The first Skeptics' Circle of the New Year

New Years Day is almost upon us, and soon 2006 will be history. It's been a great year for the Skeptics' Circle, with some truly creative and entertaining takes on what, nearing the end of its second year of existence, has become almost a venerable institution. (Two years is almost ancient by the standards of the blogosphere, you know.)

In any case, it just so happens that the very first Skeptics' Circle of 2007 (the 51st Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle) will be hosted at See You at Enceladus on Thursday, January 4, 2007. The guidelines for submissions and schedule of past and future Circles can be found here, and Babbler has posted submission instructions and the deadline for this upcoming Circle here.

And, as always, if you think you have what it takes to host a Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle at your own blog, take a gander at these guidelines for hosting and then drop me a line at We're looking for a few good hosts (or 26 hosts per year, anyway).

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