any loopholes
- 2008/04/10: CanWest: It's time to pay up - Public policies based on voluntarily reducing carbon emissions have failed to change behaviour [Mark Jaccard]
- 2008/04/09: CanWest: 'Secrecy' in climate-change law under fire - Legislation would encroach on freedom of information, privacy commissioner says
The tricky & difficult question of the tar sands looms:
- 2008/04/10: EnergyDaily: Demand For Oil Sands Is Expected To Reach 10 Million bbl In 2008
- 2008/04/10: CBC: Alberta tweaks royalty framework
- 2008/04/08: OilChange: Alberta's Oil Sands: "No Missing Billions" [in royalties]
And then there is the miscellaneous Canadiana:
- 2008/04/11: OilChange: Canada has a New Oil Hot Spot [Sask]
- 2008/04/10: CBC: O'Leary pitches for [PEI] climate change centre
- 2008/04/06: Canoe: Liberals mulling 'green mortgage' plan as election platform plank
Homeowners would get a break on their mortgages for upgrading houses to use less energy, under a plan the Opposition Liberals are considering for the next election. So-called green mortgages could help the party deliver a comprehensive platform on the environment, the issue Leader Stephane Dion said last week will dominate the campaign. - 2008/04/12: CrTimber: The sustainability of improving living standards
- 2008/04/11: EM: Coming Ecological Collapse: Failing Ecosystems the Mother of All Bubbles
IPAT [Impact = Population * Affluence * Technology] raised its head once again:
- 2008/04/07: BWeek: The Age of Scarcity? Rising populations. Skyrocketing commodity prices. Strains on natural resources. Is this our Malthusian moment?
Apocalypso anyone?
- 2008/04/11: CasaubonsBook: The Bad, the Worse and the Seriously Ugly
- 2008/04/08: BCLSB: Fermi's Paradox And Global Warming
As for how the media handles the science of climatology:
- 2008/04/11: MTobis: More Fun with Dot Earth
- 2008/04/08: NatureTGB: Heated row over cooling article
- 2008/04/07: Guardian(UK): Striking a balance on climate warnings - Are doom and gloom assessments on climate change helpful or harmful?
Joe goes over the top:
- 2008/04/13: ClimateP: The Great Ice Age of 2008 is finally over -- next stop Venus!
Wrestling over a new energy infrastructure continues unabated:
- 2008/04/13: TreeHugger: First Commercial Scale Tidal Energy Turbine Installed off of Ireland
- 2008/04/13: TreeHugger: Solar4Schools Completes 50th PV Installation
- 2008/04/12: AutoBG: CO2 captured to feed biodiesel-producing algae
- 2008/04/10: EnvFin: Iberdrola becomes leading wind energy generator
- 2008/04/12: Pogge: The Clean Energy Scam
- 2008/04/11: NEN: Chevron to build Wyoming wind
- 2008/04/11: WSJ:EnvCap: GE: Energy "Is Going to Be Our Horse"
- 2008/04/10: AutoBG: Decline in U.S. summer gas use expected for first time in 17 years
- 2008/04/09: WSJ:EnvCap: EIA Says $100 Oil "New Norm"
- 2008/04/08: WorldChanging: Innovative Water Heater: The Magic of Heat Pumps
- 2008/04/08: TreeHugger: The Electric Bill That Makes You Smile
- 2008/04/08: C411: Investment in Clean Energy is Cheaper than the Alternative
- 2008/04/08: OilDrum: EROI on the Web part 2 of 5, (Provisional Results Summary, Imported Oil, Natural Gas)
- 2008/04/08: NEN: Through a Dark Glass at Natural Gas: Nimby Bypass
- 2008/04/07: AfterGutenberg: For High-Performance Anode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries
- 2008/04/07: TEB: Nanomaterial Turns Radiation Directly into Electricity
- 2008/04/07: NEN: The ultimate new energy? [algae]
- 2008/04/08: Xinhuanet: China to consume 63% more oil in 2020 compared with 2006
Meanwhile among the solar afficionados:
- 2008/04/08: FuturePundit: CalTech Prof Sees 10 Years Till Competitive Solar Energy
- 2008/04/11: ABC(Au): Aust, China may build world's largest solar city
- 2008/04/11: Grist: We Built This SolarCity - Entrepreneur Lyndon Rive wants to solarize your house for a low, low price
- 2008/04/11: NEN: Jersey utility to finance solar
- 2008/04/10: ClimateP: Do we need a massive government program to generate breakthroughs to make solar energy cost-competitive?
