Chiropractors scrambling to cover their tracks

It looks like an admission of guilt to me. The McTimoney Association, a British chiropractic group, has sent out mail to its members urging them to immediately shut down all of their websites. Why? Because, as a result of the Simon Singh fracas, people are becoming aware that chiropractors are making "claims for treatment that cannot be substantiated with … research", so they're trying to make the quackery go away fast. (By the way, my ellipsis removed the word "chiropractic"; I would not trust chiropractic research, but they can't even provide that). It's a hilarious message — they flat out admit that common claims made on chiropractic websites put them at risk for prosecution.

About time! Now we just need something to trigger American watchdog groups to clamp down on the quacks over here.

(via Phil Plait)


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