The 34th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle: Critical Thinking Crystallized

This time around, the latest meeting of the Skeptics' Circle comes to us from down under. EoR, who, despite being "rather sad and boggy," always perks up when it's time to debunk the claims of pseudoscience or New Age woo, brings us the 34th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle via the Wonderful World of Crystals:

Eor surveys the Wonderful World of Crystals, and receives some interesting etheric vibrations as a result. By applying the higher vibrational properties of these gems to his chakras he received contact with various arcane and occult information previously only held in the Akashic archives. As the world moves into a new quantum consciousness paradigm, where science has now conclusively proven the existence of qi, water memory, ghosts and fluffy blue rectal fairies, this information can now be released publicly. Om.

As usual, there's a lot of great stuff there, but somehow I ended up being rhodochrosite.

Next up is a stalwart supporter of the Skeptics' Circle since the very beginning and an influence on my blogging since I first became aware of him, Skeptico. He was not blogging much for a while, but now he's back and, to my delight, taking on the charlatan John Edwards again. So, start thinking of suitable subjects that deserve a healthy application of skepticism and critical thinking, send your entries to by May 24, and join Skeptico for the 35th Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle on Thursday, May 25. The schedule for future Circles and the guidelines for submissions can be found here.


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