- 2008/04/10: TreeHugger: Doubling the Efficiency of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
- 2008/04/10: SciDaily: Future Of Solar-powered Houses Is Clear: New Windows Could Halve Carbon Emissions
- 2008/04/09: QUT: The future of solar-powered houses is clear
- 2008/04/10: NEN: Sun rising on Minnesota and local solar hero
- 2008/04/08: ENN: Expert foresees 10 more years of R&D to make solar energy competitive [H2]
The arithmetic of coal carbon is striking home:
- 2008/04/12: ClimateP: A Simple Proposal: A Coal Power Non-Proliferation Treaty
- 2008/04/12: PhysOrg: Homeowners Feel Heat in West Coal Boom
- 2008/04/10: ABC(Au): NSW Govt grants $100m for clean coal research
- 2008/04/10: ABC(Au): Qld, Wyoming join forces on clean coal technology
- 2008/04/10: GristMill: Having naan of it - India's 4,000 MW coal plant is a bad answer to electricity woes
- 2008/04/10: DeSmogBlog: World Bank group loans India $450 million for massive coal-power project
- 2008/04/09: TruthOut: Green Groups Oppose World Bank's India Coal Plant
- 2008/04/09: DotEarth: Money for India's "Ultra Mega" Coal Plants Approved [by World Bank's International Finance Corporation]
- 2008/04/08: GristMill: Out of the frying pan ... Dynegy targeted by Sierra Club in new anti-coal campaign
- 2008/04/09: EnergyDaily: Coal Plant Construction Presents A Low-Cost Option
- 2008/04/09: TreeHugger: A Long Year in the Life of the U.S. Coal Industry
- 2008/04/08: ClimateP: Is the World Bank Coal-fused?
- 2008/04/08: ABC(Au): Critics turn up heat on clean coal claims
- 2008/04/08: PeakEnergy: The Surging Coal Price
- 2008/04/08: WSJ:EnvCap: Coal's Woes: Costs Just Keep Climbing
- 2008/04/08: TEB: The Beginning of the End for Coal
- 2008/04/07: DotEarth: $100 Oil = Liquid Coal = ?
Biofuel bickering abounds:
- 2008/04/11: AutoBG: Comprehensive list of biodiesel myths dispelled
- 2008/04/09: NatureN: Advanced biofuels face an uncertain future - Aggressive US mandate may do more harm than good
- 2008/04/09: Eureka: How sweet it is: 'Revolutionary' process points to sugar-fueled cars
- 2008/04/08: NewScientist: Biofuel corn makes cow bug enzyme to digest itself
- 2008/04/07: GristMill: Worse than coal - Industrial agrofuels: enemy of the entire planet
The nuclear energy controversy continues:
- 2008/04/10: EnvFin: Aon warns of supply risk for UK nuclear
- 2008/04/10: Guardian(UK): Westinghouse wins first US nuclear deal in 30 years - Toshiba-owned firm will build two reactors
Yes we have a peak oil sighting:
- 2008/04/10: EnergyBulletin: The peak oil crisis: The first shortages
And then there is the matter of efficiency & conservation:
- 2008/04/11: TreeHugger: We Love Our Gorebulbs!
Automakers & lawyers, engineers & activists argue over the future of the car:
- 2008/04/09: TreeHugger: Compacts and Hybrid Cars Becoming More Popular in the USA
- 2008/04/09: WSJ:EnvCap: Ford Details Emissions Reduction Targets
- 2008/04/09: AutoBG: Toyota: Plug-in hybrids can't halve CO2
- 2008/04/08: BBerg: China's Car Sales Rose 24% in March on New Models
- 2008/04/08: AutoBG: Sales of GM hybrids almost non-existent in first quarter
The reaction of business to climate change will be critical:
- 2008/04/09: CarbonFinance: World Bank recalibrates climate investment funds
- 2008/04/12: SMH: Go green, retailers, or go by the way
The carbon lobby are up to the usual:
- 2008/04/13: CanWest: Biofuels nothing short of disaster - Environmentalists to blame as emissions worsen, world's poor starve [Gunter]
- 2008/04/12: ERabett: The sins of the fathers
- 2008/04/12: Deltoid: Denialists Against Corrections
- 2008/04/12: TreeHugger: Exposed: Private Security Firms Caught Dumpster Diving and Spying on Environmental Groups
- 2008/04/09: TEB: Climate Change Confirmed but Global Warming is Cancelled
- 2008/04/12: AutoBG: Big Oil launches counteroffensive
- 2008/04/11: MoJo: Cops and Former Secret Service Agents Ran Black Ops on Green Groups
- 2008/04/11: GristMill: MoJo uncovers the eco-spies
- 2008/04/11: TP:WonkRoom: Exxon Spends More On Its CEO Than It Does On Renewables
- 2008/04/10: DeSmogBlog: Bjorn Lomborg and the Anti-Climate Crowd
- 2008/04/08: Atmoz: Update to A Guest Weblog by Christopher Monckton at
- 2008/04/09: Deltoid: The Australian's War on Science X
- 2008/04/09: TreeHugger: Outsourcing the Climate Skeptics
- 2008/04/09: WarmingLaw: Astroturfing is Bad for the Climate, and the Law
- 2008/04/08: DeSmogBlog: Wall Street Journal Ignores the Financial Risks of Coal
- 2008/04/08: DeSmogBlog: A Reading List for the Narrowminded
- 2008/04/07: USATodayB: Expert [William Gray]: "We're brainwashing our children" about global warming
- 2008/04/07: Tamino: How Not to Analyze Data, part 4
- 2008/04/07: Deltoid: AGW: A commie plot
- 2008/04/07: GRC: Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze - Global warming hoax exposed by record global cold
A US high school textbook espouses denialist talking points. Is anyone surprised?
