Carnival roundup

Here are some good blog carnivals today:

Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 33 is up over at fellow SB'er's place, Aetiology, and it's a big one. This carnival just keeps getting bigger and better. (It's also too much to read in one sitting.)

RINO Sightings has been posted over at the Environmental Republican.

And, better late than never, I noticed that Pediatric Grand Rounds has been posted over at Unintelligent Design.


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Because I'm lame, I'm posting plugs for these carnivals one to two days late: 1. Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 34 2. History Carnival #31 3. RINO Sightings: The 39th Birthday Blues Edition
Grand Rounds, no. 2, vol. 38 has been posted at the Haversian Canal. Get your medblogging fix for the week there. Also, a belated shout-out to yesterday's RINO Sightings at Tinkery Tonk: You've Got Questions, We've Got Answers.
Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 36 has been posted at Kidney Notes. Go forth and check out the best medical blogging from the last week. Geez, I was so busy last week on call that I forgot to submit an entry. While we're at it, here's a belated plug for a special Memorial Day edition of RINO Sightings.
Two of my favorite blog carnivals have made their regular appearance today: The History Carnival #58 (hosted by fellow ScienceBlogger Aardvarchaeology) Grand Rounds, vol. 4, no. 7 Go forth and enjoy!