A miracle!

A young man in Kansas had a traumatic event in his life. Here's a simple outline of what happened.

Chase Kear has a serious accident, fracturing his skull.

Bystanders call for emergency medical help on their phones.

Doctors arrive in a helicopter.

Doctors administer emergency care.

Helicopter arrives at hospital; doctors take him into surgery.

Surgeons remove portion of his skull to protect his brain from swelling.

Kear is treated with antibiotics to prevent infections.

Swelling reduces, doctors restore Kear's skull.

Bystanders pray.

Family prays.

Family prays.

Family asks for the last rites to be administered to Kear.

Family prays.

Family prays.

Family prays.

Family prays.

Kear survives, is rehabilited, and seems to be making a full recovery.

There are two ways of looking at this event. You either look at all the hard work that was put into saving Kear and helping him recover (the left column), or you ignore all that and pretend it was a group of people sitting around with folded hands who magically prodded an invisible man to do indetectable things that saved him (the right column). The latter view is now prompting the Catholic Church to send in a team of 'investigators' to determine whether Kear's recovery was a miracle.

You should see me right now. I turned water into iced tea this morning, and right now I'm levitating a glass of the stuff with the power of my mind. Please ignore the contributions of the Lipton company, and the fact that I'm also using my left hand to hold up the glass, and canonize me. Oh, wait…I feel another magical transformation coming on. Let me submit this post (Huzzah! I affect electrons thousands of miles away!) and teleport myself to the bathroom. I expect emissaries from the Vatican to be at the door by the time I get back.


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