- 2008/04/12: ThinkP: Houghton Mifflin offers misleading defense for climate-denier high school textbook
- 2008/04/11: TP:WonkRoom: American Government Textbook References A Rogue's Gallery Of Climate Deniers
- 2008/04/11: NatureCF: Don't know much about history, don't know much about the IPCC
- 2008/04/10: DotEarth: A Textbook Case of Downplaying Global Warming?
- 2008/04/11: DeSmogBlog: A Textbook Case of Global Warming Denial in New Jersey
- 2008/04/08: Google:AP: Student Sees Problems With H.S. Text [the book's treatment of global warming]
- 2008/04/09: TP:WonkRoom: Student Outs "Faith-Based" Climate Denier Textbook
- 2008/04/09: ThinkP: [US] School textbook spouts global warming myths
Then there was the usual news and commentary:
- 2008/04/11: DotEarth: Can People Have Meat and a Planet, Too?
- 2008/04/09: BSD: Tort liability of climate polluters for climate-related monitoring and preventive costs
- 2008/04/11: DeSmogBlog: Indigenous peoples seek key role in global climate talks
- 2008/04/11: OLJ: Hope is for suckers
- 2008/04/08: QuarkSoup: Global Warming is Back
- 2008/04/10: ENN: Climate change rises on World Bank agenda
- 2008/04/09: Guardian(UK): Greensburg, Kansas -- From natural disaster to green revolution
- 2008/04/09: Tamino: Summer Snow
- 2008/04/09: KSJT: Boston Globe: Profile of a witness to climate change
- 2008/04/09: CSW: Bill Moyers speech on receiving 2008 Ridenhour Courage Prize
- 2008/04/09: NEN: Can't wait for markets to build tomorrow
- 2008/04/08: Atmoz: Using Color Contours to Improve Public Interpretation of the Temperature Record
- 2008/04/07: TerraDaily: WHO faces up to climate change in sixtieth anniversary year
- 2008/04/06: MyDD: The Terrible State of Adult Activism
- 2008/04/07: TruthOut: A Shift in the Debate Over Global Warming
- 2008/04/06: MTobis: Global Change - Global warming is only a piece of the puzzle
- 2008/04/06: Stoat: What might you make of it? []
- 2008/04/06: DeSmogBlog: Statement: Coming to a Politician Near You
- 2008/04/07: TMoS: First the Good News, Then the Bad News on Global Warming
- 2008/04/06: NYT: A Shift in the Debate Over Global Warming
- 2008/04/07: SMH: Population lost in the global debate
And here are a couple of sites you may find interesting and/or useful:
- EM: Earth Meanders
- Reuters: Agflation
- Wiki: Ecological economics
- IAASTD: International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development
- Purdue: The Hestia Project
- Purdue: The Vulcan Project
- NEN: New Energy News
- CTW: Carbon Trade Watch
- PEARL: Paleoecological Environmental Assessment and Research Laboratory
- Stefan Rahmstorf - List of Publications
- GCI: Global Commons Institute
- EDGAR: Emission Database for Global Atmospheric Research
- Plausible Futures
- PNT: Post-Normal Times
The food crisis has broken through to the mainstream media:
Always interesting posts from RealClimate:
Elsewhere on the mitigation front:
The debate over the optimal strategy [carbon trading, carbon offsets, auction vs. allocation, and/or a carbon tax] to use in dealing with GHGs continues:
Now this is a cute maneuver. Does the phrase 'perceived entitlement' ring a bell?
The Tories are filibustering in committee?
The movement toward a long term ecologically viable economics is glacial:
Low Key Plug
My first novel Water was published in Canada May, 2007. The American release was in October. An Introductionto the novel is available, along with the Unpublished Forewordand the Launch Talk. An overview of my writing is available here.
P.S. Recent postings can be found in the week archive and the ancient postings can be accessed here, which should open to this.
"Because CO2 capture and storage adds costs and yields no revenues, government action is needed to support and stimulate investment quickly on a scale large enough to affect global emissions." -Shell CEO Jeroen van der Veer
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